Originally posted by james4023464
I'm 14 and want to be an Imagineer. Everybody at my school always asks me what are you drawing, and I tell them a ride or a rollercoaster. I love doing this and I really want to pursue it in my future. People at my school laugh at me when I tell them I want to be an Imagineer, but my teachers think its cool. I'm already working on my portfolio for my big day. What college courses do you take.
Millions of people around the world take the approach that college is part of the "step-by-step" guide to life. This goes along with such things as high marks, auditions, stories, portfolios and many, many forms of expression. As these ideas become more common, it becomes possible to develop a "formula for success". This means that the form of expression has become so common that it's possible to combine fixed ideas to develop a concept (not an idea) to make something. From this you get a lot (not all) pop music, sitcoms (again not all), etcetera.
What is the problem with this? People hate it!
The problem is that all these creations seem the same. No matter what they say, people need change. Society needs change. You need to be able to stretch your imagination to different planes of thought.
The formulaic people noticed this (or most likely somebody managed to come up with an argument that convinced them) and they invented the idea of "thinking outside the box". You'll nowadays see it everywhere – a corporation will say: "We want people who can think outside the box" - meaning they want people to think differently (heard that slogan before?)
This is most noticeable in requirements to enter Medical School. All the medical schools now require students to have lots of "extra curricular activities" - based on the very true theory that people become better doctors (or anything creative indeed) if they have more ideas and perspectives going through their minds. For example, a doctor who can save a persons life because they have an inbuilt interest in the medical profession is far more effective than someone who follows all the rules.
Unfortunately, the "out of the box" didn't work out as well as was expected. Students and the parents of students started to do extracurricular activities, not because they liked them, but because it would get them more marks on their medical school application (or any post secondary institution).
This really hurt the people who extracurricular lives which were true to themselves and who were really the people the colleges/companies were looking for. I have a friend who would make a great doctor, because he's interested in the medical profession, but he can't get the job. I have another friend who has been accepted to medical school, but in my opinion, the last thing I want him to be is my doctor!!
Medical schools aside...
I am 19 and I would love to be an Imagineer.
However - Rather than looking at how to become an Imagineer, an actor (or a model), a writer, or a director...I realize that school and marks are going to get me nowhere "beyond myself". My spare time is taken up doing what I want to do, in the most financially beneficial way possible.
(I am currently studying a B.S. in computer science as well - anyway!)
The world is very much open to manipulation - if you plan the right way, you can succeed in anything. Most of the time all you need is basic understanding, and the ability to see as much as possible in the abstract.
For the time being, there is little chance that I can apply to a great job and be successful. My strategy to life is thus: Concentrate on what I want to do (as entrepreneurial as possible) and when I have the experience and time I can extend into fields which I really want to be in! That’s only if I don't do the work that I want to do by that point!
If a few creative people work together to achieve goals independent from giants like Disney they could easily achieve anything.
Don't take that anything lightly: I mean ANYTHING. Sometimes I have a problem understanding the idea - anything really means anything.
Working in groups is essential. You can't do
anything by yourself! My greatest difficulty is in finding people who can imagine what is really possible – those I do find tend to be spread across the world.
It would be truly fantastic to create some of what Disney has done - of course taking the ideas somewhere new... For the moment however, working independently from the corporate world, doing new things to change the world - I am happy.
You've got to dream. Being an Imagineer is working on amazing projects and working for a highly respected and valued company. You can do this yourself every day until (if) you end up working for them!
If you want to be an architect (don’t be afraid) – build anything!
If you want to be an engineer (don’t be afraid) – make anything!
If you want to be an actor (don’t be afraid) – be anything!
If you want to be a writer (don’t be afraid) – write anything!
And for your own sake, don’t limit yourself to 'build', 'make', 'be' –
anything goes with YOU!