In honor of tour group season....


Well-Known Member
Right on! Domestic groups are every bit as, cheerleading, your last point, the aforementioned domestic groups don't tend to be as large. They are, however, large enough to notice breaking rules as much or even MORE the those from South America.

I agree that EVERYONE breaks the rules, but it IS more noticeable with a larger group like tour groups. But I really do think that Disney NEEDS to set forth rules that are to be followed by all groups, not just tour groups, but cheerleading, soccer, baseball, football groups...all groups and tours of 20+ should be under some kind of rules and regulations such as one person in your group doesn't wait for an attraction for an hour only to have the rest of the ENTIRE tour group join them as they are ready to get on the ride while other guests have waited just as long and now that there are 20+ ahead of them it makes them wait even longer. I am just saying Disney SHOULD do something, but will they? Probably not because they are only worried about the dollars and not really guests experiences or happiness.



Well-Known Member
Hey now, Brazilian Tour Groups aren't all bad. I actually had a Brazilian girl flirting with me on my last trip out.

Okay so she was only like 15 or so but IT STILL COUNTS.


Well-Known Member
Right on! Domestic groups are every bit as, cheerleading, your last point, the aforementioned domestic groups don't tend to be as large. They are, however, large enough to notice breaking rules as much or even MORE the those from South America.
Hey, I made my dance team girls do lunges as punishment at our hotel for attempting when they lost their minds for about 3 minutes. Not all of them are allowed to act like hooligans

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
I agree that EVERYONE breaks the rules, but it IS more noticeable with a larger group like tour groups. But I really do think that Disney NEEDS to set forth rules that are to be followed by all groups, not just tour groups, but cheerleading, soccer, baseball, football groups...all groups and tours of 20+ should be under some kind of rules and regulations such as one person in your group doesn't wait for an attraction for an hour only to have the rest of the ENTIRE tour group join them as they are ready to get on the ride while other guests have waited just as long and now that there are 20+ ahead of them it makes them wait even longer. I am just saying Disney SHOULD do something, but will they? Probably not because they are only worried about the dollars and not really guests experiences or happiness.

Well done!

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
Hey, I made my dance team girls do lunges as punishment at our hotel for attempting when they lost their minds for about 3 minutes. Not all of them are allowed to act like hooligans
Nice to see there was a consequence for those three minutes! When M & M went through Youth League (years ago), I was the MEAN parent for attempting to scuttle such behavior by the team....

I think we would both agree not all groups misbehave, even those from South America? Additionally, some of those South American groups might be disciplined once back at the hotel....

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
I thought the video an affront. Why poke fun at their trying to communicate in a foreign language? How are the foreign language skills of Americans? (Pst...worse than those of Brazilians...)

No, the problems with Brazilians - generalising for the sake of brevity - is that they are loud, and that they come in that Biblical plague, the Tour Groups.


Well-Known Member
I thought the video an affront. Why poke fun at their trying to communicate in a foreign language? How are the foreign language skills of Americans? (Pst...worse than those of Brazilians...)

No, the problems with Brazilians - generalising for the sake of brevity - is that they are loud, and that they come in that Biblical plague, the Tour Groups.

I see what you are saying. I didn't understand it as making fun of someone whose English is bad. I thought they were showing how they were pretending that they didn't understand so they could do whatevr they wanted. But you may very well be right and I may have misunderstood.
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Active Member
ANY large group is difficult to be around and can affect your plan greatly. We were just there during MLK weekend, and there were a lot of college cheerleaders there. They didn't act terribly, but they just can't say three words without "like". We also saw a lot of tour group flags, but there was never any more than maybe 20 in the group that we could tell.

The thing for me is that I see all sort of people act like uncivilzed idiots. Yes, people tend to act more obnoxious in groups, but it's not limited to South Americans. It's even worse when they know there is no consequences. In 6 trips, I have yet to see a single occassion where someone of real authority has stepped in and enforced any sort of rules. All you get is a cast member making an announcement over the intercom that nobody pays attention to, or something like, "Please do not step over the bleachers."

I know DW was meant to be a place that takes you away from the world you are used to. Having a security presence wouldn't help in that aspect, but they need to reel some of this stuff in.


Oh yes the tour groups. I've had many encounters with them over the years. I'm amazed at how there's only one adult per like 40 teenagers and only the adult seems speaks English. Sometimes I'm trying to go on a ride and then all of a sudden a sea of yellow green shirts appears and that's it for me. I'm not sure why Disney doesnt split up these groups.

A massive crowd of people entering a ride at once is not good. Splitting up the groups is the only fair thing to do. It's not fair to the rest of us when a giant horde gets in line. The other option would be building a Disney South America. Peru and Chile are safe enough for a park.


Well-Known Member
.... The other option would be building a Disney South America. Peru and Chile are safe enough for a park.....

