ImagiNations Contest 2009


Original Poster
Congrats! Hope u make it to finals. If so tell MK that Richard says hey! It'll make since if u make it out to Glendale.


Well-Known Member
In an ironic twist of fate, I post today, and then I get a letter in the mail saying my team did not make it into the finals. However, it gives me more determination to give it a go next year.

I look forward to seeing what teams get selected this year.

Now that I'm out of the race, I'll let you know what my team did.

We brought back the classic Disneyland attraction, "Adventure Thru Inner Space". Instead of having it come back to California, we brought it to Florida where a diverse range of guests could experience the attraction.

We did techincal specks of the location, which would have demolished the old skyway station, reduced the size of the space mountain entrance and exit building, and would have extended the berm of the WDW rail road.

Inside guests would enter tomorrowland metro labs...a facility run by a team of human, alien, and robot scientists...they are working on unlocking the use of crystals found in snowflake and need test subjects to go into the "mighty microscope" to discover what lies beyond the smallness of an atom.

We did everything from building facade, CM costumes, show scenes etc.

Oh well, but it is still work to put on my resume, and I feel encouraged to try again. :wave:


Original Poster
I'm sorry to hear that your team didn't make it. Not to worry my friend. I know of another person *cough, wedenterprises, cough* who didn't make it the first time but then entered again and made it to finals and won!!! Your idea sounds interesting and cool, too bad WDI already has plans for the space ur attraction idea was located. Maybe that played a part in not making it...

Have u gotten to speak to anyone about not making it? I know in the past that some of the Imagineers working with the ImagiNations contest actually e-mailed/called the groups telling them what their entry's strengths were and what the weaknesses were...

I know Walt himself was always looking to the future and bringing back an older updated attraction, whilst cool and all the Disney fans/historians would absolutely love the notion, I don't think it's the direction Tomorrowland is heading for the future.

Anyway good luck and hope u plan on entering next year!!!


New Member
My team made it into the semi-finals and were supposed to hear if we made it into the finals by April 17th...but still haven't heard anything. I'm very anxiously waiting to know if we are in. I was just curious if anyone else in the semi-finals has heard anything.


New Member
We haven't heard anything yet either. I tried calling the number on the ImagiNations website, just to see if I could get some answers, but I haven't had any luck. Are they definitely letting us know by mail?


New Member
I'm not sure if it will be by mail or phone? I tried e-mailing them, but haven't had any luck there either. I'm just anxious to hear back! Hopefully we hear something soon! Good luck to your team!


Well-Known Member
I requested to be informed by or on April 17th, and at the very end of March is when I got a later saying we didn't go to the next round.

I'm trying next year though...but first I want to see what this year's finalists' projects are.


New Member
ImagiNations Finalist teams

It seems the ImagiNations finalist teams were notified by telephone last Friday, Apr 17th. All the other teams had regrets letters mailed and they should receive them this week. Good luck to the finalist teams.


Original Poster
Well it's done. The finalists have been notified and the word out on the net is that only 3 teams got invited to the finals this year out in Glendale. Some of us past ImagiNations Alumni are wondering why so few? Kinda in shock really.

Some say that the ideas/entries must of been really bad and some others are blaming the economy at the moment. Some say that the entries didn't showcase what Imagineers were looking for this season (its kinda like fashion, one day you're in and the next day you're out). While others are talking about WDI slowing trying to phase out the entire contest. Me, personally I don't know what to believe.

I'm hoping it's the economy. Anyway to all who entered that happy competition, good luck next time and remember: "Get a good idea and stay with it. Dog it, and work it until it's done and done right." —Walt Disney


Original Poster
I'm a ImagiNations Alumni (class of 05), I speak with other ImagiNations Alumni from my year and other years. I know of someone (a past alumni) who was coaching a group with their entry this year (we get hit up a lot asking about the contest, tips, advice, what we did, our opinions on their concepts, etc.). The group was notified that only 3 teams made it, they told him and he told me because it kinda shocked him when he heard the news.


