Well-Known Member
That wife will probably not be made at your friend. She knows that your friend IS A CHILD. Your friend didn't put the wedge between their marriage. YOUR BOSS DID THAT. He KNEW better then to hit on a child, and he felt that he could mess around with a child that's almost HALF HIS AGE!!! He's disgusting. *If* the wife is upset with your friend--she shouldn't be. She's upset of the situation that her husband and put her and her family through. Why resent your friend? Even if your friend was butt naked in his bed begging for his love--the bottom line is that YOUR BOSS is an ADULT, and he KNOWS the difference between right and wrong. He's her boss, she's a minor, and he's married with children. You shouldn't be mad at your friend--you should be outrage that your BOSS took advantage of your friend and abused his trust as boss and employee.Im worried about his wife going mad at her (Which i dont blame her to be honest) but if she expects me to support her whilst thats happening i just cant. I feel helpless. Especially since my own family has almost been torn apart (But then again so has hers..) by someone else., i cant help resenting her a little for what shes gonna do to a family.
What is wrong with people!:veryconfu:hammer::brick: