is this true?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
i was talking to a customer today that said her boss' son went to the MK yesterday and they had closed the gates from too many people!?!?!?! i didn't know it was THAT busy down there right now!!!

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mkepcotmgmak
i was talking to a customer today that said her boss' son went to the MK yesterday and they had closed the gates from too many people!?!?!?! i didn't know it was THAT busy down there right now!!!
Josh Yes It is that busy right now. This is one of the busyest holiday season that I have ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: is this true?

Originally posted by hmppan
Josh Yes It is that busy right now. This is one of the busyest holiday season that I have ever seen.

They did that on the 4th of July. I think they do that because there's a maximum capacity the parks can handle so when 10000 people leave, 10000 people can come in.

Pretty whacky, huh?

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Re: is this true?

Originally posted by ntn_haqqer
They did that on the 4th of July. I think they do that because there's a maximum capacity the parks can handle so when 10000 people leave, 10000 people can come in.

Pretty whacky, huh?
Right, They actually close the gates in phases (there is a thread where it is discussed in detail). This Christmas/New Year feels/is busier than the previous years. It just goes to show you that the economy is bouncing back.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Re: Re: Re: Re: is this true?

Originally posted by hmppan
Right, They actually close the gates in phases (there is a thread where it is discussed in detail). This Christmas/New Year feels/is busier than the previous years. It just goes to show you that the economy is bouncing back.

this is what i was talking about! - i am SO glad to hear that they had to close the parks from attendance!!! THAT IS GREAT NEWS!!! Keep 'em in line with that Disney Magic Erik!!! Hope you are having a BLAST!


Account Suspended

Yes, when I went in March they had to do the same thing.

Oh, yeah, one more thing......the attendance thing was never as bad as they wanted you to believe it was...........that was just Eisner's excuse for raising prices because he was losing money in other business ventures and it was affecting Disney. That's why Disney needs an owner that works soley for Disney, hence just one of the millions of reasons the last Disney left. come back Roy!


New Member
Oh, yeah, one more thing......the attendance thing was never as bad as they wanted you to believe it was...........that was just Eisner's excuse for raising prices because he was losing money in other business ventures and it was affecting Disney. That's why Disney needs an owner that works soley for Disney, hence just one of the millions of reasons the last Disney left. come back Roy!

Eisner does not own Disney.


On a related note, once when I worked there on the 4th of July, after the fireworks, they opened up part of the backstage area. The flow of people leaving the MK after the fireworks was so great, that they opened up the gates at the crossroads section of main street (this was before they added more shops), and fed the flow of people back in by the stable area. We erected walls of curtains and such to keep people from seeing the main street vehicles parking area and other stuff.

ERIC (hmppan),

I grew up in Thibodaux. Did you, or are you just going to Nicholls there? Small world (no pun intended).

Geaux tigers

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by lborne
On a related note, once when I worked there on the 4th of July, after the fireworks, they opened up part of the backstage area. The flow of people leaving the MK after the fireworks was so great, that they opened up the gates at the crossroads section of main street (this was before they added more shops), and fed the flow of people back in by the stable area. We erected walls of curtains and such to keep people from seeing the main street vehicles parking area and other stuff.

ERIC (hmppan),

I grew up in Thibodaux. Did you, or are you just going to Nicholls there? Small world (no pun intended).

Geaux tigers

They do open the areas behind the Main Street Shops sometimes to increase guest flow towards the gate.


Account Suspended

Originally posted by pan11435
Eisner does not own Disney.

Well sorry, I didnt mean to use the term owner. Terms and titles mean nothing..........Eisner is the man in charge and we all know that. Your prices are directly related to an idea that Eisner had to put it in place.


Well-Known Member
Disney puts a cap on attendance when it reaches a certain amount. This is to insure guests enjoyment. They have been doing it for years.


Active Member
Re: attendances

Originally posted by civileng68
Yes, when I went in March they had to do the same thing.

Oh, yeah, one more thing......the attendance thing was never as bad as they wanted you to believe it was...........that was just Eisner's excuse for raising prices because he was losing money in other business ventures and it was affecting Disney. That's why Disney needs an owner that works soley for Disney, hence just one of the millions of reasons the last Disney left. come back Roy!

Come On - Give Me A Break From Eisner Bashing in a Thread That Has Nothing To Do With Him.

Your Inforamtion is totally inaccurate per published reports, discussions with CM's, annual reports (Theme Park Revenues were $7 Billion in 2001, $6.5 Billion in 2002 and $6.4 Billion in 2003 - no growth and declining) and first hand experience from someone who visists WDW many times a year and at different times. Until the past few months, the attendence has been down since 9/11 particularly from foreign visitors. You don't see the packs of South American teenagers as before. No doubt about it. From my visits, several times over teh last 2 years the parks were so empty that thre were virtually no lines on some of the most popular rides. One day they weren't even running the trams to the Parking lot at EPCOT (The lot was so empty that you were able to park close and walk). And this was at the same time of the year that we had visited prior to 9/11 and the parks had the usual crowds. I have never seen the parks so empty. How do you think they were able to close hotels (To save money and refurbish - POTC and Caribbean BEach) and delayed Pop Century? If the attendence had been the same as pre 9/11 they never woudl have been able to do that or needed to.

