I strongly disagree with the closure of the great movie ride and the new direction of Hollywood Studios

Hannah M

Original Poster
I am from the UK and have had the privilege of being able to experience Walt Disney World 17 times in my 26 years! I am in love with the place and the magic and wonder you can't help but feel when you are there - it really is a place where dreams come true!

Hollywood studios (formerly MGM) for a long time has been my favourite park because I loved the link it has with showbiz, what goes on behind the scenes and the glitz and glamour of hollywood both past and present. I have great memories of being in the park with my mum and dad and being excited to hop onto the backlot tour which always had the benefit of being able to update and add another dimension with the props and memorabilia that it housed. It was an undoubtable favourite right until the end - the long queue times are proof of that. The streets of America were great too as it provided people like me with the ability to immerse themselves in the culture of several key american cities simultaneously as well as giving a behind the scenes in the action look at how these effects are achieved in hollywood without even ever having to leave the set.

I understand the need to not be stuck in the past and to move with the flow of current trends and obviously the purchase of the Star Wars franchise has been an exciting step forward for Disney and that part of the park is going to be incredible for sure, especially with the awakening of the new films. Despite understanding there is a lack of space for expansion in Epcot however, one has to wonder whether the new Star Wars land would have been more appropriate addition to this park? Notwithstanding the fact that Epcot sadly has a diminished attendance compared to the other parks and this would be a great way to bring the park forward into the 21st century.

Words can't begin to describe how heartbroken I am at the closure of the Great Movie Ride. Some might argue that it was behind the times and that the movie references are old and people can't relate to them anymore - but isn't that the point?!?! To EDUCATE, to REMEMBER, to APPRECIATE the great actors, directors, movies that were cornerstones in getting us to where we are today? Mary Poppins, Indiana Jones, Tarzan, The Wizard of Oz, Casablanca - these are just ICONIC and should not be forgotton.. but now the closure of the great movie ride has just metophorically closen that door to appreciate the past in to be honest a rather ignorant manner. No matter how long the queue was I could stand and watch that showreel of classic movies again and again... there was just something uplifting about it and it inspired me to go home and watch these movies and understand why they were so great and that I can relate to them even though they are black and white, I can talk about them with my grandparents. In my opinion these movie greats are far better than most of the trash that gets released these days. I really think that rather than getting rid of the Great Movie Ride it could even have stood to be expanded, as an Architect myself that is honestly what I would have argued for if I had the privileged of being a Disney Imagineer. Expand the ride, take us through a journey through the genres and great actors and directors that got us to where we are today, add a star wars scene, instead/as well as the gangsters and robbers why can't our tour be taken over by Captain Jack Sparrow or Barbosa? Why can't we dance and sing with La La Land? get lost in Pandora?! I personally think that would be far more exciting to plan than Mickey and Minnies Runaway Train.

My point is I am honestly saddened by the direction Hollywood Studios is currently moving in... whilst I don't disagree the new toy story and star wars lands are going to be fantastic.. and yield many more visitors and revenue.. I don't want Disney to lose the parks original identity. I agree many of the large everchanging warehouse sets such as the American Idol experience could stand to be replaced but I am sorry to see the very heart of the theme park being ripped out for all these 'lands' I really will bash my head against a wall if they do what California has and change the Tower of Terror into a Guardians of the Galaxy ride.

Moral of the story - DON'T FIX WHAT'S NOT BROKEN guys, and don't forget to embrace and appreciate history.. because it got us to where we are today.


Well-Known Member
I completely agree with you regarding GMR. In fact, one could argue that with the addition of Star Wars and Toy Story, this ride is needed even more as an anchor. However, I disagree with you that Star Wars belongs in Epcot. Epcot should focus on the real (real science, real cultures, etc) and HS can focus on fantasy (or Movie Magic).


Well-Known Member
I am from the UK and have had the privilege of being able to experience Walt Disney World 17 times in my 26 years! I am in love with the place and the magic and wonder you can't help but feel when you are there - it really is a place where dreams come true!

Hollywood studios (formerly MGM) for a long time has been my favourite park because I loved the link it has with showbiz, what goes on behind the scenes and the glitz and glamour of hollywood both past and present. I have great memories of being in the park with my mum and dad and being excited to hop onto the backlot tour which always had the benefit of being able to update and add another dimension with the props and memorabilia that it housed. It was an undoubtable favourite right until the end - the long queue times are proof of that. The streets of America were great too as it provided people like me with the ability to immerse themselves in the culture of several key american cities simultaneously as well as giving a behind the scenes in the action look at how these effects are achieved in hollywood without even ever having to leave the set.

I understand the need to not be stuck in the past and to move with the flow of current trends and obviously the purchase of the Star Wars franchise has been an exciting step forward for Disney and that part of the park is going to be incredible for sure, especially with the awakening of the new films. Despite understanding there is a lack of space for expansion in Epcot however, one has to wonder whether the new Star Wars land would have been more appropriate addition to this park? Notwithstanding the fact that Epcot sadly has a diminished attendance compared to the other parks and this would be a great way to bring the park forward into the 21st century.

