I can't take it


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Original Poster
I haven't been back for a full month yet and I want to go back..it's all I think about.

I think I need help!!!!!

I think I should move!!!!!

WDW - it's like a drug and I'm addicted!!!!!!!!

Just something about being there with a loved one, spending the entire day outside having fun. "oh what a feeling"...and I'm not talkin bout toyota!!! :hammer:


New Member
I totally agree you!!!! My hubby and I use to go to Disney just about every month for the past six years, but over the past several months our visits have declined, I guess life happens.:( And to make matters worse we don't even have trip planned anytime in the near future.:dazzle: We both LOVE Disney and this nice spring Florida weather isn't making it any easier on us!:cry:
Withdrawls....going through withdrawls!!


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Original Poster
I'm in MA. and the whether here is relentless..it's so cold..to the point I just can't stand it anymore.

When I was there the weather was great...high 70's low 80's all week. We made a promise to go next year for 10 days. Every penny, spare dollar, dime, nickel...whatever is left in our pockets end of day goes into our little "disney jar" Hopefully by next year we'll have a good chunk put away to help ease the blow!!!

an Xmas trip might be in order though ;) I wish


New Member
I think all you can do (besides moving there) is to always be planning your next trip. I'm always thinking about my next trip, before I've even been on the one I'm currently counting down to. -Stephanie


I'm right there with y'all! I've got it so bad! The last time I was there was almost 3 years ago and it still won't be another 2 1/2 until I go again. :cry:

Unless I can be sneaky and conniving and SOMEhow get there sooner! *sigh* I'm soooooo tired of these long New England winters. It was snowing here yesterday!! :hammer:

I know, let's all move down there! I'm sure there are a lot of people we can move in with.. hehehe.. :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by CAPTAIN HOOK
Pull yourself together - its now 351 days since I was last there and its killing me :hammer: :cry:

I don't try to count from my last visit because it seems too depresing. I like to countdown til the next visit cause that keeps my spirits up!:hammer:


New Member
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Originally posted by JMishy

I'm soooooo tired of these long New England winters. It was snowing here yesterday!! :hammer:

It's cruel what mother nature is doing to us this year...soooo cold :cry:


Well-Known Member
My longest stint was 12 years between trips! During that break I finished middle school, got my driver's license, graduated high school, then college, and then got married!

That last trip was almost two years ago now, but I've promised myself not to let more than 4 years go by between trips. By 2006, I'll have a 2-year-old son or daughter to introduce to the World.

It's interesting to think of my Disney vacations in terms of important life events...It really gives me a great perspective on things.


Well-Known Member
Tips for fighting withdrawal symptoms:

1. Scrapbook photos from your last trip

2. Play Disney park music in the car during your morning/evening commutes

3. Plan your next trip (as suggested here already)

4. Visit this website often! The member photo albums alone are enough to tide me over for a while!

I've said it before and I'll say it again -- I'm glad to not be the only person with WDW constantly on the brain!


Active Member
Originally posted by Dizzknee
It's cruel what mother nature is doing to us this year...soooo cold :cry:

After it stopped snowing yesterday... the sun came out and the wind picked up! It hasn't stopped since... we're lucky though, since we can experience all 4 seasons in one day! :lol:


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Original Poster
LOL I never thought of it that way ;)

but enough is enough!!!!

I think it's reading this site that gets me going. So many pictures, talks, and everything under the sun about disney..it's like someone holding a piece of gum in front of a little kid saying "ne ner ne ner ne ner"

I believe Eddie Murphy said it best
"I got some iiiice cream and you can not have some"


Active Member
I'm a WDW addict. It's like I imagine crack to be. The low down things I would do just to go. :lol:

Hey man, lemme get a hit of that disney off ya. :cool: Come on, just a crumb. Puff puff give, hook a brotha up.

"Look, what's that over there?"
*snatches hopper pass out your hands while you were looking and runs to the FL border *

"I made it! I really made it!! :lookaroun :eek: :hammer: :D

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I couldn't imagine living so far away from Disney...but it is nice to get away for a while...SnowShoe, West Virginia. Somedays I just don't feel like going, just to mess around with all the crowds in the parks.


New Member
missing disney

i can totally relate to what everyone is feeling about missing disney, i guess i am pretty lucky though, i only live 6 hours from orlando i i get to go quite often. i just went in jan 2004 but the weather was terrible. it was freezing and raining the whole time. we stayed on the 12thfloor of the best western in the disney village but it was so foggy that we couldnt even see the view or the fireworks from our balcony, but we didnt let it get us down,we just wore our mickey ponchos like everone else and had a great time. of corse we are already planning our next trip which cant come too soon. i start haveing major withdraws as soon as i get home. working there defanetly spoiled me....hang in there everyone. marcie


New Member
Disney Is Great & I Love It. But, If I Went all The time (Once a month) it would get old just like Busch Gardens. We Live In Tampa 1 Hour From Disney & go to BG all the time. It is like old hat to us. Granted BG is NOT WDW but, anything can get old after a while. A WDW trip for us is all about escape. No cars, cares or worries for as long as were on property. We love it & will never go every month no matter how close we live to it. This always keeps the experience exciting!!!

Dont be sad just plan a trip in the future & let the excitement grow from day to day. Thats sometimes the best part, The anticipation!!!:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
How about....never been?

But, I want to go so bad, less than 170 days now until my first visit.... already have the entire package worked out, except for car rental......


New Member
Originally posted by scorp111
How about....never been?

But, I want to go so bad, less than 170 days now until my first visit.... already have the entire package worked out, except for car rental......

if you are staying on property don't even bother with a car rental!! use the free WDW transportation! It makes the WDW experience carefree & relaxing. I hope you are staying on property but if you are not please disregard this post & know better next time :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

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