Please, stick to the facts in your efforts to back Roy.


Account Suspended
Re: Re: attendances

Originally posted by MouseRight
Come On - Give Me A Break From Eisner Bashing in a Thread That Has Nothing To Do With Him.

Your Inforamtion is totally inaccurate per published reports, discussions with CM's, annual reports (Theme Park Revenues were $7 Billion in 2001, $6.5 Billion in 2002 and $6.4 Billion in 2003 - no growth and declining) and first hand experience from someone who visists WDW many times a year and at different times. Until the past few months, the attendence has been down since 9/11 particularly from foreign visitors. You don't see the packs of South American teenagers as before. No doubt about it. From my visits, several times over teh last 2 years the parks were so empty that thre were virtually no lines on some of the most popular rides. One day they weren't even running the trams to the Parking lot at EPCOT (The lot was so empty that you were able to park close and walk). And this was at the same time of the year that we had visited prior to 9/11 and the parks had the usual crowds. I have never seen the parks so empty. How do you think they were able to close hotels (To save money and refurbish - POTC and Caribbean BEach) and delayed Pop Century? If the attendence had been the same as pre 9/11 they never woudl have been able to do that or needed to.

Please, stick to the facts in your efforts to back Roy.

Wow! You Eisner supporters are really jumpy eh? I dont think I was bashing him. I think I simply said the attendances were being made to look worse than they were. Listen, money doesn't mean attendances are down. Money can go down due to unlimited things. Also, those numbers are EARNINGS over what was EARNED from the previous year. Expenditures go into that as well. If the company spends more, it takes more revenue to build it up to equal the revenue of the previous year with less spending. I know business well enough to know the tricks they pull. The first thing they teach you in college business are the tricks of the trade. When a company says they are "losing" money, they want you to think they are really "losing" money. They're not, they're simply not making as much PROFIT as they did the previous year or quarter. Look at Disney's financial reports. The same years that you listed, they said they were 'LOSING" money, yet they seem to have made a revenue each year of over 6 Billion dollars. Notice though that because the billions simply are less than previous billions they claim they are "losing" money. No, I dont like Eisner but I dont like him pulling that stuff either. Support Eisner all you want, but there is no reason members of the Disney family should be pulling out of this company. I didnt mean to get off on this tangent but if you notice, every time someone even says something remotely related to Eisner and doesnt make a big issue of it, some Eisner supporter comes on and goes nuts with it, turning the entire thread that direction.

I simply said it's full quite often. I go enough to know that as well. I simply said that the fall in attendance was being overstated. Sure some people stopped coming but they made it out to be as if they parks were about to have to shut down due to lack of cash. Eisner's only problem is he feels that he is so much smarter than all of us that he can lay out nearly insultingly stupid miffs of the truth. He claims he's losing money over the past three years when over those years he put over 100 Million bucks into Mission Space. I love MIssion Space but after you put that kind of money in, you almost have to double your income to produce the same ending revenue. Listen, if you study business enough, you'll notice that it's possible to spend 100 M bucks and actually bring in twice as much money as usual in past years, and still end with the same ending revenue because of all the money you spent. The revenue that is listed there is revenue made after expenditures.


Active Member
Re: Re: Re: attendances

Originally posted by civileng68
Listen, money doesn't mean attendances are down. Money can go down due to unlimited things. Also, those numbers are EARNINGS over what was EARNED from the previous year. Expenditures go into that as well. If the company spends more, it takes more revenue to build it up to equal the revenue of the previous year with less spending. I know business well enough to know the tricks they pull. The first thing they teach you in college business are the tricks of the trade. When a company says they are "losing" money, they want you to think they are really "losing" money. They're not, they're simply not making as much PROFIT as they did the previous year or quarter. Look at Disney's financial reports. The same years that you listed, they said they were 'LOSING" money, yet they seem to have made a revenue each year of over 6 Billion dollars. Notice though that because the billions simply are less than previous billions they claim they are "losing" money. No, I dont like Eisner but I dont like him pulling that stuff either. Support Eisner all you want, but there is no reason members of the Disney family should be pulling out of this company. I didnt mean to get off on this tangent but if you notice, every time someone even says something remotely related to Eisner and doesnt make a big issue of it, some Eisner supporter comes on and goes nuts with it, turning the entire thread that direction.

