I just won't do it!


Active Member
Original Poster
This may not be the right thread so feel free to move it.... I have been reading a lot, I do mean a lot, of threads and conversations about the FP system, Magic Bands, the waits, etc. After reading all of this I made the decision to simply just wait and not go to The World for a while. I just refuse to use the stupid bands. Truth be told I have never (gasp) even used FP before. I think the whole thing is ridiculous. Why should anyone be any better than anyone else simply because they have chosen a time to do a ride or to go on a particular ride or because they are wearing a piece of plastic? Everyone should simply wait their turns - yes, it is as simple as that. I was given a pin code. At first I wanted to jump at the chance to go and then I started reading all the various threads and info and I just won't do it. I am sure eventually I will get there some time next year but hopefully by then they will have the stupid FP and MMB system figured out. Even if everything is fixed I still won't use it. Okay - feel free to bring on the hate or nasty comments that you all seem to like to do when someone says something you don't want to hear....


Well-Known Member
I've only come across 2 problems with it...

1) Their website doesn't work correctly yet the App version..Works perfectly
2) The limits of said Fast passes since I have to renew my AP pass when I arrive I found I could only do one day and not the other days I need to pick my FP+. I'm going to Epcot on the day I arrive and did my selections and the odd thing is the limitations it has..You could only pick 1 big attractraction (Soarin, TT, Malestrom, Character M&G & Illuminations) and then pick 2 other attractions (SE, M:S,LWTL,JIIwF,&Nemo)..It would make more sense for have 2 and 2 to equally work..But, my times I'm seeing them are later in the afternoon which is fine..


Active Member
What's the problem with magic bands? I didn't have one because I chose not to stay on Disney property. Did I have to wait longer/miss out on some fast passes? Yep. Did I mind? A bit but ultimately I didn't pay to be receive one so why should I get one? All those people did. My problem, not theirs.

It's the same as staff discount. Should staff refuse that as it's not fair on the rest of us? No, it's their privilege.

Just go and don't wear your band if you really don't want to though I'm baffled as to your reasons. Sorry.
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Well-Known Member
This seems like quite an antagonistic post in that you end it by encouraging people to bring on 'hate'. I personally won't do that, I'm just intrigued by what not going to the World will achieve? Whether you go or not it's not going to change the fastpass system.
It may have it's flaws but it also has many benefits too..I know I much prefer boarding a ride with minimal wait time rather than standing in a queue just because everyone is 'equal'?


Well-Known Member
No hate from me. If you're not in the right mindset for it, then absolutely don't come. You'll just be miserable. You could very well be doing the right thing for yourself and wait for the new system to settle down. I can understand how, by the MyMagic+ system still being in development, you would just be frustrated. Completely understandable. Let the dust settle. Then re-evaluate after that.


Well-Known Member
You know I had the same mindset as early as 4 days ago. Then I received a pin code and realized that as much as I hate FP+/MME I am not going to deter that from me having a wonderful vacation. But as everyone else said - its best neot to return until you are comfortable going back. But do not shortchange yourself of a disney vacation because of a Magic Band. The way things are going - this is the perfect time to go because its still in testing phase


Le Meh
Premium Member
Why should anyone be any better than anyone else simply because they have chosen a time to do a ride or to go on a particular ride or because they are wearing a piece of plastic?...... I was given a pin code....
For the most part if you don't want to deal with the situation you probably should not go. I did however find these two sentences a bit comical. Everyone should be the same, but I got a pin code........ha.


Well-Known Member
For the first 27 years of Walt Disney World there were no FPs at all and then in 1999 they were introduced. At that time many people thought that this was going to be a bad idea ruining how they toured the parks. For those of us who were there at the time we know it wasn't perfect at the beginning. It really disrupted the way you did the parks and you had to learn how best to use them. And people did as evidenced by all the FP strategy questions and suggestions made on the boards over the years. If people had simply refused to try the new system they would have missed out on what became an essential way to do the parks.

Forward to now. A new FP+ system is introduced and it's as alien feeling as the 1999 FP system felt then, change always does. And yes it has a problems. But it is very early days yet and still being ironed out. A year from now it will likely be different again. We used it in October and it worked well for us. However, bring our first time we didn't do things quite right. I learned a few things about making selections for us (even with tiers) that will make it better next time. But then I didn't do the original FP perfectly either first time and got better at it over time. I have no doubt I'll get better at FP+ too but if I just refuse to try then it will never work for me. Anyone can adapt to anything but you have to try it first. The potential is there but you have to figure it out and you won't be perfect first time but ultimately you will.


Le Meh
Premium Member
For the first 27 years of Walt Disney World there were no FPs at all and then in 1999 they were introduced. At that time many people thought that this was going to be a bad idea ruining how they toured the parks. For those of us who were there at the time we know it wasn't perfect at the beginning. It really disrupted the way you did the parks and you had to learn how best to use them. And people did as evidenced by all the FP strategy questions and suggestions made on the boards over the years. If people had simply refused to try the new system they would have missed out on what became an essential way to do the parks.

