Is it always this hot in September? Lets take a nap! Trip Report

After waiting three very long years to return to The Most Magical Place on Earth, it was finally THE DAY! Well I should have introduced ourselves….I’m Cetta and my DH is Aaron. We got married June 23, 2012 and we decided to hold off on our honeymoon so our wallets could replenish and I could have some extra time to plan the honeymoon since most of my time was planning our wedding. We have been to Disney once before in 2009 and stayed off property, which after this trip, we have decided we will never do again. It was an amazing vacation but mostly because we didn’t let the little things bother us. I will get to those little annoyances later, but for the most part our vacation was filled with good food, smiles, sunshine, and a bunch of firsts!

We went old school this trip…we cannot afford a nice new camera so I brought my iPhone 4, 2 disposable cameras, and an HP digital camera from 2008. DH brought his DriodX and his Canon Rebel 2000-which is an actual film camera! We got them developed and put onto a CD at CVS down the street and they developed all film photos backwards, so beware….this trip report will not have the best quality photos.

Around 12:30 on Saturday we got a text message from Southwest stating our flight had been delayed. Not a big deal…only 20 minutes…but we wanted to get to Florida. We arrived at MCO and we went outside to smoke a cigarette, but I was too excited to realize we were on the wrong side of the airport from where DME picks you up. So after our cig we had to travel to the other side where we only waited maybe 15 minutes-but it felt like forever because I just wanted to be on Disney property. Since our flight was delayed a little we arrived when it was dark out so I didn’t get a picture of us going under the welcome sign.



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We stayed at the Pop Century Resort from September 22-29, 2012. I had faxed them a room request of a king size bed, near a smoking section with a view of Hourglass Lake. Well we got 2 out of 3 which was fine by me. We got room 1203 in the 50’s building, right by the smoking section and Classic Hall! After we checked in and put our carry-on’s in our room, we headed to Classic Hall to eat some dinner. DH got a chili cheese dog with dirt pudding for dessert and I got a grilled chicken sandwich with the tie dyed cheese cake. This is one of the only times I remembered to take a picture of our food before we actually took a bite. We brought those desserts back to our room and put them in our mini fridge but we never did eat them. Since we were at our resort we both got a bottle of water with our meal and used our resort mugs for sodas. That became a regular thing to do during our trip because the next morning we would take those bottles of water with us during the day. It really helped out a lot and prevented us from spending more money on bottles of water.


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Aaron wanted to grab a drink at Petals Pool Bar and then we decided to head to Art of Animation for a nice walk. On our way we met a Pop Bunny. When we were in the Cars section, Aaron noticed that the grass was really green and wanted to know if it was real and split his drink all over! It was on my leg and his shoes, $7 gone! We visited every section of AOA but our pictures didn’t come our great, since it was so dark.


Afterwards we went back to our room, hoping our luggage would be there since we had been gone for about 2 hours. We finally went to bed around 1:30 in the morning but our luggage still hadn’t arrived. We went to bed without our luggage...good thing I packed one outfit each in our carry ons, but no pajamas. Tomorrow we will be testing out the new Fastpass Plus at The Magic Kingdom!


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I had that happen with our luggage once. I always tell people to remember Disney says it can take up to 5 hours before your luggage is delivered to your room. Now if we fly in during the evening I remember to pack an overnight in my carry on.


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We might have went to bed kind of late the night before, but we were both up nice and early ready for our first full day at WDW. One problem….no luggage! It was 7:30 and I wanted to get to MK nice and early but my toothbrush, deodorant, and all the essentials were in our other luggage. Luckily we were really close to Classic Hall so I walked to get the luggage while Aaron was still sleeping.

Magic Kingdom opened at 9 today and we arrived around 8:30, we walked around and took some pictures of the fall/halloween decorations. You can see that I like taking pictures of Aaron taking pictures.


I always want to go to MK on our first day, because their Welcome Show really just sets up the whole week! Seeing all the characters come in on the train made me all teary eyed, “I am really here!”


