ICS Weekends: Disney Debates


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Welcome to the next event in ICS Weekends. Disney Debates will be a new game based off of Screen Junkies Movie Fights.

In the show, 3 guests pick answers to questions (1 being user submitted) before the show, and must prove not only why theirs is right, but why the others are wrong. The host then decides the round's winner based only on the arguments and not the personal opinion. After a few rounds, there's a live, on the spot lightning round usually with the 2nd and 1st place guests at the time. After a few rounds of that, there is a winner. Here's a recent episode to better show you how it works.

Pretty cool, right! If you're wondering how we are going to do this, well we already have! @TheOriginalTiki , @JokersWild , @spacemt354 , and Sandy Claws did a test run a few days before Thanksgiving.



We tried to do this for the trial run, but I think just like on the Screen Junkies show, it would be fun for people on the forum to submit questions on this thread for each debate!

For the trial run we did before Thanksgiving, the questions were:

1 - Which Toy Story film is the best?
2 - The best Tim Burton movie?
3 - Which animated character deserves a Thanksgiving parade float?
4 - What animated film deserves a TV Series on Disney Channel?

So questions similar to those would fit the show's format. It would be interesting to hear a debate between attractions...like which version of the Haunted Mansion is best? Or Space Mountain? Stuff like that.

If you have a question topic or are interested feel free to comment below!


Well-Known Member
I'm in talks with an associate of Sandy's to also come on board for the debates. In general I'd love to have some Imagineering based topics. Here's some of the stuff I came up with off the top of my head.

-Pitch an E Ticket attraction based on a Disney flop
-Pitch the ultimate Nintendo attraction at Universal Studios
-Design the next Disney "Mountain"
-Pitch a dark ride based off of a Disney film from the last 15 years
-Ultimate fantasy attraction for Star Wars Land


Also just wanted to throw it out there that it'd be really fun to do a text-based version of these games as well. I'm not trying to monopolize the idea of doing a debate show exclusively to my channel. @DSquared maybe you could host a trial run some time soon?
I think you're fine. I like the idea of a mix of both text and live versions, and I'm sure DSquared is cool with that too. I would love to try out a text based version whenever anyone would like.


Well-Known Member
Sure, why not I'll do the trial run , but I'm not sure how available I'll be.

There will be no real rush. I know it's finals week for most people myself included. We can do a general structure of

-Initial Statements
-Counter arguments
-Final statements

Limit to three paragraphs a piece. We can do four questions and a tie breaker if we end up there points-wise. We could even do rankings combined both in forum participation and podcast participation. So far @JokersWild, and @spacemt354 would have three and two points respectively for coming in first and second place in the trial run debate.

1st Place- Three Points
2nd Place - Two Points
3rd Place - One Point
Hosting - One Point

Stop me if I'm getting ahead of myself drastically, but it could be a fun addition to the end of the year competition stuff and a fun thing to track as the debates go along :)


There will be no real rush. I know it's finals week for most people myself included. We can do a general structure of

-Initial Statements
-Counter arguments
-Final statements

Limit to three paragraphs a piece. We can do four questions and a tie breaker if we end up there points-wise. We could even do rankings combined both in forum participation and podcast participation. So far @JokersWild, and @spacemt354 would have three and two points respectively for coming in first and second place in the trial run debate.

1st Place- Three Points
2nd Place - Two Points
3rd Place - One Point
Hosting - One Point

Stop me if I'm getting ahead of myself drastically, but it could be a fun addition to the end of the year competition stuff and a fun thing to track as the debates go along :)
No that's actually great! I was thinking the same thing for the Gameshow participants. Especially since it's all under the umbrella of ICS Weekends, getting points might actually encourage repeat members and new members alike!

I was actually going to bring that up in Town Hall at some point to purpose it, but since you brought it up feel free to! I endorse that idea :D


Well-Known Member
As for our trial run, there's no real rush to get to it. We can set up a conversation to flesh out the questions and who's going to be fighting for what sides. Perhaps Friday we can get started (something exciting to cure our Star Wars hangover ammirigght @spacemt354 ;) )


Well-Known Member
I would love to do one of these, but not until after New Years. I just have too much on my plate already at this time.

Not a problem, and we'd love to have everyone who wants to compete get the chance to throughout the year. The first trial debate (text form) will start Friday and were working out the questions right now with Space, myself and TCool as Debaters and DSquared as the moderator. A new video version should also happen some time in the next week or two depending on various people's schedules matching up (we do have SandyClaws and his associate waiting in the wings, which means we'd only need to have one one person as a debater to make it happen!)


Not sure if we announced it "officially" but looks like on Friday we will be doing the first text-based run of Disney Debates!

@DSquared will host and judge the 3 contestants, @TheOriginalTiki, @tcool123, and myself as we will debate 4 topics including:

What is the best Pixar film? (excluding Toy Story 1,2,3)
What is the best Fantasyland attraction?
Which extinct attraction would you want to bring back?
Which character deserves a Star Wars solo film?

Should be a good debate so stay tuned for that!

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