Is Disney World becoming like Disneyland?

Just A Big Kid

Original Poster
Something i've noticed over the past few years is, it seems as if the people responsible for Disney World growth is stuck with a Disneyland mentality. What do i mean? One thing Walt Disney wanted in Florida was the blessing of size so the the parks could grow outward unlike Disneyland in Cali that is land locked and has to focus on growning inward. But seemingly over the past few projects opened in WDW it seems obvious to me that instead of expanding the parks, they seem more content on taking out rides just for the sake of growth. YES, they have plenty of room to grow. Sure you'd need to move a few parking lots around Epcot, sure you'd need to expand the back of MK, but they still do have plenty of room available. In MK, since they took out 20k for various reasons, couldn't they have drain the lagoon and use the lagoon and 20k's show building for a much better version of Pooh? I think so. Could they add a new attraction where the extinct Skyway building is in Tommorrowland? Yes they can. In Epcot, wouldn't it make more sense if you wanted to add "thrill rides" to simply add new paths leading outward from Future World rather than condiming current attractions? And yes i know this will probably be debated to death, but it just seems like people who run WDW are afraid of expansion. Let me know your thoughts.

General Grizz

New Member
A lot of your points are very valid...but it looks like we'll have to wait and see. What my concerns are involve these little things called 'gifts from Disneyland.'

1. Soarin' (Apparently using the same film from California...which...why is this going in EPCOT? I'm okay, but I just really hope they update the film to deal more with The Land's primary functions if the budget may happen to increase)

2. Flik's Fun Fair
Alright...I hope this isn't cheap. I know a lot of it is clever and whatnot, but if I see a single carnival game that costs at least a buck, I'm going to rip my hair out! :lol: We already have a pain called the Dino-Rama which already "breaks" some of the rules created by Walt Disney. This area has the potential to be great...but I don't want to see the place ruined more.

Come to think of it, these aren't even gifts FROM Disneyland - it's a 'gift' from DCA. And they're apparently here for "Disneyland's 50th Birthday..." they're all gifts from recent attractions built in the past few years. No, this isn't wrong, but if they are truly trying to "promote" the Disneyland park, that they center it AT Disneyland, and, if they want to leave "gifts," perhaps try more massive things like..."Adventures thru Inner Space" which would allow more complex attractions to enter based on original concepts...and not just cut copies to put in the other side of America.

Now by that statement, I do NOT want Flying Saucers... they better PROMOTE the Carousel of Progress as that is the only true gift from Disneyland...moved here entirely. Of course, that probably won't happen, just as Walt Disney's favorite was closed on his birthday... :rolleyes:


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Come to think of it, these aren't even gifts FROM Disneyland - it's a 'gift' from DCA. And they're apparently here for "Disneyland's 50th Birthday..." they're all gifts from recent attractions built in the past few years. No, this isn't wrong, but if they are truly trying to "promote" the Disneyland park, that they center it AT Disneyland, and, if they want to leave "gifts," perhaps try more massive things like..."Adventures thru Inner Space" which would allow more complex attractions to enter based on original concepts...and not just cut copies to put in the other side of America.

Now by that statement, I do NOT want Flying Saucers... they better PROMOTE the Carousel of Progress as that is the only true gift from Disneyland...moved here entirely. Of course, that probably won't happen, just as Walt Disney's favorite was closed on his birthday... :rolleyes:

While I do agree on these not being gifts from Disneyland itself, I eagerly await and hope that the other items that have been rumored go in to Disney World...well, Memraid Lagoon anyway...all I care about is seeing that Mermaid Theater Show while NOT having to spend thousands of dollars to go to Tokyo!!!!!! Me want me Ariel show!!!!!!!! GrahhhH!!!!!!:D


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Just A Big Kid
Something i've noticed over the past few years is, it seems as if the people responsible for Disney World growth is stuck with a Disneyland mentality. ...But seemingly over the past few projects opened in WDW it seems obvious to me that instead of expanding the parks, they seem more content on taking out rides just for the sake of growth. YES, they have plenty of room to grow. ...but it just seems like people who run WDW are afraid of expansion.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Well said, JUSTABIGKID!!!

Count me in among those who want ADDTIONS to the parks.....NOT REPLACEMENTS!!!

With 47 square miles to disburse your guests, I should not have to be rammed in the back of the leg with a stroller or experience an electric wheelchair blockade after a parade......EVER!



