Inside Edition undercover report on WDW hotels. 5:58 pm eastern

She also rinsed out the glasses with just water, no soap, started to dry them off with the towel, rubbed the towel on her mouth or nose, it appeared, (back to hidden camera) and then dried the glasses with that same towel. This was part of the Contemporary part of the expose. Ewww.

This is what happens when you don't tip mousekeeping. If they had tipped, she would have gotten the cart with the clean glasses, freshly laundered bedspreads, and carpet cleaner.
OH dear lord in heaven!! They wash the cups with their bare hands! Heaven forbid. There might be germs in the room!

To all of you germaphobic paranoids out there, who wash your hands 84 times a day, and and use purell everytime they touch anything in public (by the way you are also the people causing anibiotic resistance and who will eventually create the superbug you so fear) GET A LIFE!!!! There are germs everywhere, there always have been there always will be. They're in your house, on you sink, in your car, and yes in Disneyworld. They're always around! Relax, live a little, stop worrying about them so much. You guys are the ones that get sicker more often than us regular non-germaphobes. You know why? Its called acquired immunity. If you dont get exposed your body cant make antibodies, so when you do get exposed, and you will, you get sicker faster, because you have no immunity.

People, please stop falling for the media fodder, fear machine cranked out on the news every night. When you stop paying attention, they'll stop shovelling it down you throat.

Sorry for the rant.:(

:sohappy:You hit the nail on the head!! AMEN!!


Active Member
OH dear lord in heaven!! They wash the cups with their bare hands! Heaven forbid. There might be germs in the room!

To all of you germaphobic paranoids out there, who wash your hands 84 times a day, and and use purell everytime they touch anything in public (by the way you are also the people causing anibiotic resistance and who will eventually create the superbug you so fear) GET A LIFE!!!! There are germs everywhere, there always have been there always will be. They're in your house, on you sink, in your car, and yes in Disneyworld. They're always around! Relax, live a little, stop worrying about them so much. You guys are the ones that get sicker more often than us regular non-germaphobes. You know why? Its called acquired immunity. If you dont get exposed your body cant make antibodies, so when you do get exposed, and you will, you get sicker faster, because you have no immunity.

People, please stop falling for the media fodder, fear machine cranked out on the news every night. When you stop paying attention, they'll stop shovelling it down you throat.

Sorry for the rant.:(

Your rant solidified your status as a Disney freak who fails to see reason if it somehow shines a negative light on anything Disney.


Well-Known Member
This is a completely useless study as the results are based on such a small percentage. Do we know for certain that all rooms at the Contemporary are maintained in a similar manner?

For what its worth, I'm a germaphobe (yes, I use a paper towel to open public bathroom doors when I'm done) and this doesn't even bother me. Why? Because before I'd even think about using one of those glasses I clean it in burning hot water from the faucet!

Now we've seen certain things that aren't the most pleasing at Disney resorts. We had a hand towel just this month with toothpaste on it. While I'm sure this was missed because it was underneath, it proved that the towels were not completely swapped out from the previous guests. We've seen hair in the bathtub, etc but guess what? A hotel room is a hotel room and not your home. If you are really that concerned, take care of the problem yourself. Bring your own cups, sheets, pillows, towels, bottled water, carpet cleaner, well you get the idea :lol:

I am curious if Inside Edition is run on any ABC local affiliates because that would be ironic.


Active Member
OH dear lord in heaven!! They wash the cups with their bare hands! Heaven forbid. There might be germs in the room!

To all of you germaphobic paranoids out there, who wash your hands 84 times a day, and and use purell everytime they touch anything in public (by the way you are also the people causing anibiotic resistance and who will eventually create the superbug you so fear) GET A LIFE!!!! There are germs everywhere, there always have been there always will be. They're in your house, on you sink, in your car, and yes in Disneyworld. They're always around! Relax, live a little, stop worrying about them so much. You guys are the ones that get sicker more often than us regular non-germaphobes. You know why? Its called acquired immunity. If you dont get exposed your body cant make antibodies, so when you do get exposed, and you will, you get sicker faster, because you have no immunity.

