It happened to me...


New Member
Well, here I am 8 days back from a wonderful trip to WDW, I'm now busy deciding on what the next trip will entail... I finally decided to go in 2004 for the Holidays and do all the Christmas things at the World plus Grinchmas. I was busy talking to my wife about this the other day and then she hit me... "We just got back from our trip, we don't need to think about another one right now... screech :brick: " I know she is very into Disney, but this hit me hard, D'oh when did I pass the line from her to become a Disney Freak and leave her as a Disney Fan?:(

It saddened me a bit but I realized I need to keep things like this to myself until closer to time to do them (not two years out), it was just too much for her atm I guess. At least she is more into Disney than most Spouses, but I guess I am being crazy planning another trip so soon after getting back.

Thankfully I do have you guys to feed my Disney Fire til time comes to bring the subject up to my wife again. :lol: THen again, reading here propably promotes my Excitement in the first place. Oh Bother. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I know the feeling, though I was like your wife BEFORE we went in 2001. I didn't think we would go back again for quite some time and I was the one screaming to go back in 2002 after a great trip. Now I am the Disney freak in the house instead of just a fan. Though we do have to wait for two years on our next one (Grand Canyon in 2003), it is nice to have the board here to keep the embers burning. 690+ days and counting down!!!!!
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It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
When I got back from my trip in September... I started planning for my first solo trip...hopefully this coming spring I wil be going... :)
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New Member
It's a serious problem... fortunately everyone here has it. My husband keeps asking "When are we going back??". We just got back from our 4th trip this year!! I was thinking of trying to surprise him for Christmas but I am so unsure about my job right now that I don't know if that would be a wise idea (I am in politics and my boss lost the election, in fact I get to interview for the job that I have had for 9 years today!!!)!! We are definately going in February for our anniversary (4 years) but I would like to go inbetween now and then!! I just have to wait and see:rolleyes:
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New Member
I was lucky enough to marry someone who is now a converted Disney nut!!:hammer: She had never been to WDW until our honeymoon. The rest is history.....:D

67 days and counting :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

p.s.-we also start looking at booking our next vacation as soon as we get back so you are not alone! ;)
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New Member
We've got reservations for June. I guess that's about 240 days.

December, 2004 -- man, I'm sorry to hear it's gonna be that long for you. Sounds like you'll need a lot of cold showers.
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New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by dreamer
We've got reservations for June. I guess that's about 240 days.

December, 2004 -- man, I'm sorry to hear it's gonna be that long for you. Sounds like you'll need a lot of cold showers.

Heh Heh. Well we do go on other Vacations in between. :lol:

Next year we are going to Myrtle Beach for a week and also a trip to HersheyPark (to see all the Oompa Loompas) for about 4 or 5 days. Although it's no Disney, we do enjoy variety and love Amusement Parks in general on a totally seperate level.

Although, as you can see in my sig, my return visits are getting more frequent. 5 years, 5 years, 5 years, 2 years, 3 years, 2 years. I know for sure we are going to DL in 2005 for their 50th Anniversary, so that will be only one year between Disney Trips. :sohappy:
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Trophy Husband
Originally posted by spider-man
"We just got back from our trip, we don't need to think about another one right now... screech :brick: "

Here's an idea. Bring the sbject up again, when she says it's too early to start planning say:

"Yeah, you're right. . . let's not plan anything yet. We might change our mind and decide we want to go in 2003 instead, so let's keep our options open.":D

Here is an actual conversation I had in December of 2000 while in the car on our way to catch the Auto Train in Sanford FL after just checking out from All Star Movies:

Gary: So maybe next year we could try the Contemporary or something.

Linda: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! I'd rather stick red hot needles in my eyes than go back to . . . THAT PLACE . . . again.

It seems to me your experience was much better than that.
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Well-Known Member
Re: Re: It happened to me...

Originally posted by garyhoov
Here's an idea. Bring the sbject up again, when she says it's too early to start planning say:

"Yeah, you're right. . . let's not plan anything yet. We might change our mind and decide we want to go in 2003 instead, so let's keep our options open.":D

Here is an actual conversation I had in December of 2000 while in the car on our way to catch the Auto Train in Sanford FL after just checking out from All Star Movies:

Gary: So maybe next year we could try the Contemporary or something.

