Well-Known Member
Ok! The great folks over at PalMickey.net have officially confirmed - Pal Mickey 2.0 was released today! (Two members have already picked them up!)
Apparently though, the price was NOT discounted as it originally was supposed to be for AP holders:

Apparently though, the price was NOT discounted as it originally was supposed to be for AP holders:
[font=Verdana, Tahoma, Helvetica, Arial]The information from Epcot Guest Relations (after their lengthy inquiry to the Merchandise Manager) that WDW Passholders would be able to purchase the Pal Mickey Special Edition beginning on his release date of April 20 for the special Passholder price of $60+tax was INCORRECT. When they provided this information last week, they were told it would be posted on PalMickey.net. I sincerely apologize to anyone who visited WDW with the intent of purchasing the new Pal at the discount prior to May 5th. I consider this a major WDW communications blunder. Every effort and an extensive amount of time was spent seeking correct information. If we can not trust what WDW Guest Relations tells us after they consult with management, whom can we trust? Again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused any of you, but the info came straight from WDW!
(thanks to PalMickey.net)
Early reports from the palmickey.net forums indicate some few points:(thanks to PalMickey.net)
- He apparently has a really big head
- He doesn't appear to be any louder
- The lanyard is much longer and can be used as in an across the shoulder format
- You can no longer press his right hand for info (it's for the glow medallion only) only the left and tummy