It's real tough to compare the two resorts. True, WDW hasn't been expanding the size of it's parks, but then again we did get a new park 5 years ago, and regular additions to the parks we have.
Disneyland Park hasn't had a major new attraction since 1995!
Plus they lost three signficant attractions, Rocket Rods, Sub. Voyage, Country Bears, and gained only (a weak) Pooh.
True DCA opened 2 years ago, but at half the cost and one tenth the size of Animal Kingdom.
Disneyland Resort is hurtin'! So much so that they are forced to be excited about a replaced Space Mountain and cling to the possibility of (maybe) a Buzz, while hoping that ToT will save DCA.

I don't want to rant or anything, but WDW is doing just fine.
Disneyland, the "crown jewel" of Disney parks, needs help fast, and more so than any park in WDW.

As for Flick's coming to AK...wonderful! I really liked Flick's and it is incorrect to compare it to Dinorama. It's far better in both rides for the little ones, and immersive themeing.


Well-Known Member


There would be no need for FastPass, Prioity Seating, or those cow corrals they lead you to the Attractions with if the place was spread out more.

The cheap way out? Build a series of long, tree-lined paths at least a quarter of a mile long leading out from behind current attractions. Put up whatever hidden walls and camouflage needed to hide the backstage.

At the end of each path, a single brand spanking new E-ticket attraction. This would get the crowds out of the main area of the parks to a great new attraction, and Disney would not have the expense of creating an expensive, fully developed stage along the way. Just a nice, cool, tree lined stroll to your next adventure. (Think of the food and lemonade carts they could park along the way!!!) :lol: It wouldn't be "wasted"'s space they did not have to pay extra money to develop just for the sake of adding a new attraction.

Hate the idea if you must, but it sounds better to me everytime I experience that hot smelly crowd on Main Street USA.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


I agree

I agree with a lot of the statements here also but it seems lately that no matter what Disney does there is complaining. I can understand in the economy they don't want to put extra money into projects by expanding the parks. That would cost a heck of a lot of money. They are trying to make some new and different things come in to keep people coming back. I honestly feel when things get better the expansions will start and that they will eventually have a mixture of e rides and dark rides but as of now, they are trying to do the best they can without going too deep into debt. I hope and pray also that they start going back to new and different animatronics to also bring back some of the Disney "nostalgia". We love both and we honestly think because there weren't too many E rides in Epcot, they are trying too hard to make everyone happy. I know down the road it will go back to some of the greatness we loved but right now, I can deal with the E rides going in knowing it will turn around eventually~!


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Is Disney World becoming like Disneyland?

Originally posted by BRER STITCH

With 47 square miles to disburse your guests, I should not have to be rammed in the back of the leg with a stroller or experience an electric wheelchair blockade after a parade......EVER!

Who knew so many lil old ladies in wheelchairs could drive like Tony Stewart? (That'd be Michael Shumacker for our European Brethren) :lol: :D

Just A Big Kid

Original Poster
Re: Re: Re: Is Disney World becoming like Disneyland?

Originally posted by PhotoDave219
Who knew so many lil old ladies in wheelchairs could drive like Tony Stewart? (That'd be Michael Shumacker for our European Brethren) :lol: :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Is Disney World becoming like Disneyland?
Definitely NOT !!

Just because the rumors about Flick, Soarin' ???

Wait and see... NOTHING has been confirmed...

And don't you worry, Disney World will NEVER become like Disneyland, NEVER !!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lee
I don't want to rant or anything, but WDW is doing just fine.
Disneyland, the "crown jewel" of Disney parks, needs help fast, and more so than any park in WDW.

I really don't think Disneyland is hurting all that much....I keep saying this over and over, but while WDW is my favorite resort (good place to spend an entire week's vacation), Disneyland itself is my all-time favorite theme park.

It is much better than WDW's MK in my eyes. Everyone always brings up Tomorrowland when they talk about how bad Disneyland is doing...and while I agree there, there isn't much else that MK has that Disneyland doesn't have.

Main Street: Just about the same at both parks (shops and such), but from a historian's point of view, Main Street at DL is a perfect monument (along with the much smaller castle) for not only theme park history, but for Walt Disney himself. This goes for everything at DL that has had Walt's "special touch" that the MK doesn;t have.

Fantasyland: Disneyland has all the rides MK has in Fantasyland, and more! Plus, the Small World facade is really cool, even to those who don't like the ride itself!

Adventureland: Same stuff here as MK, treehouse, Jungle Cruise, and Tiki Room. The original Tiki Room, by the way, for the Disney classics fans (though it is getting quite old, I think it should have a makeover). And of course, the best thing Disneyland has over MK: The Indiana Jones Adventure!

