The beastly Kindom your talking about is the Animal Kindom Expantion right? or the actual park? I was wondering becuase you guys said that might be the next thing after EE, But I was wondering how the Disney Inc. Worked...
Would they do 2 mayor construction sites at a time? Cuz I know they are building a park in honk Kong, while here in florida they are doing all this rehabs.
After EE, you guys think they would go on into another mayor construction??
I asked this becuase things are being shaken down here in the Island by Disney. Disney is adding San Juan Puerto Rico as a port of call on agust 2004 in their Disney Cruise, and apperantly they have their eyes on what is (but not for long) a Military Naval Base( is going to be closed down) Equiped with Ports and 2 airstrips. Rumor has it they would want it for a "home port" of the Disney Cruise, Together with a mini city type Resort- Disney Village thing. To make it short something like a "Disney Cancun" Now this all depends on the goverment of PR, if the US naval base decides to leave or not, But if it does go, and DIsney aquieres the land it would happend probably after 2006.
If Beastly Kindom is really the next thing after EE, Do you think this situation developing down here, would effect in anyway plans for mayor expantions in the Current parks in florida?
re there separated companies?