Words can't begin to describe how heartbroken I am at the closure of the Great Movie Ride. Some might argue that it was behind the times and that the movie references are old and people can't relate to them anymore - but isn't that the point?!?! To EDUCATE, to REMEMBER, to APPRECIATE the great actors, directors, movies that were cornerstones in getting us to where we are today? Mary Poppins, Indiana Jones, Tarzan, The Wizard of Oz, Casablanca - these are just ICONIC and should not be forgotton.. but now the closure of the great movie ride has just metophorically closen that door to appreciate the past in to be honest a rather ignorant manner. No matter how long the queue was I could stand and watch that showreel of classic movies again and again... there was just something uplifting about it and it inspired me to go home and watch these movies and understand why they were so great and that I can relate to them even though they are black and white, I can talk about them with my grandparents. In my opinion these movie greats are far better than most of the trash that gets released these days. I really think that rather than getting rid of the Great Movie Ride it could even have stood to be expanded, as an Architect myself that is honestly what I would have argued for if I had the privileged of being a Disney Imagineer. Expand the ride, take us through a journey through the genres and great actors and directors that got us to where we are today, add a star wars scene, instead/as well as the gangsters and robbers why can't our tour be taken over by Captain Jack Sparrow or Barbosa? Why can't we dance and sing with La La Land? get lost in Pandora?! I personally think that would be far more exciting to plan than Mickey and Minnies Runaway Train.

My point is I am honestly saddened by the direction Hollywood Studios is currently moving in... whilst I don't disagree the new toy story and star wars lands are going to be fantastic.. and yield many more visitors and revenue.. I don't want Disney to lose the parks original identity. I agree many of the large everchanging warehouse sets such as the American Idol experience could stand to be replaced but I am sorry to see the very heart of the theme park being ripped out for all these 'lands' I really will bash my head against a wall if they do what California has and change the Tower of Terror into a Guardians of the Galaxy ride.

Moral of the story - DON'T FIX WHAT'S NOT BROKEN guys, and don't forget to embrace and appreciate history.. because it got us to where we are today.

Now you speak up! Where were you when it mattered. Never mind, I guess it never mattered. They own it they can change it and we can accept that or we can hate it... but, it will remain being whatever it is going to be.:cool:

I really always enjoyed it and will miss it, but, I am going to give the new one a chance. We can't all like everything. It will be nice to see something new. When it gets to the point that you can recite the narration, you've probably seen it more then enough. ;)


Well-Known Member

R.I.P. GMR gone but never forgotten thanks to new age cameras...

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
Question --- as fans of Disney have we ever changed a decision Disney or direction Disney has taken by voicing our objection via email, letters or phone calls? Loved the GMR; got to ride it a month before it shut down and became history.


Well-Known Member
Question --- as fans of Disney have we ever changed a decision Disney or direction Disney has taken by voicing our objection via email, letters or phone calls? Loved the GMR; got to ride it a month before it shut down and became history.
Actually at least once that I know of and that would have been for CoP. That one was dead and laying on the stainless steel table. However, it was not yet buried and need along with fan objection brought it back to life, allegedly for a short while, but that was around 18 years ago. This one has been buried so it will not have the same good luck. I'm just glad they haven't done what they were so good at over the last 10 years and just closed it and left an empty building. This time we have a replacement if you want to look for something positive about it.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
I am from the UK and have had the privilege of being able to experience Walt Disney World 17 times in my 26 years! I am in love with the place and the magic and wonder you can't help but feel when you are there - it realHollywood studios (formerly MGM) for a long time has been my favourite park because I loved the link it has with showbiz, what goes on behind the scenes and the glitz and glamour of hollywood both past and present.

Moral of the story - DON'T FIX WHAT'S NOT BROKEN guys, and don't forget to embrace and appreciate history.. because it got us to where we are today.

If you want a moral for this ride removal, it's the power of US intellectual property laws and changing public tastes. Until it was announced it was going away , it was at most a five-minute wait to see representations of other studios characters.


Well-Known Member
Moral of the story - DON'T FIX WHAT'S NOT BROKEN guys, and don't forget to embrace and appreciate history.. because it got us to where we are today.
And you think that where we are today is a good place? Funny, I feel we have gone backwards in time. All kidding aside, the problem was not with the ride, it was with the modern attitudes of people. Instead of seeing GMR as a historic look back at a time when movies were just starting to get ground breaking, they were saying... I've never seen any of those movies, where is Star Wars, where is the Godfather, where is Robin Williams acting crazy? So many could not wrap there brain around the idea that it was a tribute to an age in Hollywood that technically has now advanced, but, that quality has not kept pace. Because it was Disney MGM and themed to movie making, not movie showing the entire feel of the park is different and GMR and the surrounding area is no longer the "Hollywood that never was and always will be". So the fact that it was really a walk on as of late really was the arrow to the heart. It was classic and unbroken only to a few of us and there aren't enough of us to keep it looking popular.

I also partially blame that stupid Big A$$ Hat blocking the view of the theater all those years that completely downgraded the importance of that attraction. It just became a carry over of the Streets of American and considered a facade instead of an actual building. I have known a number of people that never even realized that it was a ride and not a prop put there for affect.
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Well-Known Member
I completely agree about the GMR it was the parks soul like spaceship earth at EPCOT i think the ride did suffer from not being updated though swapping out some of the scenes or changing some of the actors in some of the generic scenes would have helped kept the ride fresh, but like the classic future world dark rides Disney went a different way


Well-Known Member
Despite understanding there is a lack of space for expansion in Epcot however, one has to wonder whether the new Star Wars land would have been more appropriate addition to this park? Notwithstanding the fact that Epcot sadly has a diminished attendance compared to the other parks and this would be a great way to bring the park forward into the 21st century.

no, no, yes/eh, and aw hail naw.
- star wars, especially as an acquired movie franchise, is exactly where it belongs

agreed on gmr...
absolutely no good reason for gmr removal to coincide with mmrr arrival - a particularly foolish decision considering the recent past and near future

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