Illuminations-what's the big deal?

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
Original Poster
Everyone on these boards sings the praises of Illuminations-- saying its Disney's best nighttime show.

Am I missing something? I disagree entirely!

The beginning is spectacular. And the end is spectacular. But what did they do to the middle?!?!?!?

Not only must you wait for this hard-to-see "Jumbotron" globe to sail to the center of the lagoon, you must then endure probably 2-3 straight minutes of difficult-to-make-out images swirling on the globe.

Just as the over-use of mist screens in WDW's version of Fantasmic kills the pacing (DL's has the perfect balance of film and live action)--- the overuse of the globe destroys Illuminations---at least for me.

Are people really mesmerized by this relatively small, spinning video screen? Or am I missing something?


Well-Known Member
For me and I'm sure for many others, it's not the just what happens over the WS lagoon that makes me feel that this is WDW's best show, it's the music. In my mind this is some of the best music I have heard in a long time, and it is some of the first music that I have heard that has actually touched me. Now, I do understand where you come from because my mom feels the same way (my dad and I always heckle her at the parks) . :lol: I do agree that the globe images could be a little better, but the thing has been around for over three years now and I'm sure its just normal wear and tear. Besides, I doubt Disney would shut down the entire show to do an extensive rehab on the globe when they could just keep it open and please more people rather than dissapointing them because the grand finale to EPCOT is closed. Keeping in line with that, a lot of people will leave another park to come over to EPCOT to watch the show (me being one of them). So I think that this is indeed one of the greatest night shows in WDW if not the world not just because of the pyrotechnics, but because of its music and the overall power of the show. Two thumbs way up! :sohappy: :sohappy:

Oh almost forgot, something that I love about the show is the story it tells. It's not the most elaborate one but it still is pretty cool. I thought it was really cool when I found out that the 19 torches (sp?) around the lagoon represented the first 19 centuries, when the globe in the middle opens up and the the torch lights up represents the twentieth, and the grande finale represents the dawn of the 21st century. And that is just a small part of it, as the show tells about the history of the planet.


Well-Known Member
I liked the original show, fireworks, lasers and classical music. Awesome. After 10 years of seeing the show I was hoping for something new, but still similar. I don't know if it's my eyes, but i can barely make out any of the images on the globe, and it's very dull during that whole circle the lagoon thing. I say give me the 1812 overture and fireworks over that any day.


Account Suspended
I agree, Illuminations does not thrill us either. I think the story told above by goofyfan is inspiring--but I had no idea that was what Illuminations was all about, and I'm sure most other people do not either.

I have to admit that I LOVE the music, and listen to it here at home all of the time. But the show is sort of boring.

We love Fantasmic. I cry through it every time, it really touches me. I feel that Fantasmic is the ultimate Disney experience.

To each his own.......


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by CoraJack
We love Fantasmic. I cry through it every time, it really touches me. I feel that Fantasmic is the ultimate Disney experience.

To each his own.......

Well... I am a fan of RoE... I love RoE and will watch that anyday compared to Fantasmic... heres why:

I think Fantasmic is VERY overrated...

I have had quite a few bad Fantasmic experiences...

1. The seating is awful... period

2. Kids kicking me in the back... then when I turn around to tell them to stop in a polite manner... the parents look at me like I am the bad guy. (if thats not the "ultimate Disney experience" then I dont know what is :lol: ;) )

3. Bits and pieces of Turkey leg in my hair and on the back of my shirt from the kids in back of me not chewing with there mouths closed while kicking me :lol: Very gross :hurl:

4. The images displayed on the water are poor... You cant see them when you are sitting way out in left field near Guam. :lol:

I could go on... but yes... you are right... To each his own... :D


Account Suspended
Right, it's dangerous to post innermost thoughts and feelings on this board. Gotta be prepared for everyone to rip them apart.

So we press on............

Pecos Bill1201

New Member
I'm sorry but I think the ultimate fireworks show of all time is and will always be RoE. Nothing touches it. Fantasmic is an awesome show, but RoE if you pay enough attention to it makes you think and contemplate our existence with one another, our relationships with one another throughout the world. RoE is cut from the very mold that makes Epcot such a special place, a place Walt would marvel at. RoE is Epcot at its finest…My favorite time watching the show: New Year’s Eve (12/31/02) pouring down rain as midnight approached central Florida and the east coast, fireworks blasted over the countries that the new year had already entered. China, Japan, Morocco, Norway, France, England…the rain would have washed away many a fireworks show but not RoE, the show went on forever and the whole time everybody was hugging and cheering long after midnight had come and gone, complete strangers from China and Spain were next to us and we were arm and arm soaking wet..and with every blast we were so happy to share the moment together. I love Fantasmic and never, never miss seeing it at least twice every trip, but nothing like what happened at RoE could have happened at any other show. But everybody has his or her own opinions and experiences, it’s all Disney!!


