Lots of great information! I also want to start planning part-time. I've done several trips for friends for free and have been told to start doing it professionally. So here I am! Sadly, I do not have any travel agent experience but I do have a love for WDW.
I have a few questions on an agency I found to be an IC with. No upfront fees that I can tell, but I do have to find my own clients. I also have to carry my own E&O and I'm not sure if any training is included. Many agencies do recommend that. The agency itself should have it and some do want the agents to purchase their own.
Commission is 60% until I reach $250K in sales. Just checking if this is also standard? $250K sounds like a lot of sales for a part-timer. Is that in a fiscal year? I don't put a selling demand on my agents, they do that themselves. Also 60% for someone that has never sold travel is a fair price if you are going to sell that much.
Also curious about registering with Disney myself. The site requires an IATA or CLIA number. You cannot register until you are hired and they give you the information that you need such as their IATA or CLIA #. The owner/manager must then approve you so that you can access that site.
Seems odd as that looks to be flight and cruise certifications? Any chance I'm missing something important? Once you are hired, hopefully the person who is training you will give you the information that you need.
Thank you to everyone for all the help already given!!