I'm currently on disability from from current job due to an anxiety disorder caused by my store manager. Transferring locally to another store is not possible. My dream has always been to move to Florida. I can ask for a transfer to the Orlando area but it comes with a problem. I'm an only child. If I had a sibling here to watch over my mom, its a no brainer, i would move. But, she has congestive heart failure and has a pacemaker, so if i move I will worry about getting that pone call. She cannot move yet because she is not able to get on Medicare. I don't know what to do.
Does she need you physically? If she can physically live well without you, then your mental health and job situation, should be taken into consideration. With phones and skype and facetime, you can speak to your mom more than you probably do living close to her. Yes, she could get ill and need you, but you could quickly get to her if needed, and she may do well for years and years and you would have given up your dream. My sister is in the same situation at her job. People who've never had to work under that kind of stress from a boss or co-worker won't understand what you are saying. Her company also has a store she could manage in Orlando, but she worries about leaving her grown children and grandchildren. So, it works both ways. We haven't lived your life or know the entire situation, so we can't really give you good advice.
If, however, she physically needs you to take her to appointments and shopping and such, then I don't see how you could leave her right now.
Or, if you and your children are with her regularly, then I wouldn't be able to take them away from her or leave her alone.
My grown son moved to LA eight years ago. It was very hard at first, but with skype and email, I actually ended up talking to him more that when he lived here.
One other reason I say that moving may be a consideration is that you said that once she gets on Medicare she could move also.
There are too many unknowns for any of us to help you make this decision.