How young is too young?


Original Poster
I was young is too young to enjoy the parks? I really want to take my son for his 2nd birthday but I'm afraid he'll be too young to really enjoy it. I know any trip is a good trip, but is it worth the price to take a child that won't remember the trip...then again, seeing a child at WDW is priceless:ROFLOL:

Anyone have any advice? Thanks!

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
There is no age too young. The only question is are you willing to do what it takes to make sure that a child that is X in age has a good time. If your answer is yes, then you are good to go regardless of your child's age.


My son was 2yrs-9months when we took him last March. He had a great time on most of the rides (Snow White was too scary). And he loved meeting characters. He is still talking about it. If you go, just remember to take it slow, allow breaks for nap times and don't forget to get 1st Visit and a Birthday Button for him to wear. He may not remember that first trip specifically but you will remember and probably have many pictures that you will likey cherish forever like we do. Besides, he is still free to get in!


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I was young is too young to enjoy the parks? I really want to take my son for his 2nd birthday but I'm afraid he'll be too young to really enjoy it. I know any trip is a good trip, but is it worth the price to take a child that won't remember the trip...then again, seeing a child at WDW is priceless:ROFLOL:

Anyone have any advice? Thanks!

We didn't take our older son under he was 7 months old, but the younger one went at 3 months. So I would say that 2 months is too young. :lol:

If you're looking for your son to remember and enjoy, as opposed to just being there with you, I can offer that my younger son thoroughly enjoyed himself on our trip in October when he was 2 years, 3 months. During our previous trip, in December 2010 when he was 1 year, 5 months, there were a lot of moments of enjoyment, but plenty of others where he didn't really know what was going on. Those moments of enjoyment were, of course, more than enough to make us glad we had brought him.


Well-Known Member
I think taking your child for any birthday will be magical and memorable! I am a mother to two children (DD5 & DD2), and my DH and I have toured WDW when the youngest was only 8 mos. old. You've probably been to WDW before sans kids. Now you get to view WDW thru the eyes of your child, which will probably lead to new and picture worthy experiences (some good and some not so good).

Echoing the previous posters, if you're prepared to take your time, have a place to nap (my DD's always snooze in the stroller), keep meal times somewhat regular, a cup and snack handy, a camera "on-the-ready," and concede to the fact that you might not get EVERYTHING at WDW in during this trip, you'll be just fine and a much savvier traveler! BONUS: Your child is FREE until 3 y.o.!

I find with my youngest that she liked the parades, especially the afternoon one at MK, where she could actually interact with the dancers and characters! We only schedule one sit-down meal (typically a character buffet) because DD2 cannot stay still for more than 10 minutes, which makes quick-service meals ideal. Also, we hit up each park at or shortly after opening, head straight for the most popular rides (especially at MK in Fantasyland). Then we slow things down a bit with a parade, stage show, face painting, character meet-and-greets, or finding a not-so-crowded spot in the parks to let our children "escape" the stroller and walk. Typically, we'd head back to our hotel late-afternoon, where they could safely burn-off some pent up energy (i.e. swimming, exploring the grounds, running around the hotel room while DH and I actually got to sit for more than 5 minutes). After a 2-hour park break, we'd head back out to another park, but would go at a much leisurely pace. We'd hit up any rides with a short wait time, watch the nighttime parade or fireworks display, and call it a night by 8-9 p.m.

Any trip with a toddler in tow is an adventure, so enjoy the ride! :wave:


Well-Known Member
My youngest will be 8 1/2 months for our March trip. I don't expect him to react much. We already take it slow and don't try to cram anything into the trip. Besides, even I like Disney naps!


Active Member
We have taken my oldest daughter when she was three and my son when he was in my belly (first official trip:ROFLOL:) and when he was 16 months. Our youngest daughter was just born when that trip happened (2 months) She stayed home with her nanny (I regret not taking her along too) and her first trip was when she was 13 months. She still talks about seeing the castle. She loved every second of that trip. I can't wait to bring her back. Been a long 2.5 year hiatus from the World. Believe it or not, she still talks about it. My son remembers weird things like the people dancing in the Haunted Mansion. :eek:
Kind of strange the things they remember but it will surprise you with the things they come up with.


Well-Known Member
There is no age too young. The only question is are you willing to do what it takes to make sure that a child that is X in age has a good time. If your answer is yes, then you are good to go regardless of your child's age.
This is your answer! Short and simple, this can always turn into a great debate with some very strong opinions.

My 3 kiddos had their first trips at 14 months, 11 months and the youngest was just 7 months her first trip. We put the work in to our planning to make sure they were all magical and pulled it off each time. Nap time is a key not over do it. Also go knowing that you are not going to do it all.
Happy planning and have a magical trip!:wave:


Original Poster
Thanks for the advice everyone!!! We're definitely going! I can't wait! Just to test him out I pulled up a youtube video of WDW and he points to the castle and says Meemee! (Mickey) I teared up. This is going to be magical!


Active Member
everyone on here is right on. We took our twin sons at 1 1/2 years old now 6yrs old. Do they remember it........not a chance.....Do we remember it ....YES....they were excited for the rides, and were in awe of meeting the characters......were there meltdowns.....OF COURSE.....but it still may be the best WDW trip we have taken as a family yet. Cant wait for August until we go again!!


