It's Worth A try....


New Member
Original Poster
Hey everyone, i have no where and no one else to ask so i thought i would give here a try. I am going to WDW aug1-8 and am going with my family and there friends are meeting us down there. One problem there friends don't go on rides and are not reallly going to be going to the parks. Quoting them they just wanna go to seaworld and shop !! I DONT WANNA DO THIS. my parents are being dumb and staying with them most ofthe time. so this leaves me going to the Parks by myself. Something i have never done. I will feel kinda weird doing it and was wondering. would anyone mind a 16yrold guy hanging around with them in the parks.i just dont wanna be in the parks alone. I dont know whats going through my parents heads. it seems to me they lost there love for disney. i know i sure haven't and rather be in the parks day after day than going to the outlets or seasworld. so if anyone would be intrested email me at or just leave a message in this thread
Thanks Frank


not so weird...

Man, you know, if you were going in Jan to Feb, my wife and her family is going as well, and she has a sister who is going on 18, and who never brings a guest. So my wife and myself, take her to a park one out of the 6 days we go. You know it would be awesome to add a fourth.... (and to any concerned parents out there... I would make sure that he treated her like a lady!) I don't think one day or two would be so bad... it's always nice to have a 4th, even numbers usually work best on the average ride!

I don't think it would be so well... maybe you could buy everyone a little lunch, or a cold drink during the day to sweeten the pot!

Good luck finding someone to enjoy the magic with!


Well-Known Member
why dont you go around the parks by yourself thats what i did and it was the best. there was no-one argueing, making a show of you, debating what rides to go on, holding me back. i even went on rock and rollercoaster by myself - which i thought was really brave of me seems every time ive been on it was with someone. im doing it again going around ALL the parks by myself- it is one of the best things and times i have had in my life. even the water parks and downtown disney i went by myself coz i wont let anyone hold me back. plus you can go in the single riders queues. and cast members are more talkative to you. plus when i was sitting infront of the castle for cinderellabration i was talking to an aussie and american family and this woman took me to a story time with belle while her husband minded our seats and everone on the rides talks to you ie the kali river rapids. just try it and i am positive you will have a better time. i dont know if you like doing this but you can take your time walking around the parks and looking in the shops. its great fun going around the parks by yourself.

have fun.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes going by yourself does get lonely. At times it does. I have traveled to Disneyland and Walt Disney World many times by myself. It doesn't mean you can't have fun or that you won't have fun. If the decision comes to going by yourself or not going at all, I suggest that you go to WDW.

As the previous poster said, you have the time to do what you want and see what you want. If you want to see characters, then you can see characters. If you want to see shows, then you can see the shows. The cast members will give you attention and alot of them will go the extra mile to make sure you have fun while you are there. I say go and enjoy yourself. Don't let other people's ideas about traveling alone persuade you not to go.


Active Member
Man...... I feel for ya.
If my wife and I were gonna be there at that time, I'd be glad to have you join us at the parks. But, we won't be there.
Now, there is an advantage you have...... The single riders line.
Heck, I wish I could have gone alone at that age.


I've always wonderd what it would be like to go on my self.

In my own thoughts i would quite like to try it actully.

Example: We get into the Magic Kingdom and Family wants to run of to get fastpasses for Splash Mountain and go on Big Thunder while we wait.

Example: We get into Epcot and Family wants to run off and get fastpasses for Test Track and go on Mission: Space while we wait.

In both of these situations i would prefer it to be much more relaxed, i mean for christs sake the park is open till like 11-12, there's no need to be running around rushing to rides cos you will be finshed by like 4-5PM which we was.

I would prefer to take each land as it comes, starting off at Tommorow land and working my way round rather than just running of to certain rides, this is why i find the idea of going on my own intriguing and one day i will try it out when i have the money.

Plus it would give me time to admire all the little details of Disney where as in other situations i would be talking and laughing with freinds and familiy.

There are some things though, company is always nice, and i like seeing what other people think of things, such as if i love Disney, i wanna see what my freind thinks of it and try and convert him to like it to, and eating on your own in a public place will always feel weird to me.


New Member
MissionTestTrac said:
Hey everyone, i have no where and no one else to ask so i thought i would give here a try. I am going to WDW aug1-8 and am going with my family and there friends are meeting us down there. One problem there friends don't go on rides and are not reallly going to be going to the parks. Quoting them they just wanna go to seaworld and shop !! I DONT WANNA DO THIS. my parents are being dumb and staying with them most ofthe time. so this leaves me going to the Parks by myself. Something i have never done. I will feel kinda weird doing it and was wondering. would anyone mind a 16yrold guy hanging around with them in the parks.i just dont wanna be in the parks alone. I dont know whats going through my parents heads. it seems to me they lost there love for disney. i know i sure haven't and rather be in the parks day after day than going to the outlets or seasworld. so if anyone would be intrested email or just leave a message in this thread
Thanks Frank

i spend 90 percent of my of my time alone, and 5% with family in the parks and 5% of my time eating/sleeping with my relatives. its not weird, maybe you can convince them to let you bring a friend, but don't feel weird, i see 16 17 18 year olds by thmeselves at disney all of the time.


