“Since Verizon seems to want a Droid-iPhone faceoff, here it is: the Droid wins on phone network, customizability, GPS navigation, speaker, physical keyboard, removable battery and openness (free operating system, mostly uncensored app store). T
he iPhone wins on simplicity, refinement, thinness, design, Web browsing, music/video synching with your computer, accessory ecosystem and quality/quantity of the app store.”
What part do you look for ?
Refinement - well, OK, thats because this is the first Droid. Let the next two or three models come out, then we can talk refinement.
I am not even sure what the heck "accessory ecosystem" is supposed to be.
The app store comment is funny. Apple today announced it hit 10,000 apps in it's store. I forget the actual numbers off the top of my head, but once you get somewhere below the top 500 or so apps, the remaining 9,500 have almost no usage. Talk about your long tails.