Frontierland: Same stuff as MK: Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain...oops...the Bears are gone...lost to Pooh.....BUT, Disneyland still has the Golden Horseshoe!!

New Orleans Square: My personal favorite area of Disneyland for 2 reasons: Haunted Mansion, and Pirates. Now the MK has these too, but as is so often noted, the original Pirates at DL is much better than the quickly made one at MK: Its longer, has more stuff, and is much more fun because of this.

The Haunted Mansions are basically the same except for the buildings, which are cool and unique at both parks...but just a personal thing here...I love the Holiday makeover!

Toontown: Much larger than the Toontown fair at MK, plus it has Roger Rabbits cartoon spin, a favorite attraction of mine :). The architecture in this area is just great, plus all the little interactive bits here and there (the dynamite thing, the electric building, etc).

And of course, Tomorrowland, the much weaker counterpart of the MK's. Still, it does have the major "Space Mountain" ride, the same ride that is the most popular in the MK. Though they need to get rid of Innoventions and fix those darn Rocket Rods. Otherwise you have Honey I Shrunk the Aundience and Star Tours...which, although are getting quite old, are both still considered big attractions in their Disney World home parks (Epcot and MGM).

Now I have only been there a few times, so I could not say yet if the place really needs new attractions (which it most certainly does deserve, being the heart of the Disney theem park division). But The place, to me, has more big name attractions in its one park than any WDW park has on its own. Thats why I can see where Disney does not want to worry about adding new attractions when they think they have enough already.

I dunno, I'm not trying to hype Disneyland being better than I said, the WDW resort is the #1 destination in my book, but looking at a one day visit point of view, I like Disneyland the best. And I will admit, being a big Walt Disney buff, I like the idea that I am walking the same paths that Walt did years ago.


New Member
Originally posted by Just A Big Kid
Something i've noticed over the past few years is, it seems as if the people responsible for Disney World growth is stuck with a Disneyland mentality. What do i mean? One thing Walt Disney wanted in Florida was the blessing of size so the the parks could grow outward unlike Disneyland in Cali that is land locked and has to focus on growning inward. But seemingly over the past few projects opened in WDW it seems obvious to me that instead of expanding the parks, they seem more content on taking out rides just for the sake of growth. YES, they have plenty of room to grow. Sure you'd need to move a few parking lots around Epcot, sure you'd need to expand the back of MK, but they still do have plenty of room available. In MK, since they took out 20k for various reasons, couldn't they have drain the lagoon and use the lagoon and 20k's show building for a much better version of Pooh? I think so. Could they add a new attraction where the extinct Skyway building is in Tommorrowland? Yes they can. In Epcot, wouldn't it make more sense if you wanted to add "thrill rides" to simply add new paths leading outward from Future World rather than condiming current attractions? And yes i know this will probably be debated to death, but it just seems like people who run WDW are afraid of expansion. Let me know your thoughts.

One thing you need to keep in mind is the historcal record with the parks, You can't really compare the two parks, the senarios for them are very different, DL was built on a former orange grove where there were service roads usually on the section grids lines, they became the major Blvd's surrounding DL today, and as businesses' do, the cluster around where lots of people are going to be, In Floridia there wasn't the road network like in california ,WDWs land was huge grazing fields with acres of un broken land, so when Walt bought the land and put all the puzzle peices together , there were no roads except I4 and 192 intersecting the property, just because WDW is getting an attraction from DL doesn't make it a DL clone.
When Walt talks about having "The blessing of size", I think you missunderstand. If you have read any books or seen the EPCOT film he explains that the size of the property will allow all the ideas they dream up to be built, and not necessarily all in the MK.

When WDW land was aquired in the late 60s the plan was to build E.P.C.O.T( The experimental community) which would have only one theme park where the current MK is today, in the center of the property where Epcot( the theme park) now stands was to be a large Hotel and commercial complex as well as the entry to the complex and raidating out from that was the residential.

After Walts death it became accedemic and the concept became what we have seen built over the last 32 odd years, there have been major changes in plans from the original phase two concept from the 70s, and when management changed in the mid 80s thats when the building of parks and attractions increased, and the property started to fill up, I can agree with you on the fact that things are too spread out and I think there are way too many rooms but trust me there will be open space left, by way of nature the ground is unstable for a park foundation so thoes areas will stay in there natural state,


Well-Known Member
Just for the record...
Fliks dosent have any carnival games! It is cleverly themed and beautifully done. It is a direct tie in with the show here...

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