Even a local park in South America may not halt the tour group problem. Especially when they visit WDW in July for their Winter break. Does WDW still attract visitors from Europe despite there being a DLP?


Well-Known Member
Wait they didn't run over anyone with a stroller? That's my biggest problem with the tour groups. Rude and they will step on your child to get where they want to go. I felt sorry for my poor son getting run into while in his stroller in July 2013.
Disney was making announcements about large groups in October when we were there. I can't remember what exactly was announced but it would be interesting to see if anything is enforced this summer.


Well-Known Member
Alright I apologize for the long post but here are few things about me that some may or may not know:
- Born and raised in US citizen and live here for the past 14 years.
- I was once part of a tour group...1997 at 15.
- Cheerleading groups are just as annoying, rude and entitled. Fact.
- Brazilian Tour Groups ARE rude. Fact.
- It's not only the Brazilians. Argentinians are just as bad.
- The video of Brazil vs. Argentina was clearly instigated by Argentinians and one of the songs they tried to sing is a song where Argentinians call Brazilians monkeys...

1. Why Brazilians go to Disney in big groups?
Brazilian teenagers don't celebrate their Sweet 16. You don't get your driver's license until you're 18 so your big birthday is your 15th which for the most part is a landmark separating you from middle to high school. Most kids turn 15 during their first year of HS (in Brazil there are only 3 years of HS and it's much harder than in the US).

2. So why Disney when they turn 15?
Usually girls opt for a big party or opt to become a debutant at a social club in town. Some opt for a trip. Boys usually have a drunk fest or opt for a trip. Disney is their choice for the most part.

3. Why do they go wild?
Because Brazilian kids don't drive until they are 18, they are very dependant on their parents. You don't go on Spring Break with friends (a. no car; b. no Spring Break in Brazil). Vacation is usually with your parents or if you go with a friend, their parents are there.
So this is for the most part, their first taste of freedom.

4. How are they so organized but unorganized at the same time?
There are travel agencies that specialize in trips for teenagers. They charter flights packed full of tour groups of 20-30 kids with two tour guides. During peak season, you end up having 10 straight days of departures. In other words, on a 767 packed full, with about 300 people in it...that's 3,000 people from one travel agency, from one single city. Multiply that by two or three big travel agencies with people leaving at least 5 major Brazilian cities and you have 45,000 going to the same destination.
These travel agencies have a very well run operation in Orlando with support crew waiting for them at the airport, area hotels and parks.
they also have deals with the outlet malls, local stores and stores on i-drive so when you buy something they ask you who is your guide...they get a cut of it.

5. Why do they wear skimpy clothes and soccer jerseys?
American girls dress just as skimpy as Brazilian girls...have you seen booty shorts these days? You can see way too much. Soccer jerseys? It's a cultural thing. You are proud of your team and its colors and you like to represent it. The passion Americans have for their alma mater once they are in college or after they graduate, it's that times 50 for soccer fans.

6. Why all the same t-shirts?
To promote the travel agency, for the support staff to know where's their people, etc. You are told each day which shirt to wear.

7. Why the flags?
You are given an itinerary where you go to certain rides with your guide so you need to follow them and with the park being packed, they have those flags.
After the itinerary is met, you are told when and where to meet and you are FREE to roam the park. Remember the first taste for Freedom I mentioned?

8. OK but what about the PDA?
That is your typical case of cultural difference and shock. Trust me, I still struggle with it. It is very common in Brazil for you to be at the mall and see a couple making out. Now feeling each other up, that's a bit much. But we kiss and hug in public. Anything other than that is even beyond what we're used to it...outside of Carnaval.

9. Why the singing?
You have kids that once again, are free for the first time. Some for the first time are abroad. Don't understate it, this is a big deal. This type of freedom is not something you get, like American teenagers do.
So you are hot, antsy, anxious because you want to go to in the ride, it's hot and you want to see it all. So the tour guides ask you to sing to kill time. Also because the groups have 20-30, the tour guides start telling you to show the other kids that were on the same flight you were who is the loudest, etc. Trust me, some of that is instigated by adults. They also have camera crews recording your group while you're in the park, so when they see you what do they ask you to do? Sing! Loud! Show your parents at home what was your group's chant, etc.

10. Why do they cut in line and don't give a darn about it?
Rudeness. It's what we call in Brazil as the Brazilian way, which is embarrassing as it means getting what you want accomplished no matter what. In some cases like politics, etc. breaking the law. So cutting in line is no big deal...again in their minds. After living here and growing up, I do see the issue with it and think it's rude.

11. Why July and December?
July: Winter Break in Brazil is only 2 weeks, scattered depending on the state the kids come from so it's all packed into a month of kids coming and going.
December: School year is over in December and January you will see plenty of Brazilians.

So long story short:
- Yes Brazilian groups are rude
- Some it's their fault and some is cultural
- They are not the only ones...there are American groups and other countries that are just as bad.

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