Linda: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! I'd rather stick red hot needles in my eyes than go back to . . . THAT PLACE . . . again.

It seems to me your experience was much better than that.

Thats grounds for divorce surely! :lol:
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Well-Known Member
Well, Spidey, I don't think it's soon at all. That's how I plan on living, actually: start planning next year as soon as we return from this one... You gotta save, man, and it's never too soon to start.

Anyways, Gary's experience always scares me a little bit, I can't tell what Julia's opinion is gonna be, I don't know if she'll be a Hater, a Regular, a Fan or Freak. I tend to think she'll be a Fan: wants to go, but has a foot on reality (AWFUL place...). That's what she usually does, I start daydreaming right up there and she comes with a cold shower to bring me down. It'd be awesome if she'd be a Freak, but everytime we talk about our future (WAY future) honeymoon trip, she always comes with a "you don't know if I'll like it or not, or if'll be ok on the plane" and all that kind of stuff...
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New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by MKCustodial
Well, Spidey, I don't think it's soon at all. That's how I plan on living, actually: start planning next year as soon as we return from this one... You gotta save, man, and it's never too soon to start.

Anyways, Gary's experience always scares me a little bit, I can't tell what Julia's opinion is gonna be, I don't know if she'll be a Hater, a Regular, a Fan or Freak. I tend to think she'll be a Fan: wants to go, but has a foot on reality (AWFUL place...). That's what she usually does, I start daydreaming right up there and she comes with a cold shower to bring me down. It'd be awesome if she'd be a Freak, but everytime we talk about our future (WAY future) honeymoon trip, she always comes with a "you don't know if I'll like it or not, or if'll be ok on the plane" and all that kind of stuff...

Oh tell me about it, the hardest people to understand are the ones who have never been, they just don't understand really. It's incredibly hard to explain to an outsider, that's why the in-laws didn't come on this trip, the money, the travel, it's just a bunch of parks for kids... we finally got tired of trying to convince them and decided to make it the best trip we had ever had, and we did. However, that is why my nephew joined us this time, he really wanted to go. I even offered to pay for everyones trip if they would just go, I tried to explain that the experience is well beyond the cost and I wouldn't mind sacraficing everything to get them down there. Of course they either didn't believe me or didn't want me to spend all my money. Oh well, until experienced it is hard to understand how seperate from reality Disney truly is and how much you miss it when you get home again.
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New Member
We came back from our first ever trip 2 weeks and both kids so want to go again some time BUT the partner absolutely wont even consider it :(

been there done that type of thing ......i even tried to tempt him with a week at a beach some where but hes unconvinced and i fear will remain that way :(
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Well-Known Member
Well, I'm going to DisneyLand Paris on the 15th of December - I can't wait :) Its a complete bargain, travel to and from Paris from Hertfordshire, 2 nights at the Hotel Cheyenne inc. B&B, all park tickets for the duration, insurance and that stuff for only £109! ($172) Is that not a good price??? One thing I am looking forward to is the organiser has organised a photo session with the Disney characters so we can have a group photo of us in front of the castle with Mickey and everyone :)

As for WDW, its very hard for me as a student to get there, we lack money, as many of you may know. I have been bugging my parents to go, I constantly play the holiday video. Spectromagic tends to jerk the tears for my mum :) Maybe 2004 I'll get there.
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Family Disney Freaks

We are going in 10 days, we already have next year booked (the second part of the trip, the cruise) and now we are trying to decide how long before the cruise we can go. 1 week on the Magic and hopefully if we can do it 1 week at the World. We get withdrawal symptoms if we don't go at least once a year. We are deciding whether or not to buy AP's to make us go even more!!! We have stayed in so many DisneyWorld hotels and we would not have any problem staying at the All Star's if that's all we could swing. I want to move to Florida. That way we could buy annual passes and skip the airfare!! We are disney bonkers and not just my husband and I but also my two adult kids!!! I can't imagine having anyone say NO don't talk about it!!! We book and have family meetings about what we want to do and where we want to eat. My whole family asks us for advise and how to book because I'm the family's Disney Travel Agent!!!
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