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The doors opened and we got on the first horsedrawn trolley down Main Street, USA. We have never done that before and it was a lot of fun!


Oh yeah, our Fastpass Plus! We got to pick 4 attractions to schedule fastpasses for in advance. So we had Peter Pan 9:05-10:05, Mickey’s PhilharMagic 10:05-11:05, Haunted Mansion 11:05-12:05, and Space Mountain 9:00-10:00pm

So after our ride to the castle, we headed to use our Fastpass Plus at Peter Pan. We kind of felt like VIP’s being about to just go in the fastpass line and walk past everyone else that had been waiting all that time. After Peter Pan, we went over to ride the Pooh ride. Apparently Aaron had never seen the Winnie the Pooh movie, so he didn’t really understand why there were heffalumps and woozals jumping around. The best part was that we got to ride Honey Pot #23, which is our wedding anniversary date.

Then it was time for our Fastpass Plus for PhilharMagic. Going through all the Disney movies is just so much fun! We really enjoyed it and I just wish it was longer and went through more Disney movies. Afterwards, we walked up to Main Street to see grab some breakfast at the bakery but the line was out the door and we were hungry now! We walked back to the little stand near Hall of Presidents and grabbed an apple. We walked around a bit and took some pictures


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Then we used our Fastpass Plus for the Haunted Mansion and then headed to Casey’s Corner for lunch. Before we left, I asked Aaron what he was looking forward to the most and he said – out of all possible things at Disney World – Hotdog from Casey’s Corner! The best part was getting cotton candy as my dessert!



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After lunch we headed back to Pop. This was the first time we took the AOA bus back instead of the Pop bus. It was kind of nice taking a walk through AOA to our room at the Pop.


We napped for a while but we were awaken by a castmember at the door to give us our Photopass Discount card. We had to get up anyway. We got ready again and headed out the door back to MK. We had a little extra time before we had to head to our 5:30 carriage ride at Fort Wilderness. So we went back into MK and got our first ever Dole Whips! We got the pineapple/vanilla swirl and it was to die for! I was too excited that I forgot to take a picture before we digged in.



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We headed right back out and got on a boat to Fort Wilderness. We got there really early and just sat on the porch in front of Crocket’s Tavern. We also found some snails.

Then our carriage arrived! Our horse’s name was Beau. We got to see a Disney Deer! Our carriage driver showed us her favorite view of MK.




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The ride was so peaceful; I didn’t want it to end! We went back to MK, via boat. We were kinda hungry but we had 8:05 ressies at CRT, so we didn’t want to spoil our dinner. We grabbed a Mickey pretzel somewhere in Tomorrowland. We rode COP, which was really interesting until the last scene. I am not sure what that was supposed to be but wow! It was just outdated! I understand wanting to keep it like the original, but then don’t add a brand new TV, it seriously looked like what people in the 80’s thought the future was going to be like, but they added a TV someone bought yesterday. We walked around for a while, waiting for our ADR time to get there.


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We didn’t want to wait any longer, so we checked in at CRT at 7:38. We waited like 5 minutes and then we were taken straight upstairs. We were told that during dinner someone would come to our table and take us downstairs to meet Cinderella.




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We both ordered the tenderloin as our entrée, but I got the shrimp and he got the soup as our appetizers. The beef was very good and cooked just the way we like it, but Aaron did not like the sauce they put on it.



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First princess…..Snow White! She taught Aaron how to stand like a prince.


For dessert, I got the Chef’s sampler and Aaron got the Lemon Sorbet.



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by the way....we took the photos back to CVS and we should be getting corrected re-prints soon. I guess people just don't know how to develope film anymore. Apparently they just put the film in the machine upside down and didn't bother to care.


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Then Aurora came to visit. She had a lot to say, which was neat. Aaron was wearing his Avengers T-shirt and she talked about how she likes Thor the most because he has long beautiful blonde hair like her.

Ariel was next. I asked her if she stills see flounder, she told me she meets him at the surface every day.


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