Back in the 90s, Disney was betting huge on the success of Euro Disney. It was a multi billion dollar investment and they thought it was going to be an instant success. Then the park opened and was a complete failure. It resulted in DIsney having to cut the budget or cancel many projects such as Tomorrowland 2055, Westcot, and other future attractions at the other parks. Then Space Mountain opened at Disneyland Paris and saved the park. Not too long ago, Disney was betting huge on the success of Star Wars Galaxy Edge. It was a multi billion dollar investment and they thought it was going to be an instant success. Then the first land at Disneyland opened without its E Ticket and was a complete failure. It may also fail at DHS as well. Do you think that Disney could cancel some of its current projects like Galaxy’s Edge in Paris for example in order to cut the budget from the potential losses of the money from Galaxy’s Edge? Do you think that Star Wars ROTR could save these lands like how Space Mountain saved Euro Disney?