I just Broke my Ankle… leave in 10 Days HELP


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In the Parks
Title says it all. Broke my ankle, thankfully not too bad, still will most likely will be in a cast won’t know till I meet with Dr. in the morning, just got home from the ER. No trip insurance, so we have to go, the details are as followed: kids are 2 and 6. (Wife and I are in our early 30s) We will also be there with the grandparents so that helps (they are healthy and able to help with the kids). Flying from PHL via Southwest. Staying at OKW and one night at Sports.

So becides any restrictions the Dr. give me are their any rides that I’m now banned from? What’s the best way to get around? I was thinking one of those leg scooter things? Any helpful perks that we can now tap into due to the injury? This was no way on my radar so any advise with either the parks or flying or anything will be helpful!


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Sorry for taking so long to update everyone, my wife got sick while we where there and is still struggling to get better so I have had my handful these last few weeks but here is a short summary of the trip, mainly focusing on the EVC and rides/restaurants and experiences. Some details are cut or missing as its not intended to be a trip report but I guess at some places it may seem that way. Happy to elaborate to answer questions anyone may have.

Saturday July 23:
Flying out of Philly was wonderful, as soon as they noticed I needed assistance they got someone to assist me. They helped get our bags checked in, passed TSA, and to the gate PHL was amazing (never thought this would be the airport I was praising.) Our flight was delayed we knew that before we left but they pushed it back further once we arrived at the airport due to weather. Our 1130AM flight did not leave until 230PM... Ok that's recoverable not the worst but not great, until we get to Orlando. When we landed at MCO they had just shut the airport down due to lightning we SAT ON THE TARMAC FOR 2 HOURS! With two kids under 6 this was not fun! Finally we pull up to the gate and begin to deplane and realize that the ENTIRE airport is now deplaning... No gate assistance at all what so ever it was a mad house, crutched all the way from the gate to Aside baggage then crutch with all our bags and the stroller from A side to B side to get on the Sunshine Flyer Bus. Sunshine flyer was great. They have some things to work out mainly the organizing the pick up process at the airport but they where quick and the buses where clean. I would ride with them again, especially if the are able to stream line the airport side of things. We finally arrived at All Star Sports at around 9:30PM about 4hrs later than we had planned, tired exhausted and two miserable kids. Cast Members at Sports where Amazing! Got my EVC and helped us with our bags they where great. We went to the food court fed the kids and got everyone to bed.

Sunday July 24:
All Star Sports with an EVC the rooms are SMALL if we had to stay here all week it would have been rough. We were in the old style rooms with two standard beds, if we had been in one of the new rooms where the bed folds up maybe it would have been ok but there was almost no room with the EVC. Bathroom was nice however as it still had a standard time and I was able to sit on the side of the tub to shower. After everyone was up we grabbed a few things to eat and went to AK. I quickly realized that the plug at Sports was probly not working properly as as soon as we arrived at AK the EVC began losing power... It was not an issue however just something we kept an eye on, was able to use to scooter in the lines of Safari, Everest (child swap was easy wife went first with my daughter and I stayed with our son. Then we swapped and I was able to take the EVC threw the LL entrance to the ride), and had the handicap seating in Bugs Life. We headed out relatively early to transfer to OKW and meet the in-laws. At OKW we had a one Bedroom and it was SO MUCH EASIER with the scooter, my family had the living room to sleep in and our inlaws had the bedroom. It was so easy pulling right in and plugging the scooter in along the wall. I had my crutches so I was able to use them to get around the room. The Biggest issue with the one bedrooms at OKW is the bathroom showers. They are standard walk in showers however there is NOTHING to hold on to. So even if you have two good legs and but like to have something to hold on to as you shower to prevent your self from slipping these may be a problem. After a short break we took the boats to Disney Springs. Getting on and off the boat was easy enough with the EVC boarding the boats and buses was always interesting, it was never a negative experience (though there was one grumpy bus driver) just every driver/captain had their own way of doing it, some wanted me to drive the EVC on, others wanted me to do it at the lowest speed setting (they all asked that I turn the speed down but some wanted it so low that it almost did not have enough energy to get up the ramp), other still wanted me to let go and they parked it themselves, I did not care how but just when I thought I knew the process the next drive would change it. Dinner was at House of Blues, they asked if we could park the EVC and stroller inside off to the side, as I was able to use the crutches it was not a problem, and it was nice to get out and move for a little. No idea how they handle someone who is not able to get out of their scooter.