We took our son when he was 8mos, 18mos, and again at 2yrs 2mos. He always had a great time and definitely was entertained on all trips. At 18mos just walking around was fun for him but at 2 he knew what he liked and requested certain rides and 3D movies over and over. Make sure to enjoy all the play spots. The new queue area at Winnie the Pooh was a huge hit!

He is now talking about our next trip in May...he'll be 3 1/2yrs old. We're going for his sisters 1st birthday!


Well-Known Member
It's completely up to you and I'm sure you will have fun either way. I'm not sure about giving you advice, but I will tell you what we did and the reasons why. We left our son at home with grandma in 2007 and 2008. He was born in 2006. We would have taken him in 2009, but my wife was pregnant with our daughter, so we did not go that year. So his first trip was 2010, when he was almost 4, and we left our daughter home with grandma that year, as well as last year. This year, she will be almost 3, and we plan to take her for the first time.

We just thought that at that age, the child would have no clue what's going on. Would he/she have fun? Sure. But he will have just as much fun playing blocks on the floor at grandma's house, without getting hot in a stroller being pushed around the park. Since the child that age is too young to participate in much of the fun of WDW, and too young to be able to walk on his own, we just thought that it was best for everyone all around to leave the child at home. Best for the child, as he/she can be in the cool, air conditioned house and not be dragged around the parks all day. And best for the parents, who can now focus on having a good time and enjoying vacation without having to worry about getting a child to bed, or not being able to do this or that because we have a restless infant/toddler in tow.

Would I advise you to leave your kid at home? Not necessarily. I guess it all comes down to what Master Yoda said. My answer to his question was "no", so it was best for us to leave the kids at home. I'm not necessarily advising you to look at it the way we look at it and to leave your kids at home. I'm just telling you what we did and why. I guess my advice would be to think about what Master Yoda said and think about what I said and decide if the pros outweigh the cons.


Well-Known Member
for me anything under 1 just seems like to young. it's so much extra work and if they're the only child i would wait a year. the tighter schedule of an infant, food/bottle needs, having to be held/carried is just exhausting. the exception to that for me would be if it was my youngest child and i had older children as well as no grandma's available. my daughter went for the first time at 2 months after her 2nd birthday (my son was then 7) and i spent most of the day sitting with her in the stroller as my husband and son went on rides (this was pre ride swap days tho). it was a lot of extra work, she doesn't remember going, and i missed out a lot with my oldest that trip which he does remember.


Active Member
My parents took me for my 2nd birthday. Then we went three and a half years later for my sister's 2nd birthday. My parents have fond memories of both trips, and I do of the second one. From the photos and videos I can tell that two year-old me had an absolute blast as well.

Just be cautious of certain things - while I loved meeting Mickey Mouse, even at 2 years old, my sister bawled her eyes out whenever characters came near us at that age!

Silver Figment

Active Member
There is no age too young. The only question is are you willing to do what it takes to make sure that a child that is X in age has a good time. If your answer is yes, then you are good to go regardless of your child's age.

That is to the tune of what i was going to say. It's all about the effort you want to put in on your vacation. The younger the child generally means the more effort to make sure that child is happy, because unhappy children can make for unhappy parents. Nobody wants to unhappy on there vacation. :animwink:


Active Member
I was young is too young to enjoy the parks? I really want to take my son for his 2nd birthday but I'm afraid he'll be too young to really enjoy it. I know any trip is a good trip, but is it worth the price to take a child that won't remember the trip...then again, seeing a child at WDW is priceless:ROFLOL:

Anyone have any advice? Thanks!

We took our twin sons for their fisrt time when they were 1 1/2 yrs old. I am sure they dont remember a thing but they had a blast down there. They were in awe of the rides (ones they could go on) and meeting all the characters. Yes there were some meltdowns (both on their side and my wifes) but all in all it was a great time. The memories made were well worth it. You just have to remember to go at their pace and not yours. Breaks in the afternoon with a dip in the pool and plenty of naps (your prime time to hit up the rdies you want to go on) are what is going to be needed. As Master Yoda said, there is no age to young.


Active Member
We took our twin sons for their fisrt time when they were 1 1/2 yrs old. I am sure they dont remember a thing but they had a blast down there. They were in awe of the rides (ones they could go on) and meeting all the characters. Yes there were some meltdowns (both on their side and my wifes) but all in all it was a great time. The memories made were well worth it. You just have to remember to go at their pace and not yours. Breaks in the afternoon with a dip in the pool and plenty of naps (your prime time to hit up the rdies you want to go on) are what is going to be needed. As Master Yoda said, there is no age to young.

guess i already replied once to this keep track anymore!!!!:shrug:


Well-Known Member
I took both my kids for their first trip when they were 2 yrs & 3 yrs old. They don't remember much of it, but there were really magical moments that I don't think I could ever recapture if I tried. It was work, but it was worth it.

I think who goes with you is a big factor also. If you are going with someone who is going to help you with the work you will be fine. I went with my ex-husband who wouldn't do the ride swap option, so we pretty much waited outside of each ride for him to get done, then proceeded to the next ride "he" wanted to go on. Hmmm...yeah, there are reasons why exes are exes. :lol:

Take your time, have fun, share the will have a great time.

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