Forward to now. A new FP+ system is introduced and it's as alien feeling as the 1999 FP system felt then, change always does. And yes it has a problems. But it is very early days yet and still being ironed out. A year from now it will likely be different again. We used it in October and it worked well for us. However, bring our first time we didn't do things quite right. I learned a few things about making selections for us (even with tiers) that will make it better next time. But then I didn't do the original FP perfectly either first time and got better at it over time. I have no doubt I'll get better at FP+ too but if I just refuse to try then it will never work for me. Anyone can adapt to anything but you have to try it first. The potential is there but you have to figure it out and you won't be perfect first time but ultimately you will.
But the major difference is that when FP was originally introduced there was only standby lines. Now that there is something to compare to, and from what I can see FP lines are longer now, I don't think it's going to be received well by the consumer.


Well-Known Member
But the major difference is that when FP was originally introduced there was only standby lines. Now that there is something to compare to, and from what I can see FP lines are longer now, I don't think it's going to be received well by the consumer.
Sure, but introducing FP was very disruptive and people hate change and cling to what they already know. Change is tough for all of us. And, with the way the lines are being created it's still just FP and standby.

As for the lines, yeah, they are recognizing this as a problem of having too many FP+ chosen for the headliners. That's part of the testing and one of the reasons why they are now trying tiering. They've got to work on the balancing and they had to do that with the original FP and every new ride goes through a period of balancing the FP numbers. I don't think that the first attempt at tiers will be the solution that works but given enough time it will get fixed. Things like this often take several iterations especially when you have to see what happens during the various attendance seasons. But if they aren't well advanced in a year to 18 months then we'll know there is a big problem.


Well-Known Member
Don't let all the posts on here scare you away from WDW. You have to remember that people will complain about anything!!! I say don't knock it until you try it!

I was very hesitant about the MB and such at first but once I used it, and it actually worked for everything I was tryin to do, I ended up liking it and it was very convenient to use for everything! Only once did my FP line take forever to get on the ride but other than that, it was smooth sailing all the way! If say jut try it and if u don't like it, then just stop using it and continue to use the KTTW cards as you are still given those in addition to your magic band.

They did do a test where guests weren't given a key card, but that test has stopped. If for some reason tht happens to tou, just request that u still get the card at check in! Hope you change your mind and go!
Are you aware that you don't have to use MM+ at all during your trip?

I'm someone who has no problem complaining about Disney World's problems, but this is just ridiculous.

One more thing, those people who have those little passes with times on them that are apparently "better" than you, have the same ability as you to go get a FP :rolleyes:


Active Member
Original Poster
I was there when the FP was first introduced. I agree that you can choose to use it or not - I chose not to. I can also choose not to use the magic band. I would be perfectly happy in Disney World even if I never stepped foot on an attraction. Think about how Disney World would be without a lot of the things that make people frustrated, upset, angry, aggravated, annoyed, whatever. For the record, I was not complaining, being comical, or in any way trying to "start something," I was just stating my opinion. It seems anytime someone makes a comment on this board and other boards they get rude comments back. I won't be posting anymore.


Well-Known Member
This may not be the right thread so feel free to move it.... I have been reading a lot, I do mean a lot, of threads and conversations about the FP system, Magic Bands, the waits, etc. After reading all of this I made the decision to simply just wait and not go to The World for a while. I just refuse to use the stupid bands. Truth be told I have never (gasp) even used FP before. I think the whole thing is ridiculous. Why should anyone be any better than anyone else simply because they have chosen a time to do a ride or to go on a particular ride or because they are wearing a piece of plastic? Everyone should simply wait their turns - yes, it is as simple as that. I was given a pin code. At first I wanted to jump at the chance to go and then I started reading all the various threads and info and I just won't do it. I am sure eventually I will get there some time next year but hopefully by then they will have the stupid FP and MMB system figured out. Even if everything is fixed I still won't use it. Okay - feel free to bring on the hate or nasty comments that you all seem to like to do when someone says something you don't want to hear....

I felt this way at first, but when I got a pin, we decided to go in January when it isn't so busy and try out the bands, etc. If we absolutely don't like it, we will just use the cards. (or find a suitable lounge to sit in) :D We have had to cancel the last 3 trips due to my husbands medical issues, but it looks good for this one. If, for some reason, we feel that this has totally screwed up WDW, we will then find somewhere else to go...


Well-Known Member
I was already planning on taking a year or 2 off to visit other places, so I'm glad the implementation of FP+ is happening during this time. These things are always going to have bugs and need to be tinkered with for a while until they work properly. So if you are not willing to put up with the early day problems, this is probably a good time to take a break.

Or just visit in the off season during times FP isn't necessary.

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