I will start by saying that I know this general topic has been discussed a million times!! However, I want to get into some of the gritty details that I don't think I've seen brought up. I want to try and present this in a slightly different way.
Whenever I see discussions related to a fifth gate at Walt Disney World, there's some things that I miss. Maybe it's because I read enough threads and all anyone seems to talk about is what theme it should be and how we need a fifth gate because the parks are too crowded and not "magical enough." What I constantly wonder is: Is a fifth gate even possible? I'm sure a lot of people will find that a silly question but my thoughts go towards "Where would it be located?" and "Is there a theme unique enough to encompass another whole park?" and "What kind of attractions would go there that wouldn't make more sense in the existing parks?"
When it comes to location, everybody seems to love to tout the fact that "Disney has only used 1/3 of its space" or something along those lines and while that may be true, much of the property owned by Disney isn't entirely suitable for another theme park to be built upon it. It's very difficult to find a large contiguous space for Disney to build a fifth gate. So, where would it be? Does anyone on the forum have knowledge on the suitability of the land? Could anyone point one out on a property map? I believe I've seen one before and there appeared to be a patch of land west of the Magic Kingdom but to build upon that would likely require a massive restructuring of the infrastructure around the Polynesian, Grand Floridian and Magic Kingdom parking lot area.
When it comes to theming, everybody loves to discuss this aspect of a fifth gate. But I can't recall ever seeing a theme that I could buy into Disney constructing theme park around. The most popular one I see is a theme park dedicated to villains but in reality, I don't even think that idea looks good on paper. How does Mickey Mouse get incorporated into this theme park? How do ANY heroes for that matter get incorporated into the theme park? How many little kids would find a park dedicated to villains appealing? The possibilities with a theme park dedicated to villains is extremely restricting. Perhaps they could encompass a land in the Magic Kingdom but an entire park dedicated to villains does not sound nearly as sensible. The other theme I see commonly brought up is a park dedicated to closed Disney rides and, if I even believe for a moment that it's physically possible for Disney to rebuild all their closed rides, why would they do that? Many of the rides that have closed over the years closed due to lack of popularity or licensing issues. It's another nonsensical idea. I cannot fathom a theme that would be unique enough from the current four existing parks. The closest I can come up with is a heroes vs villains set up with half the park dedicated to heroes and the other half dedicated to villains but even so, I don't think that set up would materialize very well. The four parks that exist can find homes for every Disney IP there is and beyond. And that includes Marvel as we're witnessing the Guardians of the Galaxy receiving what appears to be a permanent home in EPCOT.
But what does everyone else think? Does my post check out? If anything seems incorrect, please let me know! I am aware Disney won't be building another gate any time soon, but if they did, what are the logistics of it? Where on property would it go and what kind of theme would make it unique enough to both function and justify its existence?
Whenever I see discussions related to a fifth gate at Walt Disney World, there's some things that I miss. Maybe it's because I read enough threads and all anyone seems to talk about is what theme it should be and how we need a fifth gate because the parks are too crowded and not "magical enough." What I constantly wonder is: Is a fifth gate even possible? I'm sure a lot of people will find that a silly question but my thoughts go towards "Where would it be located?" and "Is there a theme unique enough to encompass another whole park?" and "What kind of attractions would go there that wouldn't make more sense in the existing parks?"
When it comes to location, everybody seems to love to tout the fact that "Disney has only used 1/3 of its space" or something along those lines and while that may be true, much of the property owned by Disney isn't entirely suitable for another theme park to be built upon it. It's very difficult to find a large contiguous space for Disney to build a fifth gate. So, where would it be? Does anyone on the forum have knowledge on the suitability of the land? Could anyone point one out on a property map? I believe I've seen one before and there appeared to be a patch of land west of the Magic Kingdom but to build upon that would likely require a massive restructuring of the infrastructure around the Polynesian, Grand Floridian and Magic Kingdom parking lot area.
When it comes to theming, everybody loves to discuss this aspect of a fifth gate. But I can't recall ever seeing a theme that I could buy into Disney constructing theme park around. The most popular one I see is a theme park dedicated to villains but in reality, I don't even think that idea looks good on paper. How does Mickey Mouse get incorporated into this theme park? How do ANY heroes for that matter get incorporated into the theme park? How many little kids would find a park dedicated to villains appealing? The possibilities with a theme park dedicated to villains is extremely restricting. Perhaps they could encompass a land in the Magic Kingdom but an entire park dedicated to villains does not sound nearly as sensible. The other theme I see commonly brought up is a park dedicated to closed Disney rides and, if I even believe for a moment that it's physically possible for Disney to rebuild all their closed rides, why would they do that? Many of the rides that have closed over the years closed due to lack of popularity or licensing issues. It's another nonsensical idea. I cannot fathom a theme that would be unique enough from the current four existing parks. The closest I can come up with is a heroes vs villains set up with half the park dedicated to heroes and the other half dedicated to villains but even so, I don't think that set up would materialize very well. The four parks that exist can find homes for every Disney IP there is and beyond. And that includes Marvel as we're witnessing the Guardians of the Galaxy receiving what appears to be a permanent home in EPCOT.
But what does everyone else think? Does my post check out? If anything seems incorrect, please let me know! I am aware Disney won't be building another gate any time soon, but if they did, what are the logistics of it? Where on property would it go and what kind of theme would make it unique enough to both function and justify its existence?