ImagiNations Contest 2009


Original Poster
The contest changes from year to year. My year (2005) we won scholarship money and a trophy. But I didn't enter the contest for what you could win. I was trying to simply see if I had what it takes to think like an Imagineer and well, try to get an interview.

Unfortunately for me, the only people that got interviews were the finalists in which their majors matched up with what internships Human Resources had open at the time. Which were only 3 internship spots and non of them matched my Fine Arts major.

Like I said the contest changes from year to year. Since 2005 they've done away with the individual contestant category, lowered the amount of finalists they take for finals, and eliminated the scholarship money portion of the contest, which imo is fine because just being out at WDI for a week, meeting all the Imagineers, taking the behind the scenes tours, the free schwag and all the other perks you get is much more valuable than money or a prize!!!

In the end everyone who enters ImagiNations is a winner, even if you don't make it to the finals or win.

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