Ice Station Demolition, Free Photos, etc.


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When I heard that Ice Station Cool was getting a rehab I thought it was going to be some minor stuff. Maybe some new tread for the snow plow... or possibly some barf bags for the Beverly, but they are completely taking the sledge hammer to this thing. Here's a photo from today,July 13th.

It should be interesting to see what comes of the renovation.

I've got to urge any Disney Visa cardholders to stop by Innoventions West. Nobody seems to know about this Top Secret Character Meet'n'Greet. It's hidden away in a corner of Innoventions with sevral cast members standing outside a door with clipboards. We just showed them our Disney Visa and they gave us a certificate for a free 5" x 7" photo and took us inside where we found Goofy and Minnie waiting for us with sets behind them and everything. We literally spent about 15 minutes just hanging out and taking pictures. So check it out.

I was standing in line for Soarin' today when I got a glimpse of some bad show which seems to be reoccuring... Here's the photo----->

Attention, Soarin' cm's... CLEAN ME!

And lastly, here's some footage I took of mishap that occured during Wishes Fireworks...

Ok, that last one was a lie... it's actually some kid shooting a firework off of his groin when the thing suddenly backfires. It's funny stuff.


Active Member
Great update. Dunno about the firework thing though, might give kids the wrong idea :S That stupid guy. People never do that at home!!!


Well-Known Member
I think it's a shame about Ice Station Cool, I must admit it never appealed that much to me the whole concept of the drinks but I would still visit it on every trip, I think it's theme suited it quite well and if they are going to remove the entire snow theme I don't think it will fit in as well.
Is Disney really that short on CM's? First, they close the Noodle Station due to staffing (please correct me if I'm wrong), and when we went in the utilidors on the Keys to the Kingdom tour on June 22nd, my husband noticed a sign on one of the bulletin boards that asked CM's to refer people to casting, and if the person they refer becomes a CM they get 50 dollars. I'm not sure whether the money was added to their pay or given in merchandise. We didn't get to read the fine print. Is this something Disney always does to attract quality CM's?


Well-Known Member
The overflowing trash can just reminded me of another thing that came to mind numerous times while down there last week...

Why did they put what is quite possibly the smallest bathroom on property right outside the Entrance/Exit to Soarin' drawing thousands of diners from the food court into that already congested area? :eek:

Each time I was there, it was a full house in the Men's Room....I can't imagine the line for the Ladie's Room!

Poor traffic flow, indeed!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info. I'm so sad about the Ice Cool Station but, they are bringing it back correct? Maybe they'll take away that guy frozen in the ice...he creeps me out. I'm so excited for our free photo...what a cool thing to give card members. The overflowing trash can reminds me of the time my bestfriend and I stayed at ASM. It smelled so bad by the 2nd day.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
DisneyGrl85 said:
It smelled so bad by the 2nd day.
that is pothetic that the trash was there in the first place..... but if it stayed there long enough to be there 2 days....... somebody should get their butt chewed out.

I will sincerely miss the Ice Cool Station. im scared to see what they put there next.

fireworks boy: lesson learned the painful way, maybe the last of the fireworks for him. keeping it clean but jokes about this could go on for days. what a moron


Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
fireworks boy: lesson learned the painful way, maybe the last of the fireworks for him. keeping it clean but jokes about this could go on for days. what a moron

You mean like him recording a cover of the song "Great Balls of Fire?"


Well-Known Member
The one thing I will never do is trash WDW. If the trash can is too full I hold my trash and throw away somewhere else and I will never leave my trash at any shows. When Fantasmic clears out...that theater is gross. I feel so bad for the CMs that have to clean it up. Then again when the thing is too full they're asking for it but I won't trash my happy place. HeHe

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
PoohBear071870 said:
Is Disney really that short on CM's? First, they close the Noodle Station due to staffing (please correct me if I'm wrong), and when we went in the utilidors on the Keys to the Kingdom tour on June 22nd, my husband noticed a sign on one of the bulletin boards that asked CM's to refer people to casting, and if the person they refer becomes a CM they get 50 dollars. I'm not sure whether the money was added to their pay or given in merchandise. We didn't get to read the fine print. Is this something Disney always does to attract quality CM's?

Disney is always looking for good CM's and would rather use someone that is referred by someone they already trust (current CM). That is why the $50 policy is in effect.

I think they weren't really expecting the land to be overall as crowded as it is now. They are going to have to set Janitors to just that pavilion so it can constantly be kept clean. I wouldn't be surprised if they are working on a plan to do that now.


Account Suspended
High-traffic areas, particularly queues of attractions, tend to overload their trashcans because people aren't allowed to bring food items into the ride. Technically, the CMs should be stopping people from entering the queue with food/drink.

But back to the point - a trash can getting full isn't unusual at a ride, however since it's nowhere near a CM, there's no one there to swap it with another trashcan until it can be emptied. Often, at a "No food beyond" point there will be 2 trashcans just for the purpose of swapping them if one gets completely full.
I'm disappointed that they wouldn't use screens to cover the de-construction of Ice Station Cool more effectively. Especially since it's in a major traffic flow area and wouldn't be too difficult to cover up while it is being worked on.

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