Walking around adventure land with Johnny Depp while he is in character as jack sparrow would definitely be awesome, but Kate Upton would be a close second
Tough call; do I pick a celebrity (I've always wanted to meet) or pick a celebrity that would be a 'hoot' to see the Parks with. So maybe Samantha Brown who has that for life (and appears to love Disney) or maybe Bill Murray (cause he's a nut, in the good sense). I think my list would/could be long and distinguished.
Since Walt was ruled out ...How about Roy Disney??? If we can bring someone back?
Living Seth McFarland beacuse I would like to see the place through his perspective and sense of humor.
This is tough. Knowing them only on screen and by a ruthless rumor mill, I really don't know who's personality I'd get along with. Peter Jackson would be interesting, he could tell me how he'd turn each attraction into a movie! Deceased? Grace Kelly. Of course this is assuming I'm not married... If I'm married, hmmm, James Stuart. My favorite actor of all time.
I would love to go to a Disney park with Julie Andrews or one of the other Disney stars. How much fun would it be to have dinner at BOG with Paige O'Hara or go on a Little Mermaid ride with Jodi Benson?
Awesomeness. Although William Shatner would probably get on my nerves a bit... 'There's something on the wing.... some.... thing...' (is that from Ace Ventura? i haven't seen that in years yet when i think of Bill Shatner, that quote comes to mind lol)