Is it always this hot in September? Lets take a nap! Trip Report

After waiting three very long years to return to The Most Magical Place on Earth, it was finally THE DAY! Well I should have introduced ourselves….I’m Cetta and my DH is Aaron. We got married June 23, 2012 and we decided to hold off on our honeymoon so our wallets could replenish and I could have some extra time to plan the honeymoon since most of my time was planning our wedding. We have been to Disney once before in 2009 and stayed off property, which after this trip, we have decided we will never do again. It was an amazing vacation but mostly because we didn’t let the little things bother us. I will get to those little annoyances later, but for the most part our vacation was filled with good food, smiles, sunshine, and a bunch of firsts!

We went old school this trip…we cannot afford a nice new camera so I brought my iPhone 4, 2 disposable cameras, and an HP digital camera from 2008. DH brought his DriodX and his Canon Rebel 2000-which is an actual film camera! We got them developed and put onto a CD at CVS down the street and they developed all film photos backwards, so beware….this trip report will not have the best quality photos.

Around 12:30 on Saturday we got a text message from Southwest stating our flight had been delayed. Not a big deal…only 20 minutes…but we wanted to get to Florida. We arrived at MCO and we went outside to smoke a cigarette, but I was too excited to realize we were on the wrong side of the airport from where DME picks you up. So after our cig we had to travel to the other side where we only waited maybe 15 minutes-but it felt like forever because I just wanted to be on Disney property. Since our flight was delayed a little we arrived when it was dark out so I didn’t get a picture of us going under the welcome sign.



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Bella was our final princess of the night. I was kind of surprised that she wasn’t wearing her fancy gown, I mean she is in a castle!

We watched Wishes from the smoking section by Harper’s Mill with a view of the fireworks above Liberty Square Riverboat.



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Sorry...I meant to write Belle. We have a cat named Bella, so when I type I just naturally type Bella.

It was time for our Fastpass Plus for Space Mountain, so we darted across to the other side of the park. Space Mountain was awesome! Last time we were at WDW, it was closed for refurb, Aaron wanted to go on it again, but the actual line was pretty long. We rode the PeopleMover, which was also a first for us. I loved it! We decided to leave after that, we made it to Main Street, right in time for the MSEP.


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We left right after and walked to the bus stop with a nice view of the water parade.

Day one was a total success! Let’s see what tomorrow brings….


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Monday…Epcot and Hollywood Studios…of course with a nap in between!

We woke up at 6:45 and took our showers. We got to the bus stop at Pop and waited maybe 10 minutes for a bus to take us to Epcot.


We got to Epcot about 15 minutes before the door opened. We went straight to SSE and road it with no line. After SSE, we headed straight to The Land Pavilion to get Fastpasses for Soarin’. Fastpass was for sometime around 11 am. We rode Living with the Land right after we got our fastpasses. I work for a landscaping company and was really disappointed that I didn’t get to go on this ride in 2009. It was so interesting to see how they grow things, I think we might eat at the Garden Grill next vacation to try some of the tasty food they have growing there.



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Next was Figment, which was another first for us. Wow…that ride really makes you fall in love with Figment! We both covered our noses when the skunk smell part came up. Afterwards we went to the Sea Pavilion and rode Nemo and Friends and walked around a bit. The giant sea turtle they have on the second floor viewing area was so cool! He swam right by and we were both in awe!


We walked around the area outside for a little, waiting for our Soarin’ fastpass time to come around.



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After Soarin’ we headed up to World Showcase for our 12:05 ressies at Teppan Edo. On our way we saw Marie with maybe 2 people in line. I love Marie! She is just so pretty and reminds me so much of our cat Bella (only because they are both princess kitties).



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When we got to Teppan Edo at 11:40, the door was locked…so we walked around the Japan store for a bit and then headed back up there. Since they don’t open until noon, we got to see their opening welcoming which I didn’t even know they did. They all came out to welcome us and bowed.




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We both got the filet mignon-so did pretty much everyone at our table- which was amazing!! They also brought out their chocolate ginger cake with a candle in it to celebrate our honeymoon. We were really full but we both still took a bite of it.



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We took some pictures and then we noticed that there was a line forming for Aladdin & Jasmine. So I stood in line while Aaron smoked a cigarette in the smoking section.


