Ice Station Demolition, Free Photos, etc.


Well-Known Member
When I was at WDW from July 4-10th, I noticed a grotesquely overflowing trashcan in the Peter Pan Queue area. I wish I had taken a picture with my cell phone. There was literally an entire corner filled up with trash. My wife and I were talking with some of the people around us, and we all agreed on how sad it was and how stupid some people are that they can't hold onto their trash until the next trash can with some space. There was literally another trash can that wasn't full within 25 feet. (Anyone who has been on the Keys to the Kingdom Tour knows this was a Walt thing!)


New Member
I don't understand why they didn't wait until winter to demolish Ice Station Cool as it probably would have been nice to have it open during the hot summer.


New Member
Some interesting facts I was able to find out about ISC, which is turning into Club Cool this fall:

  • Regular Coke products will now be added for sale
  • Coke Slushies are being installed as well
  • The floor is being re-designed to make it look like a giant Coke bottle
  • You will have the ability to purchase personalized Coke products


Account Suspended
Oo, nifty - kinda like those freezes at Goofy's Candy Company? I love those, with their cute little character feet. One can hope :)


New Member
Being a custodial CM, that picture of the trash can makes me want to die. Of course things like that happen for so many reasons. Trash cans in attraction queues are often the biggest problems because A) people are all getting rid of their stuff they can't take on the ride and B) most custodial CMs won't go in to check on them until the scheduled time because they are so hard to get to. In addition to all of that, there are certain cast members who will skip several cans on their trash runs to save time, leaving it near full or overflowing for the next person to come thru on that run. It is also likely that for one reason or another, that particular area was understaffed and not quite getting the custodial attention it deserved. It just hurts me to see any area of Disney property to have to look like that, but I completely understand how it could.

Jeff °o°


Active Member
[QUOTE]When Fantasmic clears out...that theater is gross. I feel so bad for the CMs that have to clean it up.[/QUOTE] I always carry my stuff out, people can be such pigs...I don't really feel "sorry" for the CMs, though, since this creates work, which means jobs, which means people (CMs) who need money making money. Of course this is really "our money" that pays them (to clean up after the pigs), which could be better spent paying CMs to provide pre-show entertainment, like they used to do.
We go every other weekend (next trip Fri-Tue), and I've never seen such a mess, but with the Land such a mad house now (more of a mad house than it used to be), I can imagine that it might be hard to keep up with.
Like I mentioned above, the pigs who can't find another garbage (like they ARE everywhere, man), who create a situation like this forcing Disney to hire/assign additional staff to handle costs us all, diverting our entertainment dollar to pig maintenance.

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