People, please stop falling for the media fodder, fear machine cranked out on the news every night. When you stop paying attention, they'll stop shovelling it down you throat.

Sorry for the rant.:(

The germs!! THEY'RE....... EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!

If you're worried about germs from hotel rooms... then I recommend wearing plastic around yourself when you sit down in any ride vehicle.

I'm not excusing what the maid did - they should clean it correctly - but like others in this thread have said, its really nothing to freak out about. Regardless of how "dirty" your hotel room might be, anywhere you sit in the parks is worse.

Um, I think both of you read WAY too much into my post and others and are making alot of assumptions here. Just because I find hotel rooms gross, does not make me a "germaphobic", and I am not "freaking out".
This is not just about "germs". I'm not stupid, I know germs are everywhere. But because I have COMMON SENSE, I am not going to sit on a toilet that I have NO IDEA who used it before me or if it was even cleaned, and I'm not going to drink out of a glass that could have been wiped with the same rag that was used to clean the toilet, and I am not going to put my toothbrush on the edge of a sink that also could have been wiped down with the toilet rag. I will clean these surfaces myself before I use them.
Do you realize how many nasty illnesses are spread by feces??? Do you realize that no matter how clean you keep your OWN bathroom at home, there are still feces particles all over the place?(there have been tons of studies on this). So just imagine how many would be in a hotel room that has hundreds of visitors every year and is not cleaned properly. I mean it is one thing when it is your OWN mess at your house....but a bunch of strangers? That is just gross.
And I am not going to lay down on a bedspread that has not been cleaned in years and has been laid on by thousands of strangers, many of whom would have done unmentionables on it.
And I am not going to walk around a hotel room in bare feet, when my socks turn BLACK in ten minutes.
So if you want to call me a "germaphobe" because I get grossed out by hotel rooms, fine. I'll just call you gross and disgusting because you DON't get grossed out by it.


Active Member
This is what happens when you don't tip mousekeeping. If they had tipped, she would have gotten the cart with the clean glasses, freshly laundered bedspreads, and carpet cleaner.

Yes, I think the real question here is did the guests leave a daily tip for Mousekeeping? Or, were they going to leave one at the end of the trip? Did they get towel animals that day?



Well this may help explain why I got extremely sick the last time I stayed at the Contemporary. Unfortunately unsanitary handling of glasses is occurring all over the country. From now on I will only use disposable cups in hotel rooms. If there aren't any in the room, I will call the front desk and request some because who knows what germs/diseases are lurking on those glasses that haven't seen a drop of soap in who knows how long.

another alternative i look to use instead of those hotel glasses is bringing my own icy cold beverages.. normally in the bottle form, in a 24 pack container or cooler! more or less depending on the stay that is. :slurp:


Well-Known Member
for all of you DEFENDING this action..

how can you defend this action? You are PAYING BIG BUCKS FOR A CLEAN ROOM. shouldn't you get WHAT YOU PAID FOR? next you will say, hey if Disney uses green Hamburger or mouldy turkey that's okay as well.

When is wrong WRONG with some of you? :shrug:

is Disney this perfect place? Should you not expect to get what you paid for and be happy about it?

and like another poster said, $300 bucks a night, Not COUNTING THE PARK TICKETS AND OTHER EXPENSES.

$300 per night, I can stay four blocks from the U.N building in NEW YORK for that price. Right across the street from the Chrysler building.

and you want to justify these actions.

That's insane.

and I'll tell you this, You know who should be fired, The hotel Manager should. why? because this starts at the top down. and if you don't set a precedent, then, this is what you get.

there is no justification for this action, NONE. and anyone who thinks that there is, just because its Disney, has been standing too close to the campfire for a long time.


