Hi all. Just wanted to share a video I made that I think some of you will enjoy. The video is a performance of IllumiNations ROE from 2013 (screamers and all), with natural sounding park audio. What does that mean? I've watched hundreds of ROE vids on YT, and one of the problems with a lot of them is the fact that they were shot by a camera using a condenser mic. For those who don't know, a condenser mic condenses the audio whenever it detects a loud noise (like a firework burst), in an attempt to keep the audio from sounding too loud and overmodulated. As a result, the audio for ROE gets louder at softer moments in the show, and softer during louder moments. What I did was I shot the show using a microphone attenuator, which dramatically decreased the audio intake of the camera, but allowed the loud fireworks to be heard without sounding condensed, so basically they sound as if you are actually there. What happened though was since the audio intake was so low, the music was also barely audible so I had to blend it subtly with the music from the CD. I'm pleased with the mix, it sounds pretty natural. The video was shot center stage between the 2 WS Plaza stores. I used a wide angle lens, and didn't pan or zoom, so the bigger the screen this is viewed on the better.