International - interviews


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Hey! Long shot - but did anyone have an interview in London today? Or is there anyone who has applied for an international thingy? Im not sure if theres a similar thread! :)


I did :D

Just got homeee.

Hope I got in anyway, 2 weeks wait to find outtt :lookaroun

Do you think your interview went well ?


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Woo! :D

I think it went okay, i tried my best so if i dont get it i wont be too disappointed :) What date have you applied to go out for? And how did your interview go?


Welll hopefully if I get in I'll be going over May 30th, I think my Interview went well kinda, lol, it's all ways hard to judge these things your-self after, but yeah we were chatting for quite a bit so that's a good sign I guess, lol.

Was you there for the presentation, did you win any prizes in the lil quiz :lol:


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MuRkErY said:
Welll hopefully if I get in I'll be going over May 30th, I think my Interview went well kinda, lol, it's all ways hard to judge these things your-self after, but yeah we were chatting for quite a bit so that's a good sign I guess, lol.

Was you there for the presentation, did you win any prizes in the lil quiz :lol:

Gosh thats early! I reckon you'll defo get it, because the woman was aking me if i could do an earlier date because so many people had applied for later ones! Sucks because im still ay uni :rolleyes:

Yeh i was there for the presentation, i wanted something soo badly but i didnt get anything, some guy got an inflatable globe though! :eek:

Did you make any friends? :D


New Member
Hi. I had an interview in liverpool for the summer international college program. I thought my interview went alright but the waiting begins now. Have you guys been to it's a really good website about the international programs.


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louiseh said:
Hi. I had an interview in liverpool for the summer international college program. I thought my interview went alright but the waiting begins now. Have you guys been to it's a really good website about the international programs.

Hey, thats a really good site - thanks for that :D Im really scared, i dont think il get it, i just dont think the woman interviewing liked me too much.


New Member
Yeah i'm trying not to build my hopes up but watching the presentation just made me want to go even more. But I think that we will find out soon. I hope they email us to let us know though cause I hardly ever answer my phone.


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Yeh me neither! I always get missed calls, because i never hear it ring! But i think they'll probably call. I didnt realise there wers so many interviews being held - i suppose it depends on how many people they take as to whether we all have a really good chance. :)


New Member
Yeah I think they do take on a lot of people but still not sure how good the chances are cause there were a lot of people there. So when did u say you would leave and what job do you want to do?


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I cant leave until the 25th June, which i think will lower my chances a bit. The woman asked if i could do an earlier date, but my uni doesnt break up until the 16th! My first choice was operations, second was merchandise. But im wishing id put life guarding as a top choice now! What about you?


Hi. I had an interview in liverpool for the summer international college program. I thought my interview went alright but the waiting begins now. Have you guys been to it's a really good website about the international programs.

That website is great, thx :)

The woman asked if i could do an earlier date, but my uni doesnt break up until the 16th!

Well if she's asking you that's a good sign, at least it means she's interested in when you can go. Who did you have the interview with Julie or Meg, I had mine with Juile, and I thought she was great fun.

but watching the presentation just made me want to go even more.

Yeah the presentation was great, I won a pen, lol, then lost it later on, it must have fell out of my pocket or something :(

I'm starting to get nervous now, lol, even though I know we wont find out for a week or so.


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Im not too sure what her name was, it was the older woman though. Im really worried she didnt like me though :rolleyes: i have peircings and i dont think sje liked them.


New Member
louiseh said:
Hi. I had an interview in liverpool for the summer international college program. I thought my interview went alright but the waiting begins now. Have you guys been to it's a really good website about the international programs.

Just a note, I'm going over on 30th May, Nice to meet you all, about, Yummy Jobs don't advise using that site apparently.

Just thought I should let you know!



New Member
Well apparently one of my friends told one of the Yummy Jobs team that he was using it (I think it may just apply to the forums rather than the main site, I'm not too sure) I was told that they advised him that the information wasn't all that reliable or outdated.

Thats just what I heard!


EDIT: have you tried ??

That has a fair bit of information about the program


New Member
b_e_x said:
Im not too sure what her name was, it was the older woman though. Im really worried she didnt like me though :rolleyes: i have peircings and i dont think sje liked them.

Are you reffering to Julie? Yummy Jobs came with a team to The Netherlands as well two weeks ago. I had my interview with Julie and she was wearing a French and a Mexican flag on her name tag. The other woman was called Megan I think and she worked with F&B in Epcot. Are we talking about the same people?

Anyway, I think it is a trick that they don't show to much emotion when interviewing so you won't get your hopes up. It sure does make you anctious for an answer though.



New Member
Well apparently one of my friends told one of the Yummy Jobs team that he was using it (I think it may just apply to the forums rather than the main site, I'm not too sure) I was told that they advised him that the information wasn't all that reliable or outdated.

Thats just what I heard!

Just wanted to reassure you guys about

I'm a former UK Pavilion castmember. I was on the WDWIP from 2003 - 2004. I've been a member of since 2002; through the application process, interview, the waiting, the program itself, and coming home. is a great place for info about the program and to find more folks in exactly the same position as yourself. It's not official however. It's technically nothing to do with Disney. It was created by a Canadian wdwip alumni who wanted to share his experiences with others. Hence, you can appreciate why jason & Alexis at Yummy don't want to be seen to be directing folks there. It is a "warts and all" look at the program and in a sense, Disney itself.

I'm so glad I found the site when I did. It helped me to plan for my program so much (then I am a bit of an excessive planner anyway :lol: ). And now folks like myself are happy to return the favor for the "newbies". :animwink: It is a great resource as you not only get to meet folks like yourself and alumni, but also folks out there right now, doing it (the program that is :D ).

If you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to help. :wave:

Aaaanyway, just wanted to fill you guys in a bit. All the best and I hope those of you waiting hear from Yummy soon and the rest of you have a blast. I'm so jealous. :p

Ona x


New Member
I heard that too... I don't see why not... that website helped me so much before I arrived in Disney. There would have been a lot I didn't know!, and ended up sharing half of the information with my arrival group (who aren't really as much as disney freaks as me).

It can be very negative at times, and scared me somewhat before I came, but I had already made up my mind that I was working for Disney even if I had to swim the Atlantic to get there!

I'd advice to use wdwip with caution.

Oh the otherhand... I'm on there so come say hi :p

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