HPFJ ride comparison.


Original Poster
Even after looking at the evac picture the ride does not look really that intense as the sign would depict outside. For those that might have been on the ride I was wondering what it compares to. The stories that I heard is that it is like a cross between Soarin' and the Spider-man ride at IOA. Can anyone confirm this or make a different comparison. Thanks

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
A mix of Soarin' and Spider-Man is about as accurate as I can think of for a description. In terms of intensity, I say its no worse (and if anything, perhaps even a bit less intense) than Spider-Man or a simulator type ride like Simpsons or Star Tours. The movement of the Kuka arm is very smooth so while the benches move up/down and side to side, they don't encounter the violent jerkiness of other simulator attractions.


Active Member
What about in terms of environmental scariness?

I feel a bit silly saying this at 32 years old, but I can take ANY ride movement without being sick, be it fast, jerky, inversions, you name it... but when it comes to "jump" scares with creatures popping out at you from the dark, my anxiety goes through the roof. I've heard there are practical-effect spiders and dementors, how bad are they? Can you see them coming, or do they leap at you from total darkness with a loud noise?


Well-Known Member
You don't see them coming at all. The ride vehicle wraps around you fairly tight so your peripheral view is rather obstructed. You hear the dragon coming but you don't see him until you turn the corner and then.....WOW....there he is, RIGHT IN YOUR FACE.

Sort of the same for the tree, spider and dementor scenes.

Everything is very, very close.

Add that with the light effects with the dementors, spitting spiders and "fire" breathing dragon and it's quite a thrill.


New Member
It is very intense in the "things pop out" area. I felt like a kid yelling and gasping on my first ride. I've just recently been able to finally keep my eyes open the entire time on Dinosaur and they are much further away from you than the things on HP. So I guess my next goal is to put on my big girl pants and try to keep my eyes open the entire time, esp. in the spider scene!:)


New Member
You don't see them coming at all. The ride vehicle wraps around you fairly tight so your peripheral view is rather obstructed. You hear the dragon coming but you don't see him until you turn the corner and then.....WOW....there he is, RIGHT IN YOUR FACE.

Sort of the same for the tree, spider and dementor scenes.

Everything is very, very close.

Add that with the light effects with the dementors, spitting spiders and "fire" breathing dragon and it's quite a thrill.

Does anything touch you, or are there "seat" effects? I was never capable of doing the old Alien-type ride in Tomorrowland, and even though I'm a full-grown adult, Stitch's Great Escape and, heck, even It's a Bugs Life are probably the worst part of any Disney trips I make. :lookaroun If anything touches my neck I'll scream until they let me off.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Does anything touch you, or are there "seat" effects? I was never capable of doing the old Alien-type ride in Tomorrowland, and even though I'm a full-grown adult, Stitch's Great Escape and, heck, even It's a Bugs Life are probably the worst part of any Disney trips I make. :lookaroun If anything touches my neck I'll scream until they let me off.

Nothing touches you seat wise; there are no seat effects. There are air, fog, and water effects that are sprayed at you, very similar to Disney 3-D show theater effects (think PhilarMagic or Muppets).

Things do tend to suddenly appear to kind of startle you, including a dragon, spider, and numerous dementors. I will say its more that the ride vehicle turns to face them and there they are right in front of you rather than things poping up in your face (though the dementors do glide toward the ride vehicle). Because you are so close to the ride scenes, you really can't prepare for them until they actually happen. Just depends how easily you are startled; if you are easily scared or jump at minor things, then you will probably find these sections mildly frightening. Otherwise, I didn't find them exceptionally scary, only somewhat startling.


Active Member
I know that when my time comes to ride this ride, I am going to crap my pants. No matter how much I prepare myself to ride this ride, I am going to flip!

:lol: that's how I was before I rode Hollywood rip ride rockit. I was acting like there was nothing wrong with me, then I got to the very front of the line and I told my family "I'm not riding" and they were like "yes you are. You spent 4 hours waiting. You're not gonna waste your time"
look who survived the ride! This chick right here!:D


Soarin' with Harry Potter

I found the ride to be enjoyable; a fine mix of Star Tours & Soarin' with the Potternalia. Hagrid loses a Dragon, it finds you as do dementors, He who can't be named is there too. Not nearly enough quiditch though.

Why is Potter's world so small though? I had friends who could ride on Saturday but could not ride 2 days later. The aisles at the store are small too.:lol:


New Member
:lol: that's how I was before I rode Hollywood rip ride rockit. I was acting like there was nothing wrong with me, then I got to the very front of the line and I told my family "I'm not riding" and they were like "yes you are. You spent 4 hours waiting. You're not gonna waste your time"
look who survived the ride! This chick right here!:D

I think that looks like a ton of fun! But, I'm in Ohio and when we go to Disney, it's ONLY Disney. O well I'm Happy I'm There.

Where did you see "He who can not be named" in the ride? No one has posted his exact where abouts yet.

He never is actually shown but they use a mist effect, like Davy Jones on PotC, that puts up the dark mark. I have a feeling it's supposed to represent he sent the dementors.

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