I simply said it's full quite often. I go enough to know that as well. I simply said that the fall in attendance was being overstated. Sure some people stopped coming but they made it out to be as if they parks were about to have to shut down due to lack of cash. Eisner's only problem is he feels that he is so much smarter than all of us that he can lay out nearly insultingly stupid miffs of the truth. He claims he's losing money over the past three years when over those years he put over 100 Million bucks into Mission Space. I love MIssion Space but after you put that kind of money in, you almost have to double your income to produce the same ending revenue. Listen, if you study business enough, you'll notice that it's possible to spend 100 M bucks and actually bring in twice as much money as usual in past years, and still end with the same ending revenue because of all the money you spent. The revenue that is listed there is revenue made after expenditures.

The #'s I gave you are pure revenues, not profits. They are directly related to the fall in attendence. No cost, no BS, just pure revenues - # of people who attend times the amount to get in and how much they spend. Also since the prices were increased, as you pointed out, the fall in attendence is even more than the revenue decrease reflects. And Disney has not reported losses as you suggest - check out the Annual Report.

Per Disney's 10 k (SEC Filing) - Note fiscal year ends in September so when they say years they mean teh year ending 9/30/xx.

2003 vs 2002 - "Revenues at the Walt Disney World Resort were down marginally and reflected lower theme park attendance and hotel occupancy compared to the prior year, partially offset by increased per capita guest spending at the theme parks and hotel properties. Decreased theme park attendance and hotel occupancy at the Walt Disney World Resort reflected continued softness in travel and tourism. "

2002 vs 2001 - "At the Walt Disney World Resort, decreased revenues reflected lower attendance, occupancy and per room guest spending at the hotel properties. These decreases were driven by decreases in international and domestic visitation resulting from continued disruption in travel and tourism and softness in the economy. Lower per room guest spending at the Walt Disney World Resort was driven by promotional programs."

Just the facts. Until late this year, attendence was down significantly. Plain and simple.

As to Thread disruption - My perception is that the Roy supporters are constantly finding ways to bring this stuff into the threads. This thread is about attendence and closing of the park - Not Eisner's suppossed lies. (By the way, it woudl be great to see the evidence to support your assertions that the Company has lied to its shareholders, CM's, and the investment and fan community - I don't believe it has).

I agree, lets stay on thread topic. I was enjoying reading everyone's post about the crowds and how they use backstage areas to assist with the crowds - great inside information. Thanks


New Member
My 16 yr old daughter is at WDW now for a school trip. Their marching band performed in the Magic Kingdom March parade yesterday. YEAH!!! She said it was so packed. She also said they had closed the gates several times through out the day because they had reached capacity.
We were supposed to make this a family vacation but now I'm glad we changed our dates. Waiting on rides isn't much fun with 2 young kids on a good day, let alone this time of year.
But I wished I could have seen my daughter in a Disney parade.:(


New Member
100k at Tokyo Disneyland today. During the New Year's Party. Simply incredible. This was also due to that fact that they were distributing prizes for guests entering the park from Dec. 28 - Dec. 30, and then a new one for the private guests on Dec. 31st. The park is open until Jan. 1 at 11:00 PM I think. Open all night. Just thought you would enjoy these facts. - The WeirdOne :D


Active Member
Disney Theme Parks Ended 2003 With Good News
Forbes Staff, 01.02.04, 1:29 PM ET


Walt Disney (nyse: DIS - news - people ) shares were a little higher after Credit Suisse First Boston issued a favorable research note concluding that the U.S. theme parks division ended 2003 on a positive note due to a strong December performance. Citing industry research provider Smith Travel, CSFB said that hotel occupancy at Disney's Orlando, Fla., theme park in the four weeks ending Dec. 27, 2003, rose 3% from year-earlier levels to 51.9%, while occupancy at the Anaheim, Calif., location rose 10.8% to 61.6%. CSFB said it also had anecdotal evidence that theme park attendance was very strong at both locations in December. Disney shares were up 36 cents at $23.69.


New Member
Eh, more Eisner crap in this forum to...

Anywho, does this increase in guests to the park also mean an increase in resort attendence? I know that most of the time, Disney Resorts, with the exception of the value resorts and some of the moderate resorts, run at 1/3 capacity.


Active Member
Originally posted by Blizz
Eh, more Eisner crap in this forum to...

Anywho, does this increase in guests to the park also mean an increase in resort attendence? I know that most of the time, Disney Resorts, with the exception of the value resorts and some of the moderate resorts, run at 1/3 capacity.

More Eisner Cxxx? Not sure whay you feel that way. I was just posting a report that followed what I thought was the theme of this thread - that the parks/resorts attendence is up. How you get Eisner out of that, I am not sure. The people on these threads have to realize that there may not be an alterior motive everytime someone makes a negative or positive comment about something happening in Disney. We are all still fans and we want to share the news as we get it.

To answer your question - the article gave specific percentage increases in "Hotel" volumn, from an industry source. They also cited anecdotal evidence that park attendence was also stronger (Higher?) in December 2003 vs 2002. Not sure if "Strong" means higher?

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