I don't know exactly how many times I've gone since my first visit in 1977. I was very lucky in that my parents wanted to go as often as I did and we did have the money. But, that was many years ago before the prices went crazy. I understand inflation and and all over the years, and I make OK money, but we have only been able to afford to take our kids twice in 16 years. It's a combination of things. First...all the parks. It's tough to make the trip down and only do a park or two, so you want to do them all and that takes basically 5 days minimum. That's a lot all around, time and $. This next trip is with the school marching band, doing all parks except AK each for one day, plus Uni, plus Blizzard Beach. The kids will be marching down Main St. debuting their new uniforms, instead of a debut at a football game or some other parade. This is a pretty big deal. It is costing us more than a family trip to go down on our own, but I think will definitely be worth it, as both are now in high school.
There have definitely been changes I don't like over the years besides cost that have prevented us from going more often. But, the place is nice, safe, friendly, and full of cool stuff.
DW and I have been to DL once and I have been 3 x. That will be the next Disney Park trip after this. Simply put, this one coming up to WDW is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and DL offers better value/quality once we can scrape up the airfare. If this upcoming trip wasn't as filled as it is, we would do DL instead. But, all their friends are going which is something I never experienced as a kid, and we are going as well, so we will be able to experience that with them. It's special.