Well-Known Member
I really hope they don't want all-out cutting edge interactive stuff. I think they will be shocked, when many guests want to get away from their gadgetty gizmo lifes when they come to WDW or any other Disney park.

Oh well...I'm already forming a new team and it involves a new country (if you catch my drift :lookaroun) If all three teams developed gadgety gizmo stuff, then I guess we should go that route? :shrug:


Original Poster
Expo, I totally hear what you're saying but it's time to face some hard facts. Disney has always tried to be the leader and set the standards for what a good attraction is. WDI tries to push the envelope and create things that other companies have yet dared to dream. If that means using new technology to enhance a guests experience then I am all for it.

I think something to consider with ImagiNations is pushing that envelope and trying to dream up something that hasn't been done already. Using new technology is a medium to do that. Yeah, we all love a good old fashion dark ride but we also love Toy Story Mania. Granted not all new attractions need to be moving/ride-through video games.

My advice is to try to in corporate something new using technology for your next years entry. May it be a new type of track system for your attraction, maybe it's a new visual effect that'll blow guests mind. Either way just revamping an old attraction and making it more modern/up to date isn't clever enough to win imaginations. It'll take more than some new graphics and a fresh coat of paint to catch an imagineer's eye.

You need to understand they wanna see something they've never seen before. With ImagiNations you need to think about evolution and how that relates to an attraction and the theme park industry today. Consider this, if it wasn't for someone's imagination we would still have all wooden roller coasters, what fun would space mountain be if the track was stuck in the dark ages?


New Member
Hey terp, I am one of those who have hit you up for advice on numerous occasions!

I know I don't have any experience like you do with the competition itself, I just wanted to chime in on that point you made about evolving technology and how important it is to those trying to impress their ideas upon the Imagineers for ImagiNations. I agree with you wholeheartedly, and I also think that there is definitely something to be said for the application of new technology within rides, by building upon its core values. For example, as you mentioned with space mountain, we know why it is successful. The basic idea is that you get to have the thrill of riding a roller coaster in the dark. Though technology has advanced and they can be applied to the experience, it in essence is still just a roller coaster in the dark (though the story is what makes the experience memorable and special). My point is that the intelligent application of this technology, so that it doesn't take away from an attractions most experience, it still important to consider.

After re-reading that, I'm not sure if my point is really making any sense, or if it was even a point at all. Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say!


Original Poster
I hear 100%. It's Imagineers say all good attractions start with a good story. That's actually what Disney does best, tell amazing stories. I agree that the technology used in attractions is there only to enhance that story and never take away from it!

My point about space mt. was more along the lines of how advancing technology introduced the tubular steel coaster track instead of the old skool wooden track. I think people take advancements for granted..not really considering what the attraction would be like and feel like without those new advancements.

So i think that new technology/advancements and storytelling go hand in hand. I think that die-hards have a problem thinking this way because we all love and cherish the good ole classics.

In this day in age peoples attention spands are lessoning and it's harder to keep people entertained. A rescent study showed that most children can't even set through an entire movie without loosing enterest.

Some can argue that the classic attractions are borring and that in order to keep people entertained, new advancements need to be considered. Some can argue that as long as the story is there and attractions are built on the same foundations as the classics no new advancements need to be made. Either way Disney and the Imagineers will continue tell great stories and incorporate the newest and best technology in order to provide the finest in entertainment to people of all ages, everywhere.


Original Poster
I've worked with WDI as an acting freelance storyboard illustrator and graphic designer on 3 different projects in the last 2 years and worked for a company as well that was a licensee of Disney designing toys. . . so I worked with Disney Consumer Products on an almost daily basis. Currently I'm still trying to gain a career with Disney but its hard. Especially being stuck in the midwest and not in Cali or Fl.

I hope that you find a partner or a team to join for ImagiNations. I have a friend that was looking for another partner for next years contest. I gave him some advice on how to find someone. If you want some tips on how to find a good partner hit me up at

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