I saw the new space mountain cars!


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Original Poster
Just got back from a four day trip yesterday. I took the seven hour Behind the Magic tour on the last day of the trip. Most of it was costuming, casting, and such. However, the coolest part of the tour came near the end when we visited the "Central Shop" located behind the Magic Kingdom. This, if you don't know, is where ride vehicles and components are built and serviced. While we were there I noticed several Space Mountain coaster trains in the shop. On closer inspection, I realized that these cars were a new design-two seats across and with obvious speakers in the headrests. I also observed several workers stepping in and out of one of these new cars from a mock-up platform. Again, they were painted and styled just like the old cars, only wider. I counted about 20 of them in various stages of assembly. Sorry if this is old news, but I thought it was cool!


Well-Known Member
are you sure they aren't new trains for the *new* Space Mountain at Disneyland? Previously they were two across with speakers, and I can't see them changing the WDW versions


New Member
Yer, i cant see them putting the news cars into WDW because i dont think the track is wide enough for these cars and i cant see Disney closing Space Mountain for a major rehab!!:king:


Active Member
Yeah, Maybe its for Disneyland, I can't see them being able to make that major of a change. But thanks for the info!


Originally posted by venooch333
i cant see Disney closing Space Mountain for a major rehab!!:king:

They did at Disneyland. Shut that baby down for what will turn out to be just over 2 years. (FYI, track installation going quite well. They may get to test trains by this fall, with effects going in right up until opening, 7/17/05, they hope.)

The rockets at Central Shops are indeed for Disneyland. CS often fabricates vehicles for the other parks.

Edit: Oh, by the way, did they look like this?


Account Suspended
well, i have a Magical Gatherings DVD that Disney sent us, and it shows 2 people seats in Space Mountain. The DVD seems to be taped recently, so I imagine they just decided to put the two seaters to make it look better. (just like they show people running up to the characters instead of having to wait in long lines in the sweltering heat just to see Brer Bear or other characters.) So maybe that IS for Walt Disney World.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Lee
They did at Disneyland. Shut that baby down for what will turn out to be just over 2 years. (FYI, track installation going quite well. They may get to test trains by this fall, with effects going in right up until opening, 7/17/05, they hope.)

The rockets at Central Shops are indeed for Disneyland. CS often fabricates vehicles for the other parks.

Edit: Oh, by the way, did they look like this?

you don't have any pictures of the track in there do you, Lee (well...one's that you can show us :) )?


Active Member
My wife says that her first trip to WDW was in the late 70's and she remembered SM having two seater cars then. Of course she was only about 10 or so, so her memory may not be correct. Anybody else remember the cars like that?


New Member
for some reason I vaguely remember 2 seat cars in space mountain. And I've only ridden the WDW space mountain.

As for the 2 seat cars, that same design is currently in operation in Tokyo Disneyland. Someone mentinoed recent filming for the Magical Gatherings DVD, it's possible that was done in Tokyo.


Account Suspended
well there werent any chinese, japanese, or any other people besides Americans riding the ride. And if it was for WDW, than why would it be filmed in TD?


New Member
I don't know, it wouldn't make much sense to me.

What were the cars like at Disneyland BEFORE the rehab? Were they 1 one 2 seaters?

Oh and on an opinionated note. I don't think WDW will be getting 2 seat cars any time soon, but I hope that they don't. I like the one seaters much better. I like the feeling of being at both ends of a coaster car much better than having one other or even 3 other people beside you like most coasters.


Active Member
In almost every WDW spot for Space Mountain old and new (its usually the same shot) they show the 2 seater cars....don't know why...it has allways bugged me. Its really bad too....you can tell it's done with a blue screen or something.


New Member
So WDW's Space Mountain used to have 2 seater cars, which were then changed to 1-seaters (and now possibly back to 2?)

And DL's Space Mountain used to have 1-seaters, which are being changed to 2-seaters?

And why would WDW be servicing DL's cars. I mean, I guess it's possible, but I'm sure they cna do the same thing in DL.



New Member
I think before this goes any further we have to have somebody confirm:

What type of cars did Disneyland have before the rehab?

Did WDW Space Mountain have 2 seat cars at one point and when did they change to 1 seat?


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i agree with that. we could go on hear-say all day long and basically run in circles. where is the Grizz? he should know.


Well-Known Member
WDW: Always had 1-1-1 style seats (ie 1 wide, 3 deep), as Space Mountain was meant to be the "East Coast Matterhorn" (according to http://www.cafetiki.com/space/orlando.htm)

The track isn't suited to 2-2-2 style seating

DL: Had 2-2-2 seating before this current track replacement. Speakers were retro-fitted to the previous cars, and now it seems have been designed into the new cars. Remember DL only has 1 track inside it's (smaller) mountain. WDW has two tracks.


New Member

Walt Disney World's version ALWAYS had single formation! Before the cars were changed to the current configuration of three per rocket, it was seperated into two and people rode two in each half of the rocket (think Matterhorn) . You sat in the lap of a person. Each rocket fit four people so a total of 8 per train with the old configuration.CURRENT ROCKETS

Disneyland's version ALWAYS was two across, with the addition of speakers in the early 90's.


New Member
From what I understand, the WDW SM has always had one seater cars. I think they use to be almost like how the matterhorn is though. Kinda where you sit between another rider's legs. Disneyland before it's rehab still had two seater cars. That's what I always thought... could be wrong though.

Edit: Seems like someone beat me to it by a minute!! :)


New Member
I think we've got the final word on that. I know now after a google search that DL's mountain always had 2 wide cars, with a soundsystem retrofitted in 1995.

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