Is more than one Magic Band possible?


Original Poster
Good Morning!

We are 100 days out of returning home for a 2 week trip. My question is can you "program" more than one magic band to use during your stay. Different colours for different days. Or only one magic band for your entire stay.
Thanks in advance.


Yes, I believe so...someone correct me if I am wrong, but in my online account I have a couple that are still registered to me and I believe I can still use them and they will have my information on them.


Beta Return
Yes, every Magic Band you ever receive from Disney will continue to work for any future vacation, as long as they are still active in your My Disney Experience account.

The only thing that won't work forever is the long-range transmitter in the band, since it's powered by a battery that can't be changed. This transmitter is used for things like automatic linking of on-ride photos (and a number of other features they'll be adding along the way).

But they will work as your park ticket, resort room key, Fastpass+ and Dining Plan on any future trips.


Well-Known Member
All magic bands assigned to you remain active unless you manually go into MDE and deactivate them. Alternatively, if your battery runs out, your out of luck there too :D.

Any active band will be the same as the rest as far as how they operate and what they give you access to.

My wife and I always wear two now, one on each wrist. We are ready for the FP+ scanning, no matter which side :p - plus you can only fit so many bandits on one band at a time, so why not have two or more bands to showcase. :joyfull:


Well-Known Member
The only caveat to this is after about 4 to 6 bands/cards per person the system can have some problems. But even deactivated they stay attached to your account. You can activate or deactivate them as needed

I have 12 bands but I generally only have 2 to 4 active at a time. I've even switched them mid-day in the park and had no issues.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
Yes. I have over 30 magic bands and 8 of them are active. However, I was told by a CM that having more than 6 active magic bands in your MDE account may result in some of the active bands not properly operating, such as opening your resort room door or entry into a park. I coordinate my band with the particular season/reason for trip - Halloween band for Halloween party, Christmas for a holiday visit, Star Wars (have several) for SWW trip, etc. I really don't need another band tied to a resort reservation and I'm glad to see that you can now opt out (I've been making that comment on surveys for the past year - they finally listened, lol).

Now if they ever offer a purple magic band....


One Little Spark...
Also, if you have multiple bands, I'd set aside one of them for Waterpark / Pool usage.

The reason is, after extended exposure to the chlorine in the water, it will fade the plastic color a bit. My blue and pink bands from the 2013 trip look a bit "sadder" than new bands for this reason.


Well-Known Member
My cousin bought a Haunted Mansion MagicBand while we were at the Magic Kingdom, and she was able to use both that band and the one she was already using.

I have the HM band too! This is always one of the two i use until the batteries go, since i paid for it outside the free ones with resort reservations.

So I use the HM + the newest resort band.


Well-Known Member
So, today I ordered the new Milennial Pink color magicband. Was so excited when it finally showed up on Shop Disney!

I was going to go into MDE and decline the Magicband for our trip in March.

Now, after reading these old posts, am I understanding correctly that I can actually still order the new “free” ones attached to our upcoming reservation & use not only those, but my new pink ones as well???!!

So much fun.

I will wait for a response before proceeding.

I haven’t customized the MDE bands yet. I believe I have about 20 more days.

So glad I saw this topic.


Well-Known Member
So, today I ordered the new Milennial Pink color magicband. Was so excited when it finally showed up on Shop Disney!
Love this band! Really wish this would show up as one of the MB choices you could choose when booking! But think I'll wait till we get to Parks and see what else they have before I order.


Well-Known Member
So can we still have the latest Magicbands attached to our upcoming March reservation & is it okay to use them interchangeably (switching colors) during the same visit?


Well-Known Member
So can we still have the latest Magicbands attached to our upcoming March reservation & is it okay to use them interchangeably (switching colors) during the same visit?
Yes--people can even buy new bands on their trip and have them activated, interchanging them that very same day.

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