Well-Known Member
My brother just returned from a trip last week.
They stayed at Wilderness lodge in a double bed room.
They got in late at night the first night, the kids were asleep so they just put the kids in bed without really inspecting the room.
Well, in the morning they dicovered that the bed had alot of blood dried up on the sheets! This was not from them, but who ever had stayed there before! House keeping(no longer Mousekeeping, in my opinion since taken over by outside contractors) did not bother changing the sheets from the prior guests.

To make matters worse, the hotel managers really were not bothered by this!
They would not move them to another location, and only said they would change the sheets that day and install a new mattress, as the blood went right through.
Upon returning to the room later that day they were told the whole room had been cleaned, sterilized, and the bed changed.
Well, all they did was change the sheets! Blood still on mattress, and all over the rim of the toilet. Two attempts at cleaning the room, and could not even clean toilet


Active Member
how can you defend this action? You are PAYING BIG BUCKS FOR A CLEAN ROOM. shouldn't you get WHAT YOU PAID FOR? next you will say, hey if Disney uses green Hamburger or mouldy turkey that's okay as well.

When is wrong WRONG with some of you? :shrug:

is Disney this perfect place? Should you not expect to get what you paid for and be happy about it?

and like another poster said, $300 bucks a night, Not COUNTING THE PARK TICKETS AND OTHER EXPENSES.

$300 per night, I can stay four blocks from the U.N building in NEW YORK for that price. Right across the street from the Chrysler building.

and you want to justify these actions.

That's insane.

and I'll tell you this, You know who should be fired, The hotel Manager should. why? because this starts at the top down. and if you don't set a precedent, then, this is what you get.

there is no justification for this action, NONE. and anyone who thinks that there is, just because its Disney, has been standing too close to the campfire for a long time.

Okay, despite my earlier joke referencing an earlier thread, I agree here.

Let's just get past the fact that hotel rooms are little germ-microcosims. We all have our own way of dealing with them.

But really here, I totally expect an actual clean room when I go to a hotel, and ESPECIALLY when I'm paying $250+ a night at a Disney Deluxe resort. It is really disgusting to think about what happened to the glasses. I mean, there's no excuse for glasses not to be fresh for each glass. In fact, if I saw this happen in ANY hotel I ever stayed in, local and national management would know.

While I know it's not standard practice to clean the comforter every day, etc., I do have certain expectations. I found a lost sock behind a curtain in a hotel room a few months back, and even that grossed me out. Not about the sock, but I wondered why this hadn't been found when cleaning when I found it so quickly. And to again reference back to the mousekeeping tipping thread - I shouldn't have to pre-tip every day to ensure a clean room.

Maybe this is one bad apple, but I'm thinking it's not. Management needs to take responsibility for what happened here and investigate. I haven't heard anything so far, and they had to have known this was coming, as these kinds of reports usually leak out before air.

My dad worked in Ukraine during the early/mid 1990s for his US company. One story he related once was that he was eating at a restaurant, and he could see into the kitchen. He saw the worker take the used glasses, empty them in the sink, then just dry them off with a towel. :eek:

So, I would expect that Disney would have higher sanitation standards than a small obscure restaurant in the former Soviet Union.


Well-Known Member
Your rant solidified your status as a Disney freak who fails to see reason if it somehow shines a negative light on anything Disney.

I guess you've missed the studies where he is exactly right, then.

how can you defend this action? You are PAYING BIG BUCKS FOR A CLEAN ROOM. shouldn't you get WHAT YOU PAID FOR? next you will say, hey if Disney uses green Hamburger or mouldy turkey that's okay as well.

When is wrong WRONG with some of you?

is Disney this perfect place? Should you not expect to get what you paid for and be happy about it?

and like another poster said, $300 bucks a night, Not COUNTING THE PARK TICKETS AND OTHER EXPENSES.

$300 per night, I can stay four blocks from the U.N building in NEW YORK for that price. Right across the street from the Chrysler building.

and you want to justify these actions.

That's insane.

and I'll tell you this, You know who should be fired, The hotel Manager should. why? because this starts at the top down. and if you don't set a precedent, then, this is what you get.

there is no justification for this action, NONE. and anyone who thinks that there is, just because its Disney, has been standing too close to the campfire for a long time.