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Interacting with them was the highlight of the trip! They acted so in love…I just couldn’t believe how great they were. I felt like they really do love each other and we were in the movie!


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We walked up to Future World and got in line for the Visa Card holder meet and greet where we got to meet Mickey and Pluto. Unfortunately we forgot to pick up our picture. We took some pictures of SSE and then headed to the bus stop.


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Right when we were walking to the bus, the AOA bus was there, no one was in line and we were scared they would leave us behind and we would have to wait. So we ran to the bus. This is where we made a mistake…I pulled something in my foot and for the next 3 days I was in pain. All to catch a bus! Here is a picture of Aaron sleeping on the bus…which he did almost every bus trip.

We slept from 3-6:45, which was the longest nap of the whole trip. We got ready and headed straight to DHS so we could catch Fantasmic! When we got off the bus at DHS, Aaron realized that he forgot his resort key/ticket. We went to guest services and got Aaron a new ticket. We enter DHS and went on a search for sweatshirts because it was kind of cold. Well that was a complete failure…we looked everywhere….Muppets, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and so on. Then we got in line for Fantasmic which was very very long! This was our first time watching Fantasmic and it totally kicked butt! Aaron was amazed by the fire haha





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After the show we got hotdogs at Fairfax Fare, he got another chili cheese dog and I got the mac-n-cheese dog with bacon topping....AMAZING!!


We walked around and rode the Great Movie Ride and got the gangster scene. I loved it and it made me feel like we were in Hollywood on a real ride going through sets. They really did a great job with that ride. Afterwards we took the bus back to Pop and watched Next Friday on TV.


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Tuesday-Universal and Downtown Disney

Today we are going to Islands of Adventure but I am not talk about it much since I know you don’t want to hear/see about Universal. The only reason we go is because of Jurassic Park. As a child, Aaron loved dinosaurs and Jurassic Park is like his absolute favorite movie. So going to Jurassic Park is something that blows his mind! We had breakfast at Pop…we got POP Waffles and they are so amazing! My only complaint is that they put the sausage and bacon right on top of the waffle…I don’t want sausage bacon flavored waffles!

We waited in the Cadillac for our Mears Shuttle to come.



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We got to Island of Adventure around 10 am and left around 2:30. Like I said, we only go for Jurassic Park. We rode the ride 4 times and walked through the Harry Potter Area…nothing special.

We got back to Pop and ordered a pepperoni pizza. I love the cute buzzer they give us…the only thing missing from it was pepperoni positioned to make a Mickey.



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We took a nap again and woke up re-energized for our 9:30 pm ADRs at T-Rex Café to end our Dinosaur day. We wore our new Jurassic Park t-shirts. Aaron is not the type of guy to wear matching shirts but apparently there is one thing that will change his mind....Jurassic Park!



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I ordered the steak and he ordered the pulled pork sandwich. My steak was cooked perfectly and their waffle fries remind me of the ones I used to get at a place in my hometown. Aaron said the coleslaw had no flavor at all but he really enjoyed his sandwich and onion rings.


We did some shopping at World of Disney. I bought 8 pairs of Disney earrings!!! We headed back to Pop and went to bed, we got another busy day ahead of us.


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Wednesday-missed and lost ressies

This day kind of sucked…but it was still totally awesome because we were at Disney World. We had 9:05 am ADR’s at Tusker House so we could eat with the characters. Well we got to AK about 8:50. We went to the check in area for morning reservations and the lady looked at her list and found our name and told us where to go. We get to Tusker House and get in line to check in, well some couple just steps right in front of us and cuts in line. I wasn’t going to start anything because we are in WDW. They had ADR’s at 9:15 and we had ADR’s for 9:05. Well they were brought right to meet Donald, but when we got to the check in table, they couldn’t find our reservations. The lady searched and searched and couldn’t find it. I even offered her our confirmation number like 3 times before she finally took it. By that time it was like 9:15 and we hadn’t even moved past the check in table. She explained that we were going to have to wait as if we were walk ups. I was kind of getting upset, how does the lady at the front gate have our name but the lady at the check in podium not?!?! We decided to just forget about it and left to get Fastpasses for the Safari. After we got the Fastpasses we walked through the trails in the area. The gorillas are so amazing! I could have stayed there all day just watching them. I had no idea they had so many…I thought they only had 2 but there was like 4 or 5.


Can you find two Gorillas in this picture?

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