Monday July 25: EPCOT

Woke up early received our boarding groups for Guardians (side note AMAZING). Got to EPCOT shortly after opening rode test track no problem was able to take the EVC all the way to the ride vehicle before having to transfer, and it was waiting on the other side when done. Frozen was next and this one was harder ended up hurting myself (not bad but my leg was angry with me for a few hours) was able to take the EVC all the way to the boats, however the boats are VERY deep, almost fell getting in them and definitely did something wrong getting out of them. not much to hold on too and they are slippery... Anyway made our way to Guardians, this is where my wife began to go south. She started saying that she was not feeling well sick to her stomach and dizzy, she already has motion sickness so we took a short break got her liquids and cool she started to feel better and said that she felt she could do the ride. We saved the galaxy with no protein spills! As my in-laws are DVC we headed over to figment for the DVC lounge... and the elevator was broken... Well I have not waited all this time to not see the upstairs of Imagination so you bet I hopped up those 33 stairs! Was it worth it, if bragging to your brother that you did something he has not then yes, but other than that not so much. However I did overhear a few cast members talking that they brought snacks and drinks down to a few families that could not due the steps. Figment again was able to take the EVC to the ride vehicle and it was waiting at the end of the ride, same with the seas ride. I was a little nervous about the Land as Frozen had gone so poorly in the morning, however the boats are much higher then frozen and getting in and out was simple. We had dinner in the Mexico Pavilion, again they asked that we leave the EVC in the corner, not sure how they handle those who can not transfer out of their chair as I did not see a ramp only stairs down the to main dining room. We did Rat after dinner LONG LONG line, not worth it for the wait but the ride was fun and will definitely be on our do list next time if the line is reasonable.

Tuesday July 26:

Pool Day, my wife was starting to really not feel good today. We figured it was the heat... But the kids had fun in the pool before we headed to Chef Mickey's for dinner. Dining was meh but seeing the kids meet the characters was worth every penny. We also had Moonlight Magic at DAK. Rode FOP took EVC until the airlock then used the crutches, not sure at what point they would make you transfer if you could not do the crutches but it worked for me and had no problems with the boot on the bike. River Journey was the same as land with the boats being easier to get in and out of. We also did Dinosaur. This had a separate elevator down to the load level and back to the exit. Simple enough and allows you to get right to the ride on an EVC.

OK so this is about the midpoint I will finish the report in the next post. Will give @yensid1967 my limited thoughts on Genie+ as well as give a recap on the rides at HS and how the trip falls apart on MK day. Its a story to be sure.
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Well-Known Member
I have a suggestion:
1. CANCEL YOUR FLIGHT(free Cancel?)-Look into Amtrak. I think you would be more comfortable...no cabin pressure changes=no pain!
You will go from PHL>WAS, transfer to ORL. You MAY opt to get a family room that could accommodate your party! Coach seats are
fine as well with a TON of leg room, very comfy! 2 outlets at each seat. Look it up, you might be surprised!
2. CHANGE TO AN HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE ROOM Call and change your rooms to first floor accessible rooms for you party!
3. RENT AN ECV AT THE PARKS You can rent Electric Wheelchairs at the front of each park. They are a little pricey, so maybe renting one
from an outside company might be a better option for savings!
4.YOU ARE GOING FOR THE KIDS Just remember that you are there for the kids. While you may be limited on a few things to ride, just
seeing your kids' faces will be enough of enjoyment for you. But please take your time and rest when you need to. You may tell your
party to go one ahead and play while you rest for a while inside. Don't be stubborn like most men and push yourself!

I think that is all I wanted to share. Definitely check or call Amtrak (1-800-USA-RAIL (1-800-872-7245) and find out about wheelchair accommodations. You kids will love the train ride and get to see parts of the country they won't get to see in a plane! You will have to adjust your travel days...2 days each way. The train leaves from DC at 3:05pm and arrives in Orlando at 1030am the next morning!

