Ah, yes, the old, reliable ad hominem attack. There was a time when people realized and the rules of debate demanded that calling names and using pejorative words did not assure victory in an argument. No longer, it seems.
The Saudis epitmoze the phrase, "With friends like that, who needs enemies?" and at a time when they, their "government" (read, "royalty") are preventing a major U.S. Airline from allowing Jews from flying on and others from carrying onboard unapproved religious books and other items on its branch carrier, the question of tolerance should be pointed in the other direction, I think.
If Walt Disney World represents anything in principle, it embodies something about the dreams of America and the diversity and unity of its people (and that of the world community, especially in Epcot). Saudi Arabian society, in it's treatment of women, minorities and those of religious devotion other than the official state sect, hardly fits that vision.
Count me among those that would have serious reservations about further lining the pockets of a Saudi prince by frequenting an American cultural icon owned by a person wed to, if not explicitly responsible for a social perspective antithetical to American ideals and possibly overtly inimical toward freedom generally.