Indy Show/ Indy Ride?


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If Eisner came to you and said it was up to you to pick if they should keep the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular; or replace it with the Indiana Jones And The Temple Of The Forbiden Eye ........ Which would you pick?

Personally I would pick the Indy Ride...... WDW NEEDS A CLONE from DL bad... Especially since DL is getting ToT..............


Well-Known Member
oddly say stick with the stunt show...

every park needs something "unique"...thats what makes them so great...


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I know but Indy/ Show NEVER changes ............ Indy/ Ride has 150,000 diffent ride sequences.. So if you think about it , having that here in WDW wouldnt matter since it would be unique.. But thats just the ride ,, Not talking about the theming... Maybe The Show and The Ride should switch places for a while lol........


New Member
Are these 150,000 different ride sequences that noticable? The ride still has the same script, the same big effects, and the same theming every single time.

Going by the same logic, there are an infinite amount of combinations in the Stunt Show simply because the actors aren't robots. They're people, and they don't do the exact same thing every time around.

Between the two, I'll stick with the Stunt Show. It's entertaining, and we already have IJA in the form of Dinosaur at CTX. If anybody who has been on both rides thinks that they are completely different are kidding themselves.


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Involving theming yeah they are diffrent but everything else can just be the same lol........



Active Member
I love Indiana Jones, love all the movies, I want an Indy ride in WDW. I would pick an Indy ride in a heartbeat, but the show does rack in a ton of people. And yes, the show is unique, it's the only one.


Well-Known Member
What would a movie park be without a stunt show?

If this happened, how long until MGM is just a thrill park? Nothing to do with movies?


Well-Known Member
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Thats a good question.. Maybe they should just add the ride somewhere. It could just be a big gray building in a parkinglot for all i care......... lol.........

~ Justin
I know alot of people like the GMR, but since the hat icon went up and they are talking about changing the theater, that could be a home for the Indy ride.?.? I wonder if that could be an option?


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Original Poster
I wish but the theming wouldnt match lol..... Right in the middle of the streets is a jungle?? Nah lol It needs to go in a diffrent park.. Like in the worldshowcase,in Mexico ... Somewhere that fits a temple........ Hmmmmmm lets think.... Lets rip out El Rio Del Tiempo and replace it with INDY !!!! yay!!! lol..........


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The Indy show is definately a no brainer for me . I thought the stunt show that took place when it was closed was much more entertaining. But i cant see how there short of space so keep it and build the ride elsewhere.


New Member
I've seen the show and I've been on the ride and I personally like the ride much better; but what Rider said was true. For MGM Studios, the show is better, but it would be cool if maybe they added the ride to the Magic Kingdom, or something like that.


New Member
Indy and CTX have the same track layout, So I dont think they would clone Indy.
I like the stunt show it is fun to watch and the crowd loves it, but I am sure you guys that frequent WDW get tired of the same old attractions just like we do at DL.

Just as a note Indy's show building is HUGE so to place it in any park it would have to be on the rim of that park, and the different ride sequences can be as small as a light will come on for one vehicle and not for the next, so dont believe the 150,000 hype.

I would expect a clone of Soarin over California, at AK soon.

I miss WDW when i'm at DL
I miss DL when i'm at WDW


Yeah, I love the Indy Stunt show. It's full of magic, especially the nighttime show. The effects are so sweet at night. Still, I think they could fit in the ride, too, and I wouldn't even mind if it was in MGM.


Well-Known Member
I like the stunt show, but maybe i'd like to see the ride. Don't put it in the great movie ride building. I think that ride is great. I always try to catch the last ride of it befor i finish in MGM.

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