Please keep us informed of what's going on with your details!
#4 - Bravo Sierra - My kids are just along for the ride when we go . . .
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Well-Known Member
Glad to hear your trip went off well and you were able to endure it without too much aggrivation caused by your injury. Sad to hear your DW ended up feeling poorly. Hope she recovers well now that the stress and heat of the trip has ended.
To answer your query about HoB. My DW is in a W/C and cannot transfer. Weve not only dined there but gone to the gospel brunch events several times. They have an area where W/Cs can be driven/ wheeled to to be seated but I have to go to the buffet area to bring her plated foods back to the table. There isnt a lot of maneuvering room available there. The staff there is very accommodating and weve never had a difficult time. I'm sure a non transferring person in a scooter would be handled the same.
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Wednesday July 27: Hollywood Studios

What should have been an early morning rush to the park turned into a much later start than anticipated. My wife woke up not feeling well, again assuming it was the Sun and heat messing with her Diabetes. We arrived about an hour after park open and the crowds where already insane along with the heat and sun it was miserable. We had a 1030 reservation at Olga's so we headed there, they made us leave the stroller and EVC outside, but were kid enough to ensure we had a seated table, again not sure how it works if you can not leave your chair. Star Wars Land was also where I hurt myself for the second time this trip, coming out of the men's room the crutch slipped on a wet tile and went out from under me. Caught myself with the bad leg, and again gave myself a few hours of pain. Moral of the story if you use crutches in the bathroom be very careful even if the floors do not appear wet! As we had wasted so much time getting to the park the lines where crazy long at this point we decided to make up time with Disney Genie, BAD BAD CHOICE. When we looked at about 10AM there was still reservations available to Slinky Dog (my daughters favorite) vs the 120min wait. by the time we discussed with the group and placed the order the LL availability had closed. So we grabbed a Alien Swings pass THIS was my mistake I did not realize you could not change reservations once you placed them. So 10mins later when a Slinky Dog became available I was not able to change over to it. I was very frustrated, granted I should have done my research before my trip but I dumbly assumed that part of it was like the old fastpass and clearly I was wrong. Aliens allowed us to take the EVC all the way to the ride if we wanted however I let them take once we were standing on a number as I could take the crutches the rest of the way. We then made a LL for Midway Mania. That was ready right when we got off, again took the EVC all the way to the ride before having to transfer out. After Mania, we found a table and had lunch. IT WAS HOT SO SO HOT I have heard the horrors of HS being hot but thought it was over exaggeration but no everything you have ever heard about that park not having shade and being as hot as the sun are TRUE. The line for Mickey had greatly diminished from earlier so we got on that while the line was short. They allowed me to take the EVC all the way until we got passed the movie portion, then they pulled us aside instead of going threw the switch backs, and gave us the option to board a sperate car or if I wanted to use the crutches they would put us back at the front of the normal line in the last car. We chose that as I was doing pretty well on the crutches. After we noticed that the line for Slinky had shrunk so we went and got our child swap pass me and the wife sat the first ride out with our son while the grandparents took our daughter. We found the only bit of shade we could and tried to hydrate. My wife was still not looking that great but none of us did it was just that hot. When it was our turn for Slinky we used the LL all the way to the ride. Something I wanted to point out that I had not in the past post was that if you elect to use your crutches at any point and they do not allow them in the ride (such as on the roller coasters) they will take them and have them for you when the vehicle arrives back at the station. After Slinky me my daughter and my Father in-law rode Star Tours (only star wars ride we would make it on unfortunately) because of the EVC we were granted access to the LL and when we reached the point where they assign simulators they gave us a card indicating what simulator we where to go on. Then we where directed down a hallway that lead to the exit side. Once there I transferred out of the EVC and waited for the current riders to exit. At which point we boarded threw the exit doors. Dinner was at Sci-Fi and again they asked us to leave EVC/stroller outside, again not a problem, However I do know that Sci-Fi has stand alone tables in the back of the theater and tables that are more table than car so I am assuming that if you needed to stay in your chair you would be seated at one of these places.

Thursday July 28: Magic Kingdom

Another bad start to the day, my wife went down hill hard after the heat yesterday She did not want to kids to miss Magic Kingdom so we got her settled then headed to the park. She said that if she got some fluids in her and felt up to it she would meet up with us latter. We got there shortly after opening and headed towards Splash/BTM Splash was down so we tried to board BTM this was a ride that basically gave you a Lightning lane. The way it works is they scan your parties band then give you a return time (normally 10mins shorter then the posted wait) then they tell you where to return at in this case the ride exit. They scan your band and then let you on the ride. If you are doing ridder swap they will ask those riding second to stay off to the side and when the first group comes off they will admit the second group. You are NOT allowed to stack passes. Once we got our pass we headed to Pirates and this was another first, you are not allowed to take an EVC in the line, they will show you where to park it and then give you a wheel chair to use in the line. Once you board the boat they take the wheel chair and move it to the exit. After the ride you take a small hallway to an elevator to the main level and you will see a short distance away where you parked the EVC. By the time pirates was done we went and completed the process to board BTM Splash remained down. We visited Grizzly Hall and enjoyed our front row EVC/Wheelchair seating location. By then it was time for lunch. My wife had decided that she wanted to join us and had made her way over, after meeting her at the park entrance we went to her favorite Casey's after two bites of hotdog she decided that there was something really wrong and off to First Aide we went...

