We are a group of 10 (6 adults and 4 children) heading to wdw at the beginning of May. We are doing lots of prep, especially as it pertains to dining and adrs. There are a couple reservations we are really hoping for but I think I am losing all hope as I keep looking as each day opens up for others to book and I never see them available. I thought I would ask the group their thoughts on whether these are attainable or if we shouldn’t even bother. The first is character breakfast at Tusker House. I really wanted this one for all of us as I was treating everyone. I don’t see this come up ever. The other is Sci Fi and again never see that one. Here we could have gone with a smaller group as others could have done quick service somewhere else. Does anyone have any advice or encouragement (or a reality check) regarding these two restaurants? Also can you clarify the booking procedure as we are going for 14 days and I realize the first ten days of the trip open at 60 days out but when do the remaining 4 days become available to book? Thanks to all for any help!