Active Member
Both shows are excellent. There is no way you can say one isn't worth seeing, at Fantasmic don't sit near kids and sit in the middle to see the water screens. At RoE get a good seat, you can see the images on the. My Families favourite spot is the Britich pub beer garden, sit there, while you wait get some fish and Chips from the chip shop and then enjoy the show!


Well-Known Member
Its just purely based on peoples different opinions, and i echo all those things said about Reflections of Earth, i LOVE this show, its so touching, the music is beautiful and the globe/screen is gob smaking...

fantasmic really didn't do anything for me, i think it was because ROE was an entirely new concept, while in fantasmic you got all the characters etc etc... it was kinda like one of the parades but as a show. Touching, but not as broad as ROE

as i said, just based on peoples opinions.


Active Member
EPCOT Fireworks

Sorry, folks, but I agree with Dr. Albert Falls on this one. The old EPCOT fireworks show was one of the most dramatic and moving I have ever seen. Neither RoE nor Fantasmic can (mind the pun) hold a candle to it. It was well paced, had incredible music, and made you leave the Park feeling like everything was going to be all right. Neither of the current shows comes close to that.


Active Member
Opinion, ok so don't shoot me:D

I thing RoE, Fantasmic and Spectro are worth the cost of admission to the parks even if those were the only attractions I could see:cool:

Of course I liked Tapestry (just wish it had been made safe for the CM's) and like Beverly too, so as I said Opinion.:wave:


Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Trust me, if my Epcot emotions could be reversed after riding "Journey into Your Imagination," this thing has GOTTA be good! :animwink:

:lol: AGREED!

I loove RoE. It's my favorite fireworks show. I love the little extras. The globe, the music.

But, I must say, I don't like Fantasmic at all. I've only seen it once. The time that I saw it, I waited two hours in the front row just to have a good seat (beauty of annual passes). I was pretty upset. After projecting something on water 20 billion times, I think that I get it. Not enough live action for my tastes. I did like the end with the boats, though.


Well-Known Member
The RoE show isn't even in the same universe as the original Illuminations. It actually had something to do with World Showcase (by focusing on each of the countires in WS at that time). And not to mention the fireworks were better, the "lasers" (had to use the quotation fingers) were better, and most of all the music was better. Bring back the original and get rid of the lackluster RoE.


Well-Known Member
I almost skipped Illuminations the first time I went to Epcot. Now, I go almost every night. For me, it's the music and the synchronization of it all. The music is absolutely moving--some of the best I've ever heard.

General Grizz

New Member
Well, Illuminations and RoE are different things. Like dxwwf3 said, the original had more to do with nation to nation. However, RoE is more of humanity and earth itself - combining the ideals of both Future World and World Showcase.

Whichever is preferred is preferred...and remember that no fireworks show is necessarily permanent! :animwink:


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
Originally posted by SpongeScott
I almost skipped Illuminations the first time I went to Epcot. Now, I go almost every night. For me, it's the music and the synchronization of it all. The music is absolutely moving--some of the best I've ever heard.

Same here, Scott. I gotta say the music is great...
Dont get me wrong here.. Each Firework show at all 3 parks (excluding AK) is easily worth the price of admission alone...

*short side story here*
After Illuminations ends.. I usually just relax in WS... and take in the sites... and watch the masses head for the front gate... Then I go and grab some pics of the empty pavillions... then I will meander towards the front gate myself... I thought the coolest thing was this: As I was walking to the front of the park I heard what sounded like a person blowing out a candle... and all the torches around the World Showcase went out.... I just thought that was really cool. :)

Just based on my past negative experiences here.... If I had a Choice between having to sit thru another showing of Fantasmic... or a sharp stick to my eyes... I gotta say... I am going to go with the sharp stick every time :lol: :p :p :cool:


Well-Known Member
I adore, repeat, ADORE RoE. Its so moving and all you have to do is listen to the words of the song afterwards (We Move On) to "get it". It inspired me to choreograph a piece of Classical Greek dance to it, i had my dancers each dressed in a different colour of the rainbow and it went on to be runner up at the UK Greek dance festival for Group Choreography and all other teachers kept asking me was "Where did you get that music?". Don't get me wrong I love Fantasmic too but RoE isn't so obviously Disney (no characters in it), looks like real imagination has been put into it.

Right I am now getting off my soap box!

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