For anyone who has been following along for explanations on Wheelchair/EVC access I am sorry but this is where my experience with them ends. That's right folks the next ride we will be experiencing is called Non-Emergent transport to Orlando West! So some back story as I have mentioned my wife had started not feeling well for the last few days mainly showing up as gastrointestinal issues. She has a few health issues that we know if that could cause these and assumed that the heat was aggravating these. Along with being a type 1 Diabetic. When we visited first aid they seemed to think it was due to the heat or similar until she tested her blood sugars, CRAZY HIGH. Poor woman at first aide (who was AMAZING by the way) basically said that we really needed to go to the ER. So after the ambulance arrived we where escorted out backstage. I told my wife as we where pulling away that I always wanted to see back stage but never expected I would see it this way! Our experience here is 50/50 Disney and the ambulance company has some sort of deal where the non-emergency transport is free to the guest! So no worries there and they give you a voucher to get back to property that is also free to the guest! Great... but no what they don't tell you is that the voucher basically puts you at the end of the line with Mears taxi. So after spending the day at the ER we spent another two hours waiting for a taxi... after which point we gave up and got an Uber in 15mins... it was very frustrating as Mears does not provide an estimate for vouchers... not Disney's fault but still frustrating. Our experience at the Orlando Health West was subpar... Basically they wrote my wife off as a noncompliant diabetic because of how high her blood sugars where however as we tried to explain multiple times her blood sugar is normally in range expect when she gets sick. It was a bad experience thanks to technology we found that they ran bloodwork that showed some other glaring problems that they failed to review or treat because they just wrote her off because of her diabetes. I could say more but it was just bad and we will leave it there.

Friday July 29:

Another pool day, wife was still not feeling well so stayed in the room all day. We went to Disney Springs for some shopping and Dinner at Marie and Endsos, food was good venue is beautiful. Let me take the EVC all the way to the dining room, there is an elevator to reach the lower levels.

Saturday July 30:

Sunshine Flyer picked us up on time for our flight and we where headed home after dropping the EVC off at bell services at OKW. MCO was just as bad leaving as coming, no one to help drag the luggage from Side B to Side A to check in. When we arrived at check in Southwest was CRAZY long. It was not until we had checked in and handed our bags over did anyone offer assistance. Unlike Philly we did not have a individual line for TSA or maybe we did but it was crazy long. Guy who assisted us with a wheel chair was nice enough though. When we got to our gate we found out the flight was delayed, then delayed again, was bracing for another long day when magicly the flight was on time again, they switched planes to get us moving! We arrived back home in Philly just slightly late, PHL again was on point with their gate attendance waiting with wheelchairs to help anyone who needed it. Helped get us to baggage claim where my brother was waiting.

And with that I think that covers the bulk of it! Hope everyone found it interesting and useful! Again happy to answer any questions!
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In the Parks
Glad to hear your trip went off well and you were able to endure it without too much aggrivation caused by your injury. Sad to hear your DW ended up feeling poorly. Hope she recovers well now that the stress and heat of the trip has ended.
To answer your query about HoB. My DW is in a W/C and cannot transfer. Weve not only dined there but gone to the gospel brunch events several times. They have an area where W/Cs can be driven/ wheeled to to be seated but I have to go to the buffet area to bring her plated foods back to the table. There isnt a lot of maneuvering room available there. The staff there is very accommodating and weve never had a difficult time. I'm sure a non transferring person in a scooter would be handled the same.
That's good too know! It was my first time there but yes it is very tight!

Thank you, shes still not feeling herself yet but the doctors think they figured it out now so hopefully things improve. I was happy with how I managed my leg, I was warned by the doctor that I would be miserable expecially on flying days but I actually stopped my daily routine of pain meds while there because it was not bothering me any longer pain wise. It was swollen more then it had been a few days due to the heat but I just elevated it and opened the boot up a little when we got back to the room and it was fine.
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Well-Known Member
That's good too know! It was my first time there but yes it is very tight!

