New Member
We had to cancel our Dec. trip. :cry: My husband was out of work for 3 months and money is tight. :( He had to take a job that pays way less than what he was making. On the bright side though, we are going to try to go back as soon as school is out next May. Which would make it the first week of June. :) I just hope things work out so we can go. We were looking forward to taking our boys back, especially our 2 year old. He wants to go see where Mickey Mouse lives. ;)


Active Member
That is a heartbreaker to have the trip all planned and have to cancel. You have my sympathy. At least there's hope on the horizon and your DH was able to find another job. We have a trip planned for the end of this month and have been on the fence for a while, due to money. Since we had already paid for the house and our airfare was non-refundable we're still going, but it will be on a very tight shoestring-Not much dining in the park and very few souveniers. And, baring a miraculous economic turnaround, it will be our last trip for a couple of years.

I think your situation is a small manifestation of a much larger national problem. There's lots of folks out there that want to deny that we're headed into a recession, but I haven't spoken to anyone that's currently optimistic about the economy, and all economic indicators are heading downward fast. I'm sure there will be a LOT of people in your shoes in the coming months.

Thankfully IMHO the corporate heads at WDW have recognized this and are ready to take steps to deal with the situation. I'd rather have a period of shortened hours and limited park closings than have the company get into financial trouble trying to maintain current standards, which would set it back years into the future.

I hope you enjoy your trip even more when it finally comes.
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New Member
I hate to hear that your trip is being delayed, but am happy to hear that your husband has found another job.

I hope that you will enjoy your trip next year!:wave:
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Active Member
I think that there are many people on the boards that understand your situation. The good news is that you should be back on your feet soon and then you can enjoy your Disney trip stress free without worrying about money. Our family is going thru something similar, so you have my deepest sympathy!
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Well-Known Member
debgui- I totally understand as we just canceled our Dec trip too!! :( We'd been planning but waiting to pay for stuff and with the way the economy is, we just don't have extra money to save up anymore and DH and I don't want to get into any more debt. Such a bummer cause I wanted to go during Christmas for the first time. It all sucks. I hear that this is very common though, a friend said her family went over Memorial Day weekend this year and they got to walk onto every ride. So we're not the only ones who are having to take a lot longer to save up $$.

DH is Coast Guard so I'm just hoping that next year we get stationed in Clearwater(near Tampa), FL. Then we won't have to drive as far, and we can get annual passes. Here's hopin'!

I really hope your family gets to go soon, keep your head up!
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New Member
I understand

I have visited Disney every year since I was one years old. As I have gotten older, I try to visit two or three times a year. This will be the first year in whick I will not be able to go. I am getting married in March '09 and need to save every penny for the wedding. I am goind through severe Disney withdrawal.

I now your situation is much more dire. I feel your pain of not seeing purple signs as you get closer to the World.
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We feel your pain as well!!!! My wife lost her job in March and has not been able to find another yet. Not only did we have to cancel our Christmas trip, we have put our DVC up for sale....:(:(:(.
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New Member
We had to cancel our Dec. trip. :cry: My husband was out of work for 3 months and money is tight. :( He had to take a job that pays way less than what he was making. On the bright side though, we are going to try to go back as soon as school is out next May. Which would make it the first week of June. :) I just hope things work out so we can go. We were looking forward to taking our boys back, especially our 2 year old. He wants to go see where Mickey Mouse lives. ;)

Very sorry to hear about this and I hope everything goes well with the new job. I will offer some info as far as saving for that next trip or paying off some bills. I started doing online surveys to save up for Disney since I have no cash to spare and along with saving Aluminum cans and some very small mileage checks from work I have saved about $800 over the past 7 months. If you would like to read over some info I started a thread about it: http://forums.wdwmagic.com/showthread.php?t=280442

Hang in there and good luck to you and your family!
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Well-Known Member
We cancelled a trip last year due to health issue, my DH had open heart surgery (all is well), the (unexpected, emergency) surgery date fell right as we were to go. We have yet to get back into a good position to get back there, but we are close. We hope to go in October for a work related conference (another one) and as soon as I know what work will pay and what we need to pay on our own we can decide if we go together or if I go alone and forget about playing in the parks in the evenings. We are going to Los Angeles next month and may sneak a day in Disneyland before we head home. DH has never been there and would love to go. While we are there I may have to go, it could be my only Disney experience this year!

I am sorry you had to cancel your trip, I know how that feels. The bright side is you are all healthy, Disney will not go anywhere and you can get back there. Keep your chin up, and save your change (you would be surprised how that can add up!) and stay positve. Next May will be here before you know it!
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New Member
I know how you feel my husband lost his job right before Christmas and couldn't get another one for 2 months and I was out of work too. Now his checks are almost half what they were and it has really put us in a bind with everything but we are saving bottles and cans and all change plus taking on odd jobs on the side doing stuff for people around our area. The economy in our area is mostly RV so we both took a hit when gas prices went up because people can't afford to buy them which means we aren't building them. So we know how you feel but I'm glad that he found another job and that you maybe can go later. Hopefully somebody will do something soon about the gas prices and the unemployment problems. Chin up, you will enjoy your trip that much more when it finally comes.
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My heart goes out as well...keep smiling...it seems that things are looking up already... keep the magic going in your heart and your bound to get there soon. In the meantime watch the travel show and the plannning dvd's to keep you going. I also wanted to thank NEW2WDW for the online survey tips. before today I only belonged to one site but I just signed up for one more. Any way to earn some extra wdw money is super!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your situation, but kudos to you for choosing to wait 'til you can afford to go. Too many people go into debt just to experience "the magic". Hopefully you'll get there soon.
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New Member
I'm also sorry to hear about your trip. If things had worked out for us last year at about this time, I would have just gotten back from WDW. But now I can still look forward to a trip in June of 2009. Don't worry, the time really does pass quickly.
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New Member
I am so sorry for you! I completely understand, though: I was let go from my firm on April 16th (I'm an accountant) and I JUST started a new job earlier this week. It took me almost three months to find something (don't you just love the line "you're over-qualified"?).

Anyway, in case you didn't think of it.... My DH and I use our tax refund to go to WDW (we're currently planning a trip for ESPN the Weekend 09). I claim married 2 (even though, up until March, we were married 4 - now we're married 5) and all that money that the government holds on to comes back to me in a big check in February (yes, I file early! LOL). Anyway, I thought that might help you. Best of luck to your husband in his new job and to you guys getting back to your happy place! :)
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Burning Metal

New Member
Sorry to hear about your situation...hope everything works out for you and your family. We're going down in August, almost didn't think we were going to be able to pay for everything but managed it by cutting lots of corners. We had to cut a day off the trip to basically cover gas costs but we're still going...
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New Member
Anyway, in case you didn't think of it.... My DH and I use our tax refund to go to WDW (we're currently planning a trip for ESPN the Weekend 09). I claim married 2 (even though, up until March, we were married 4 - now we're married 5) and all that money that the government holds on to comes back to me in a big check in February (yes, I file early! LOL). :)

Another plan, if you have a enough willpower, is to claim just what will keep you from owing the IRS and stick the extra you receive in each paycheck into a savings account each month to earn interest (even a small amount is better than none) vs. letting the government receive an interest free loan from you. Schedule an automatic transfer from your checking to savings each payroll period or monthly depending on your bank. However this plan does require the willpower not to touch the money.
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