It's purely a matter of taste. My DH and I are well-spoken, well-educated professionals, and can conduct ourselves with class and decorum to fit any situation.
Nonetheless, while I think the GF is a beautiful place to visit, stroll around, and dine, I'd never care to stay there. For me, it's just a little TOO nice, TOO upscale, TOO elegant, for comfort. (The price is also completely prohibitive, but that's off-topic.) I feel out of place, but not in an exciting way -- it's like I suddenly stepped from my rural town in Upstate NY, where Carhartt overalls or a Walmart sundress are acceptable nearly everywhere, into a soap opera set, a world where the brand of my shoes and handbag suddenly matter, where I need to be careful not to laugh too loudly and can't let the kids sit on the furniture. I saw a made-for-TV movie when I was a kid about a homeless woman who wins the lottery and gets a makeover in Beverly Hills, moves into a mansion, etc., but remains a fish out of water. Being in the GF makes me feel like that woman -- a little bit awed, a little bit scared, and worried that, however I'm dressed, others will somehow see right through it and pronounce me
Of course, that is all a bit of self-imposed insecurity. No one anywhere at Disney World, cast member or guest, has ever done anything to make me feel that way, and there is no reason I should. But it is what it is. When I select a resort and the fantasy world it represents, I prefer that it take me to places that are exotic, rustic, romantic, historical or whimsical -- just not too posh!