It is not what you say, it is how you say it.


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In reading the book “Walt Disney’s Epcot Center”, something peaked my interest.

“Our goal is to inspire the visitors who come here, so that they will be turned on to the positive potential of the future and will want to participate in making the choices that will shape it. We believe that in a world where cynicism and negativism abound, there is another story, and we have chosen, with forethought and conviction, to tell it, and to be the voice of optimism.”

Now, this is profound, and although it is from the early 1980’s, why was that view changed so drastically when Disney’s Animal Kingdom was built?

Although I like DAK, it has always come across to me as very “activist” driven, with a very pessimistic approach. I truly do not believe that DAK is so much themed as it is a recreation of reality…..poaching, disappearing habitats, is that something “entertaining”?

Could DAK have followed the “Epcot” view, and still get the message to people?

Instead of the “Animals and forests are disappearing due to bad people approach”, could the approach have been “look what we are doing to help these animals, you can help too!”


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Instead of the “Animals and forests are disappearing due to bad people approach”, could the approach have been “look what we are doing to help these animals, you can help too!”
Perhaps... but when you think about it, look what sells. For example, just watch the 6:00 news... it's all about the negative spin. Put a positive spin on something, and people tend to have a limited attention span... *shrug*


New Member
speck76 said:
Instead of the “Animals and forests are disappearing due to bad people approach”, could the approach have been “look what we are doing to help these animals, you can help too!”
It is there - Rafiki's Planet watch has a lot of this, but many people take the train think, this is lame then go back without paying much attention - there are examples of preservation worldwide and what you can do in your own garden to encourage wildlife conservation.

Flights of Wonder includes this message. For example is the hush that comes across much of the audience (the American eliment) in Flights of Wonder when their national symbol the Bald Eagle appears and they mention how it's destruction has been avoided due to positive action. Plus the whole buy a Disney's Wildlife Conservation Fund button for a Dollar and Disney will match that Dollar in the fund.

OK - so it's not rampant throughout the park, but some of it is there.


Well-Known Member
Its only in my past two trips to WDW that I have come to appreciate DAK.(and only because I am raising a "tree hugger"...said with love, not disrespect) There is a wonderful message about consevation there and also about the many endangered species. Sometimes we "adults" forget to look at the whole picture.

You're correct in saying its not what you say, but how you say it... yet its also how you care perceive what is offered to you.

Sgt Tibs

New Member

What's pessimistic about conservation? There's a message in a lot of attractions in both Epcot and DAK, and whether you want to accept any level of responsibility will affect whether you see it as inspiring or scolding.

The irony in your post is that the attraction containing the most blatent example of your “Animals and forests are disappearing due to bad people approach" is the Circle of Life Environmental Fable....... in Epcot.


Well-Known Member
Invero said:
Perhaps... but when you think about it, look what sells. For example, just watch the 6:00 news... it's all about the negative spin. Put a positive spin on something, and people tend to have a limited attention span... *shrug*

LOL! This is so true. And my local news last night, toward the end of the broadcast, actually said "Believe it or not, there is some good news tonight."

I do not see DAK as anything but possitive. To me, they are simply making people aware of what is going on. Walt loved and cared for animals so much and DAK did a fine jobe of showing that. The theaming is beyond anything I've ever seen before. Remember it's Natazu!


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Sgt Tibs said:
The irony in your post is that the attraction containing the most blatent example of your “Animals and forests are disappearing due to bad people approach" is the Circle of Life Environmental Fable....... in Epcot.

And that attraction is not from the "original" Epcot.

For DAK, would KS be just as exciting if they dropped the whole "poaching" theme, and got rid of the video of dead elephants and rhinos. Would Kali be just as nice without the burning/cut forests....I think so.


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raven said:
LOL! This is so true. And my local news last night, toward the end of the broadcast, actually said "Believe it or not, there is some good news tonight."

I do not see DAK as anything but possitive. To me, they are simply making people aware of what is going on. Walt loved and cared for animals so much and DAK did a fine jobe of showing that. The theaming is beyond anything I've ever seen before. Remember it's Natazu!

The nightly news is supposed to report the facts, although anymore is it sensationalized to get ratings.

There is more than one way to make people aware of what is going on, I just wonder why DAK did not make their approach a little less "heavy".


New Member
I think either way, it would be a lose-lose situation for Disney.

If Disney were to have Kilmanjaro Safaris drop the poaching sub plot altogether, than people would immediatly criticize the company for ignoring or "Disney-fying" a large problem in the world. The same goes for Kali.

Personally, I think the plot is handled well, in both attractions. They don't try to "bang" you on the head with a message. It's there if you're interested. If not, you get to watch lots of purty animals.:)

I always hear constant criticism of The American Adventure Show and the Hall of Presidents. Lots consider them too "sugary" and too "optimistic". Personally, I LOVE both attractions. However, people place Disney at fault for glossing over some really heinous times in history.

Like I said...Disney can't win. It's hard to please all.


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imagineer99 said:
Like I said...Disney can't win. It's hard to please all.

You are right about that....not even the fans cut them a break, let alone the special interest groups. :hammer:

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