When I heard that Ice Station Cool was getting a rehab I thought it was going to be some minor stuff. Maybe some new tread for the snow plow... or possibly some barf bags for the Beverly, but they are completely taking the sledge hammer to this thing. Here's a photo from today,July 13th.
It should be interesting to see what comes of the renovation.
I've got to urge any Disney Visa cardholders to stop by Innoventions West. Nobody seems to know about this Top Secret Character Meet'n'Greet. It's hidden away in a corner of Innoventions with sevral cast members standing outside a door with clipboards. We just showed them our Disney Visa and they gave us a certificate for a free 5" x 7" photo and took us inside where we found Goofy and Minnie waiting for us with sets behind them and everything. We literally spent about 15 minutes just hanging out and taking pictures. So check it out.
I was standing in line for Soarin' today when I got a glimpse of some bad show which seems to be reoccuring... Here's the photo----->
Attention, Soarin' cm's... CLEAN ME!
And lastly, here's some footage I took of mishap that occured during Wishes Fireworks...
Ok, that last one was a lie... it's actually some kid shooting a firework off of his groin when the thing suddenly backfires. It's funny stuff.
It should be interesting to see what comes of the renovation.
I've got to urge any Disney Visa cardholders to stop by Innoventions West. Nobody seems to know about this Top Secret Character Meet'n'Greet. It's hidden away in a corner of Innoventions with sevral cast members standing outside a door with clipboards. We just showed them our Disney Visa and they gave us a certificate for a free 5" x 7" photo and took us inside where we found Goofy and Minnie waiting for us with sets behind them and everything. We literally spent about 15 minutes just hanging out and taking pictures. So check it out.
I was standing in line for Soarin' today when I got a glimpse of some bad show which seems to be reoccuring... Here's the photo----->
Attention, Soarin' cm's... CLEAN ME!
And lastly, here's some footage I took of mishap that occured during Wishes Fireworks...
Ok, that last one was a lie... it's actually some kid shooting a firework off of his groin when the thing suddenly backfires. It's funny stuff.