Thank you, shes still not feeling herself yet but the doctors think they figured it out now so hopefully things improve. I was happy with how I managed my leg, I was warned by the doctor that I would be miserable expecially on flying days but I actually stopped my daily routine of pain meds while there because it was not bothering me any longer pain wise. It was swollen more then it had been a few days due to the heat but I just elevated it and opened the boot up a little when we got back to the room and it was fine.
Reading through about your experience, I felt bad that your wife got so sick, I do hope the Dr's figured it out. I pray she starts feeling better.
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Well-Known Member
I'm so sorry you had what sounds like a nightmarish vacation to WDW..I too hope your wife is feeling better and that your kids and their grandparents were able to pull a few positive memories out of your trip. A vacation to Disney takes a LOT of prep beforehand and with your problems in conjunction with your wife's woes, AND the heat, HORRIBLE!! I hope you will be able to chock this one up to a learning experience and take the opportunity to visit again. As far as the heat goes, it comes with the territory that time of the year. If you do plan another trip in the future, PLEASE look at other times of the year. We always loved to take out girls the week after Easter or if you can take the kids out of school. October/early November. I hope both of you are on your way to a full recovery!
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Premium Member
I'm glad you were still able to have some fun. It sounds like the scoot worked well for you. I feel your pain on the Star Wars Galaxy's Edge bathroom, I fell in one of them last year and slice my leg open on the drainage grate, the floor was very wet because of the rain and people drip drying from the sink. I still have a nice scar on my leg. I am sorry to hear about your wife's discomfort during the trip, it does sound like that hospital wasn't very helpful. Hope all is better now.
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Reading through about your experience, I felt bad that your wife got so sick, I do hope the Dr's figured it out. I pray she starts feeling better.

Thank you, appreciate the prayers. Yes after a few more trips to the ER back home they think they pinned it down to pancreatitis. She's finally starting to feel a little better now that she is on some meds. Fortunately she does not need surgery but unfortunately she has to just ride it out until it clears up.

I'm so sorry you had what sounds like a nightmarish vacation to WDW..I too hope your wife is feeling better and that your kids and their grandparents were able to pull a few positive memories out of your trip. A vacation to Disney takes a LOT of prep beforehand and with your problems in conjunction with your wife's woes, AND the heat, HORRIBLE!! I hope you will be able to chock this one up to a learning experience and take the opportunity to visit again. As far as the heat goes, it comes with the territory that time of the year. If you do plan another trip in the future, PLEASE look at other times of the year. We always loved to take out girls the week after Easter or if you can take the kids out of school. October/early November. I hope both of you are on your way to a full recovery!
Yea thankfully we are "regulars" so its not as if our once in a life time trip was ruined, but it still sucks you spend a lot of money to go and have your days messed up it sucks. It really has lead me to HATE having to book parks. For example we had another pool day on Friday, when my wife started feeling sick on Wednesday I would have just pushed my two park days back to Thursday and Friday and made Wednesday another pool day. Because of the reservation system that was not possible because MK and HS where both "at capacity" those days... It was really frustrating not having options to be flexible.

We have had a lot of success in Late Aug-Early November this is when we normally travel. But my in-laws who invited us to stay at their DVC have to travel in Summer as my mother-in-law works in a school district. I think me and my wife decided that we wont be back in July again... Ever... maybe if you paid me but I would still hesitate. End of Aug and September is still hot however the crowds never seemed to be as bad as they where this time.

Overall it was an interesting experience having to tour the parks with a scooter. My message to anyone who is concerned about it is GO everything I wanted to do I was able to with little or no impact to the experience and the Cast Members are great if not better than normal at assisting you.
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New Member
Just speak up, don't be shy. For us, Chicago is terrible. I had waited in the handicapped line at the airport, and when suddenly a bunch of people came up to the front, I spoke up in my "teacher" voice. "Yes, I know everyone saw me sitting here waiting, and we will need to go first because we need individual help. I have a cane and I know how to use it, so please use your manners." Even the "gatekeepers" stopped, and took all of us down to the gate in our chairs, and the people stopped and waited. I loudly thanked everyone, so no one moved. I decided that I know how to speak to kids, so just do that to adults, it really does work. Don't think that you don't need help, ASK for help! "Oh, thank you, are you here to help me?" Lets people know that you want help. I have MD(muscular dystrophy), so I don't know about how to do handicapped things, I never got training as I have only had it for a few years, so speaking up is really important....
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