What does staying somewhere else have anything to do with it? The room you are talking about could have exactly the same problems. This isn't something unique to Disney.

Once again. Who wouldn't clean a glass before they used it? Seriously.

I'm not trying to say this isn't wrong. But you all are going a little overboard, in my opinion. Yes, they should be cleaned thoroughly. Yes, it is a problem. However, this isn't the end of the world as some of you are trying to make it. If you need to use the glass, wash it first. The water gets hot enough to kill any germs.


Well-Known Member
Um, the problem here isn't that they're washing cups with their bare hands.

The problem is that the cups aren't being washed at all. Just rinsed out.

Would you eat at a restaurant that gave you a fork another customer had just eaten off of, without using any soap on it first? If so, go right ahead, but I wouldn't. That's what's happening here.


This, of course, is spot on 100% correct. The people belittling the folks saying this is disgusting just aren’t thinking…obviously. It is the expectation that when you use a glass, be it in a restaurant or a hotel room, that glass should be clean. Period!!

Making weak excuses, like the one that said what should be expected from someone making minimum wage, is nothing more than a slap in the face to housekeepers everywhere that do clean rooms the way they are supposed to and take pride in what they do.

Some of you are truly unbelievable…:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
You can always ask the maids to use your toothbrush while you're gone to help speed up your desired immunity to germs.

What does one have to do with the other? No one WANTS the germs, but the germs are becoming more and more resistant to these things, due to the purells and such.

This, of course, is spot on 100% correct. The people belittling the folks saying this is disgusting just aren’t thinking…obviously. It is the expectation that when you use a glass, be it in a restaurant or a hotel room, that glass should be clean. Period!!

Making weak excuses, like the one that said what should be expected from someone making minimum wage, is nothing more than a slap in the face to housekeepers everywhere that do clean rooms the way they are supposed to and take pride in what they do.

Some of you are truly unbelievable…

You are correct. It SHOULD be clean. But why wouldn't you wash it yourself first just to be sure, if you are so worried about it?


Well-Known Member
You are correct. It SHOULD be clean. But why wouldn't you wash it yourself first just to be sure, if you are so worried about it?

I'm not worried about it...I don't use the galsses. But there is an expectation the glass will be clean...just as in a restaurant. You have been presented with something in which you eat with, eat on, or drink out of. Do you wash your plate, glass or silverware when you sit down at Tony's, 'Ohana or Beaches & Cream?? Of course not.


Well-Known Member
I'm not worried about it...I don't use the galsses. But there is an expectation the glass will be clean...just as in a restaurant. You have been presented with something in which you eat with, eat on, or drink out of. Do you wash your plate, glass or silverware when you sit down at Tony's, 'Ohana or Beaches & Cream?? Of course not.

No, I don't. But I also don't worry myself about germs like some do. My business partner does, and when we eat out together, he inspects everything to make sure its spotless.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. We all know that there are going to be germs in the room -- a hotel room is a public place that is used by hundreds and thousands of people -- it's unreasonable to think otherwise. I think the main point is that the housekeepers should be doing their best to clean, disinfect, or perform whatever other actions are necessary. That is their job.

After that, it's up to you, the guest or consumer, to do whatever else you feel necessary to get the room up to your standards, cleanliness-wise. You want to bring Lysol? Fine. You want to bring pillow cases? Fine by me. Plastic cups? Good for you.

In paying for a room (esp. a premium room) this SHOULD entitle you to a certain level of service, including cleanliness, and I think that's the whole point here. I myself will continue to use the plastic cups and avoid the bedspread, but after that, I am going to accept the fact that there are going to be other germs and I'll probably continue to fight them off just like I have done for the last 33 years.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't. But I also don't worry myself about germs like some do.

Nor do I...I work in a hospital and have more crud on me at the end of the day than I even care to think about. I am clearly no germaphobe...but for housekeeping to simply run a glass under the water that someone used prior to you, and then present it as clean, just isn't the best practice.

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