Originally posted by Maria
Vash, I didn´t mean to demenish(?) Disney Parks by calling them "amusement parks"... they amuse me, so they are amusement parks for me...with a theme in each one and I know they cost a lot of money. I know Security is a big concern in them. I have seen the sheriff patrols backstage too. I´m just saying, and if you read my previous posts, that no matter where you are, people should exercise common sense and not think that just because it is Disney, nothing could go wrong. I´ve seen people getting high in the park and by the time we CM´s told Security, the guys dissapeared in the crowd. Now, just think if one of them decides to molest a kid wandering alone because his parents thought he could do it because it is very safe there. I´m not saying that it has happened...I´m just saying it could happen no matter how good Security is. I am not trying to offend Security guys as I had very good friends among them. But we need to get realistic and not pretend that just because it is Disney, there is a Security guard for each and every one of the daily guests, so guests should not worry about anything. I have been specifically talking about kids´s safety. If I had a young boy and were traveling with him, I wouldn´t leave him alone or unattended just because I am at Disney.
I hope I am making sense to you all.