I like the new Journey into Imagination


SirGoofy said:
As the one of biggest JII v.1 fans here, I must disagree with you. Version 3 is much better than 2, but it doesn't compare to the original. The original had a spark(no pun intended), whereas this one is so dry and industrial. The original had big, beautiful sets. The new one has black curtains and blacklit signs as scenery at one point. Plus the ride is about 5 minutes shorter than the first. The new one just doesn't have the heart that pulls people in that the original did, which is why it is the faliure it is today.

I agree with sirgoofy here!

Mecha Figment

New Member
I would just like to point out the fact that dream finder is not dead and gone. He infact has an office inside the new version 3. look for it. it's near the begining of the ride.


Well-Known Member
Mecha Figment said:
I would just like to point out the fact that dream finder is not dead and gone. He infact has an office inside the new version 3. look for it. it's near the begining of the ride.

Dean finder


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Original Poster
Jennih said:
I never got to see the original which I'm a bit sad about but I do like the current attraction.

I have to say though that it's Figment that makes it for me, take him out and it would instantly drop to my least favourite ride.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: Figment Rules!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:



Active Member
I like the new version of Figment. I saw the original, and don't remember too much about it. I guess it didn't make too much of an impression. I do, however, remember finding Dreamfinder kind of creepy.:lookaroun

Also, as a scientist, and science teacher, it's good to have Figment around to remind me that the most important part of science is setting your imagination free!

Crazy Harry

Active Member
I honestly did not like the new version. Disney could be sued for false advertisement. For an attraction with the word imagination in the title it certainly lacks it.

I will be the first to admit that the original needed a rehab, but so did/does small world, pirates, haunted mansion ect. Just because it needs a little tlc doesn't means it needs a drastic theme alteration.

I loved that the original was a whimsical journey into the land of imagination. Very visually appealing, entertaining, lighthearted, and a true classic. The perfect contrast from other epcot attractions.

The new version presents a scientific explaination of imagination through the senses, but executes it very uninterestingly. The attraction is very bland with little to capture the imagination. Very forgetable.

And I certainly did not enjoy the frequent stops. I made me want to break free of my restraints and run away screaming and crying like a little girl. :cry:


New Member
It's just not the same. Thank God though it's better than Version 2. Maybe project Gemini will make it a fast pace coaster through the imagination:hammer:


New Member
tubaguy3 said:
It's just not the same. Thank God though it's better than Version 2. Maybe project Gemini will make it a fast pace coaster through the imagination:hammer:

But why stop there? Let's just change the acronym of the park to mean Extreme Puke-inducing Coasters On Tap. The Living Seas will be turned into an "underwater" coaster, Spaceship Earth will become a looping mouse coaster, Universe of Energy will become a Superman: The Escape type ride to "demonstrate" how energy can take us to new heights, the Land will become a half-boat ride/half-coaster like Escape from Atlantis, Wonders of Life will become a fast-paced rolly coaster through the human body to simulate what happens when you eat (then it either shoots you back out in reverse or drops you free-fall out the rear of the simulated body...just like real food!), and Test Track...well, it can stay. It's lame enough already.
But, getting back to the topic, the original Journey Into Imagination is the ONLY Journey Into Imagination. While I think Eric Idle is great, and he helps the current attraction take a small step above garbage, Journey Into Your Imagination with Figment is nothing more than a cheesy funhouse with a badly-voiced Figment. I've asked this rhetorical question before, but it's worth repeating - is Billy Barty that hard to imitate? Why did they opt to go with a completely irritating voice instead? Of course, I fully agree that version three is better than version two...but I think that's a given. Did ANYONE like v.2? Not that v.3 is all that different (same rooms, same props, just a slightly different story line and more painful vocals from the Un-Figment), but it is slightly better.
Bring back the original.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I didn't think Figmint was badly voiced. :veryconfu Btw, Mecha Figment, I love your name. It gives me the image of Mecha Godzilla in the form of Figmnet. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Figments new voice is very annoying. I believe the same person who does Gonzo's voice did the new figment voice. He's too loud, and too damn hyper.

Chill out Figment :zipit:


Well-Known Member
I will be skipping JII on my next trip. It is my understanding that many who already experienced once have no desire to ever ride again.

You can really see the lack of enthusiasm on the CMs' faces as they prepare to load their passengers into "blah-ville."


Well-Known Member
I too also enjoy the new version. Sure it may not have as much to see in the origional but it does work pretty well. Actually it was the highlight of my vacation! I rode that & SSE most of my time and the "Really" crowded EMH on Oct 13th not even a wait to get on. Which was by far the greatest.:sohappy:

Crazy Harry

Active Member
Cmdr_Crimson said:
I too also enjoy the new version. Sure it may not have as much to see in the origional but it does work pretty well :sohappy:

I agree that it works, it starts and stops exactly when it's supposed to :p

I guess I shouldn't say much however, one of my favorite rides is El Rio Del Tiempo, and the quality of that attraction will probally always be up to debate.


Well-Known Member
JIIWF is highly underrated, though still trumped by the original
Storylinewise in the fanfic I'm working on(Battle for Disney), here is what happened to Figment during the long strange trip that began in 1998. It sounds kinda stupid but dangit, it's my story and I can do what I please with it:
The destruction of the original JII was ordered by Eisner(as well as the revived Judge Doom, who was the true mastermind behind things) and executed by the Dark Hunters Nidhiki and Krekka in addition to the Rahi Nui. Figment managed to escape with Dreamfinder being kidnapped and taken to Eisner's floating dark prison. Figment is taken into the care of the Imagination Institute and Dr. Channing, keeping hidden and mostly out of sight from the Dark Hunters who still occasionally romped Epcot, bringing down other Epcot attractions and capturing the Sage of Time(Doom's archrival from ancient times) and the Dreamseekers(who became Figment's best friends after Dreamfinder's capture) JIYI, operated by the Institute, was despised enough that the dark powers had no choice but leave Figment alone, unless he dared interfere with their operations and try to save his friends. Figment in the end would be one of the leaders of the rebellion against Eisner as a member of the caravan to awaken Walt and upon the destruction of Eisner and Doom's fortress at a massive battle in Anaheim involving around 18 giant monsters(including Godzilla, who annihilated Doom and Eisner in a mana charged energy blast) became more well known to people worldwide and help save the Earth again from the Xilians, taking the battle to them and purifying the mostly cyborg people using a plan blatantly borrowed from the climax of Captain EO.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
great idea Tahu. :) And mitchk, I actually liked hyper Figmint. He seemed enthusiastic and it made him more cute. But I guess that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am glad they brought Figment back, but Figment used to be curious, shy, and very eager to learn. The new Fig seems to be bossy, and try's to teach, more than learn about imagination. Bottom line is, Figment is (was) supposed to be the spokesperson for EPCOT, now he is just another half rate attraction.

BTW: I love Figment, and it's time he gets a decent ride to back him up (Figment is Epcots Mickey)

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