is it just me or ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

does everyone get sad a day or 2 after they get back and then a week much more sad and then say 3 weeks very sad?? i guess it doesnt help that i live in cold massachettes but i really am missing that place.


There is a good way to stop the sadness. We try to book our next vacation either while we are there or when we get home. That way you have something to look forward to :D . But, it just happens to anyone who loves Disney as much as the people here do. Who wouldn't love to live at the happiest place on earth?
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Well-Known Member
I start getting sad as we drive away from WDW. We spend days going thru our pictures with family and friends (we have a large family full of Disneyphiles). It takes about 2 weeks to ease back into real life. I have a 7 yr old nephew who went on his first and only trip with us in July of 2001 and still gets excited every time we go thru our pictures!
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New Member
It's mot just just you!!!

It is the same for all of us. At least you can plan on going back. That's out of the question for me right now. We went in January and came home and they laid my husband off after 24 years. I keep the faith by looking at my pictures. That always helps. It's worth a try for you.
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Well-Known Member
It's when your officially driving past the gate towards home that it really hits you... Your Leaving WDW:( I always get a little droopy around that time and then I just look through pictures over and over and relive it in my mind, that first whiff of main st., that undescribable feeling as you walk down that street, laughter and music filling the air(doesn't all music sound different at disney then anywhere else). That's when I know I'm on vacation!
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Re: It's mot just just you!!!

Originally posted by Elaine
It is the same for all of us. At least you can plan on going back. That's out of the question for me right now. We went in January and came home and they laid my husband off after 24 years. I keep the faith by looking at my pictures. That always helps. It's worth a try for you.

I know this is a thread drift, but I just wanted to say how sorry I am to read about your husbands job. :(

We have close friends that just went through this recently, so I totally understand the feelings you are experiencing. Sending some prayers & pixie dust your way, hoping things work out great and you are headed to Disney again soon. Sorry for the drift guys...
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New Member
Yes, I was very depressed when I left WDW. I was the most upset driving back from the airport on a congested dirty avenue with all these minimalls. I just recalled how beautiful the streets were in WDW with trees and the purple mouse ear signs. Just an awful feeling leaving WDW especially since it will be at least 5 years untill i go again.
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Well-Known Member
I tear up everytime we leave, but never let anyone see b/c I'm a 20 y.o. male athlete, haha. But its so sad not because its just Dinsey I am leaving, but a Disney vacation with my family, and all the memories are GREAT!!
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Account Suspended
Originally posted by lamarvenoy
Leaving sucks, but isn't that first night awesome! The thrill of whats to come and how much fun your gonna have!

Yes! That is the best feeling! I usually start feeling the sadness when it gets to be a little more than halfway through the trip, and the realization suddenly hits me that there are fewer days ahead than there are behind.
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Active Member
Once again, I'm the odd one. :)

I don't get sad when I come back. I come back all excited and happy and ready to tell my friends about all the fun I had and show them all my new toys (and give them whatever I got for them)! I know I've got to come back and earn the money for the next trip. It takes about 2 weeks to a month for that to wear off, and then I start to get anxious for my next Disney trip. After those weeks, if the next trip is a long way off, that's when I get sad.

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New Member
Hey, its been almost three weeks and I still have no clue where my Disney Wonder vacation went. I do have almost 100 pictures to show from it, but I still think it went by toooooooo fast! Unfortunately, I cannot afford to go on the Magic yet!
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New Member
I’m always a little said all the time because I’m not there, and that’s why I the message boards, and check out the web sites, I’m like a little Disney junky looking for little fixes, :lookaroun until I can get to the big score, plus I would rather be there then what I doing now, working, probably like allot of you:lol:
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