ID needed for chilrden on airlines?


New Member
Original Poster
Our airline tickets state that we will need photo id's to board the plane. Do children need any id's or is this strictly for adults? My kids don't have any photo id's, but I could bring thier social security cards or birth cert. with if I need to. Any ideas on if I need to bring anything for them?


New Member
Most kids don't have "photo ID's", you don't need them. Only reason I've heard of someone taking a birth certificate is in case you're keeping a little one on your lap (didn't purchase a seat for them), and they question the age ( I think you have to purchase seats for ages 3 and up on most airlines).

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
I agree. I've watched enough "Airline" to know that if you intend to hold a child on your lap instead of buy him/her a seat, you need to have proof of age. You may not be asked for it, but if you are and don't have it, you will be scrambling around to find proof or will have to buy a seat.

On Southwest, at least, lap children must be younger than 2.

If you are flying domestically with your own children, you should be fine.

My children are older and have school photo ID and I make them bring it.


Well-Known Member
Southwest apears to the the only airline that really has an issue with this. I have flown Spirit and Northwest many times and they never asked. I always offer but they never want to see it. And yes it is 2 and under.

We just flew with my DD 3 and DN 13. I had DN take her school ID with pictures and we used that. They took it since we offered, but did not ask for it and often said it wasn't needed for children.

I too always carry a copy of my kids BC just in case. Just a copy, nothing offical in my wallet. So far I have never needed it, but better safe then sorry. (I had one of my DN too and permison to travel and seek treatment for her.)


New Member
The times we have flown with the kids they haven't asked for id. Most airlines we use require you buy a seat for children over 1 year. We flew last year with Delta and had to purchase a separate seat for our 2 year old. :)

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