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Question: If you were getting married and planning on a WDW honeymoon (during the value season), which of the following resorts would be the one to choose if you wanted to stay on the monorail line and which one if you didn't care too much about the monorail but wanted a nice place (money is a factor, don't want to have to take out a bank loan for the honeymoon) and why:

Polynesian, Contemporary, Wilderness Lodge, Caribbean Beach, Animal Kingdom Lodge, Yacht & Beach Club.


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyPhD

What is it about no hot tub at poly. I know other's have heard me go on about it, but I really don't understand this at all. why would you build that great new pool and make no hot tub. I know a section of it had bubbles and such, but it is not hot and not the same.

While I loved our last trip to WDW and staying at Poly was wonderful, I really miss going home at night and resting your feet (and more) in the hot tub. Y&B has 4 if not 5 and all the mod resorts have at least 1. (This is kinda a pet pev of mine.)

To answer the question, they all are great. (But I would skip any vaule for a honey moon.) Dixi is the most romantic mod and coronado tends to have less kids with the convention center and all. Poly and Y&B are my fav delux, then then again, they are the only delux I have stayed in yet.
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pupu kala

New Member
Well, I'm biased because the Polynesian is the only one I've stayed at, and I LOVE it. When I was about 12, I saw a couple get married on the beach there, and I've wanted to do the same ever since.

Now, I'm not sure about getting married there, just due to family logistics. But I'd definitely like to honeymoon there. It's such a beautiful and romantic setting.
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Well-Known Member
I would say the Grand Floridian.

It's really romantic, and on the monorail line. There is a wedding pavillion there, in case you change your mind.

Or...the Yacht & Beach Club would be nice <~~ and probabally a little less expensive!

Hope this helps! :animwink:
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New Member

If you are planning to get married @ the wedding pavillion, the first night for the new couple is included in the Grand Floridian Honeymoon Suite. I hope to get married there in about 3 years, unless a great windfall come my way and then I will get married IN the park...

Also, if I have the $$ at the time I am thinking of proposing to my G/f @ Disneyland this summer, and if not then then @ WDW in Dec. Has anyone else heard that they have a special arrangement for a private proposal in DL? I read that they give you access to a private garden, something like that. however, I can't remember where I read it and now can't find it anywhere...

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Well-Known Member
Here's what you do:

Stay at the POLYNESIAN for your honeymoon.
(It's very romantic);)

Stay at the CONTEMPORARY when you have kids.
(Lots for kids to do there):D

Stay at the GRAND FLORIDIAN after the kids have grown up and moved away.
(Elegant and peaceful):cool:
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Well-Known Member
Re: well,

Originally posted by dwldzm9
Also, if I have the $$ at the time I am thinking of proposing to my G/f @ Disneyland this summer, and if not then then @ WDW in Dec. Has anyone else heard that they have a special arrangement for a private proposal in DL? I read that they give you access to a private garden, something like that. however, I can't remember where I read it and now can't find it anywhere...


Last time to the World, we met a couple wearing the top hat and bridal veil with mickey ears. He had just proposed that day with the ring in a glass slipper. He told us that Disney has a whole "department" just for helping people surprise loved ones. I don't know who exactly to contact but I'd bet the folks at Central Reservations could point you in the right direction.
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Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
When I was in WDW in august a couple went in to the Toontown Hall of Fame and went to meet cinderella and Prince Charming. While we were in the room meeting the characters this guy proposed to his Girlfriend. They had us all leave but we were told by a CM that they took private pictures with Cinderella and they got gifts and stuff. It was very nic
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New Member
Hey hey hey!


It was the ring in the glass slipper thing I was thinking of. I have the video and info from the wedding dept., I should probably look over that again, huh?
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Active Member
I would have to agree with those who picked the Polynesian as a top choice for a honeymoon resort. I just love the lush tropical atmosphere, and we're going this May for our one year wedding anniversary!
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Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
Actuall, silentrascal, I DID get married down there this past November. We did it at the wedding pavillion and then had our reception at The American Adventure. And as great as I thought everything was going to be, they did even better. I have never lived such a flawless day in my life. Not one stone was left unturned.
The pavillion was incredible, although I do have to say that the Bride's room in there is like 4 times the size of the groom's. But I guess that's how it's supposed to be. When then went to the American Adventure. There we sat underneath the dome in the center of the room. BEAUTIFUL! Incredible at night, and then with Illuminations, geez. They close off the ride for you so its private. They give you a free night at the Grand Floridian and man that place treats you like royalty. The rest of the week we stayed at the ALL-Star Resorts (Music). If you're looking for a place off the track for not a lot of money I wouldn't shy away from the All-Star Resorts. I found them to be more than I expected for only $80 a night. If I were to stay on the track for not a lot of money I would choose the Contemporary. However, if you want a room that looks out over the Seven Seas Lagoon its not cheap at all. We got everything for our wedding for around 12 g's. Which I might add is also less than we expected to pay.
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