Active Member
Last year Mrs. Diveteam as not felling very well and wanted to just sleep all day, so that left me with two options, either sit in the room all day quietly or go to the parks by myself, I decided on the latter. At first I felt a bit awkward walking around MGM by myself, but I soon got use to it and quite enjoyed myself.

It give you a chance to go on the rides you want when you want, stop to eat when you want and chat to cast members that you nrmally don't get chance to do.



Well-Known Member
forgot to add this i forgot how long you where going for but what i did was: i went to epcot and went on the rides then a couple of days later i went around the countries by myself and i was so relaxing and quiet coz my sister wasnt there or my family argueing about something. when i came home i told them that i couldnt go back to wdw with them as i enjoyed it by myself coz i got to do whatever i wanted and when i wanted. theres no shame in going by yourself-its better.


New Member
It's too bad no one in your group wants to go to Disney! I bet if you went into the single-rider lines a few times, you might be able to meet someone about your age who is doing the parks without his/her parents. I'm assuming you're a fan of Mission: Space and Test Track...if you met someone in one of those lines, I bet you'd have similar ride interests. Good luck!


New Member
Original Poster
Thanks everyone for your input.. I guess i will have to try it on my own. it does'nt seem that bad. i was just wondering maybe if someone was gunna be down there same time o well thanks again! Keep the suggestons coming, and if you will be down there


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your family not wanting to go to Disney. I would be upset to. On some occassions i have stayed at the park by myself while my family went back to the hotel but never for a whole day at a time. It wasnt bad for the few hours. Sorry i could not be there to keep company.


New Member
MissionTestTrac said:
No problem i just wish things could have been different for me

trust me, its a heck of alot better going by yourself, at times it does get a little boring, but talk to people in line/on the monorail, ect, you will be surprised at the people you meet. i once met an ex imagineer that is now working for universal.
like i said, would it be at all possible to bring a friend, it is alot more fun than being with your parents ALL the time.


Well-Known Member
There is a positive side to going by yourself - make full use of the single rider line which will save time.
On the other hand, if you're looking for someone to go with or hang around with I hope that you're successfull


Well-Known Member
MissionTestTrac said:
Hey everyone, i have no where and no one else to ask so i thought i would give here a try. I am going to WDW aug1-8 and am going with my family and there friends are meeting us down there. One problem there friends don't go on rides and are not reallly going to be going to the parks. Quoting them they just wanna go to seaworld and shop !! I DONT WANNA DO THIS. my parents are being dumb and staying with them most ofthe time. so this leaves me going to the Parks by myself. Something i have never done. I will feel kinda weird doing it and was wondering. would anyone mind a 16yrold guy hanging around with them in the parks.i just dont wanna be in the parks alone. I dont know whats going through my parents heads. it seems to me they lost there love for disney. i know i sure haven't and rather be in the parks day after day than going to the outlets or seasworld. so if anyone would be intrested email me at or just leave a message in this thread
Thanks Frank

Keep in mind this is the internet, and not everyone is as innocent as they seem. I could go on and on about this, many have in previous occassions, all I'm going to say is, if you're going to meet someone from here or anywhere else on the internet use caution.

*whispers* There are weirdos out there...:lookaroun the parks on your own...and HAVE FUN! :D


New Member
objr said:
Keep in mind this is the internet, and not everyone is as innocent as they seem. I could go on and on about this, many have in previous occassions, all I'm going to say is, if you're going to meet someone from here or anywhere else on the internet use caution.

*whispers* There are weirdos out there...:lookaroun the parks on your own...and HAVE FUN! :D

I was just going to mention this exact point! While I haven't seen any evidence to suggest anyone on this board has bad intentions, just be careful and realize that anyone on this (or any other message board) could be posing as something they aren't. Unfortunately, not everyone is as nice and safe as they state.

Definately consider going by yourself. I was a CM on the college program in 1997 and as a result, most of those CM's are down in Florida without a car and they don't have a bunch of money. Often, the only really fun thing to do on a day off was to visit the theme parks since we could get in for free. Many times, you're off by yourself because all your other college program friends are working or something...

Personally, I loved to sit down here and there and just watch what happened around me. I loved to watch the people and all the little details.

My favorite was to go to the Disney-MGM Studios and look for the "Streetmosphere" people. I would sit down and watch these special CM's interact with guests and I would get such a kick out of it!!

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