I'm okay...just chillin', Joel wants me close by
No, don't think so - I'm not sure what's going on with Abby. Stomach stuff, drainage, extremely tired, lack of appetite. I really think she needs some testing - it seems more chronic than anything, and I'm getting more concerned.
Fifth disease starts off like a cold w/ a low-grade fever, then a few days later they get flushed cheeks that feel very warm. After that, they are no longer contagious, but can develop a rash on their arms or legs, that gets aggravated after a warm bath. Joel had it when he was a baby, although we didn't know what it was called at the time. The school nurse sent a note home the other that it was going around. He doesn't seem to have the fever, though, so I'm hoping it's just a bad cold. He's Mr. Fussypants though.