How much would you pay to spend one night in the castle?


Well-Known Member
Zero. Zilch. Nada.

I can't even imagine it being a fun time. Seriously!

Locked in a room after the park is closed? For what? To watch TV in the castle? :veryconfu

Nope...not my kinda gig!

In fact, I think the whole thign kinda cheapens the castle and steals a ton of magic from the icon. :rolleyes:

Further proof that people will find a way to complain about anything, no matter (especially due to) how little they know about the thing they are complaining about.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Further proof that people will find a way to complain about anything, no matter (especially due to) how little they know about the thing they are complaining about.

Amen to that!!!!!!!

All i tried to do was to see how much people would pay to spend a night in the castle, and some, not all, of the replys have been in a negative tone:brick: :brick: ....

oh well, in my first post by saying the topic is for imagination purposes... an "if" post, and people take it down a path thats unintended....

Sure to stay all night in the castle would be there anywhere else that could top the castle...imo i cant think of anywhere else i would want to stay???? I woud do it for the sheer fact that i could brag to someone by saying.."i have stayed all night in the castle at the mk!!!"...that would be a good story to tell the kids someday. And a story that not very many of the over 10 million people who have passed through the gates can say.:cool:


Well-Known Member
Further proof that people will find a way to complain about anything, no matter (especially due to) how little they know about the thing they are complaining about.

Hmmm....that was kind of a surprising reaction to my post! :eek:

Was I complaining? No.

Do you know how much I know about the topic? No.

I was answering the question from the Original Poster and giving my reason for it.

I didn't realize there was a lower limit to the amount of money that had to be spent in order to reply.

You would obviously pay more than me... and you are welcome to.



Well-Known Member
All i tried to do was to see how much people would pay to spend a night in the castle, and some, not all, of the replys have been in a negative tone:brick: :brick: ....

oh well, in my first post by saying the topic is for imagination purposes... an "if" post, and people take it down a path thats unintended....

I don't think anyone was trying to sound negative (although I can really only speak for myself)... I just think a lot of people would just rather win it than pay to stay there. There is a lore about the castle- a mystique about what it contains and what it represents- that in winning a stay there, some how still stays in tact. It might simply mean more, be more magical, to win a stay than it would to pay to stay there. If anyone could pay to stay there, then that magic (for some) may be compromised- it may just be seen as another expensive hotel suite for the wealthy and a Travel Channel special for the rest of us. Perhaps I'm only speaking for myself, though... (I can just see the security surrounding the perimeter when some celebrity decides to visit and stay at the Castle...kidding! :p)

Simply put: winning it means everyone has an equally slim chance of staying there. Paying for it suddenly gives an advantage to those with the finances to do so. And if we're imagining that *everyone* has the money to pay to stay in the castle, then forget's already booked through 2010. :)

Again, certainly don't mean to be negative...just think staying in the Castle really would be priceless. :wave:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Add me to the list of people who wouldn't pay to stay at the Castle.

I agree with lpet11984, that it would take some of the magic and mystique away from the castle.

I think that the suite should only be used for the Make-A-Wish Foundation after the promotion is over.


New Member
Anyone have any pictures taken behind the scene in Cinderella's Castle? Are there any known pictures of the apt built in the castle? maybe a picture of that little room Tinkerbell flys out of.


New Member
um... $1,000. i think that is fare for sleep only activities.

but if it is, like, in and out for a 24 hour period and room service and just presidential suite butler type amenities - even if the rides weren't open, the freedom to walk around and talk to employees is ok with me...

with the extra stuff: $2,000

and if it benefit the make a wish foundation: $3,000

the hard part is determining which persons in my family gets to go lol

only 6 people?????????? i have at least 12 that would fight for it!


Well-Known Member
Say you wanted to go for a walk outside to get some air after the park closed or if you wanted to go to pleasure island for a bit late at night or something, does anyone know if you'd be allowed to leave the castle? Would you be allowed to leave the Magic Kingdom park grounds after it closed?
(I know for all the money one would be forking out for this suite they'ld probably want to get the most use out of the room as possible and not leave... but just curious what would happen *if*!)

No you can not leave during the night. There is a 24 hour "butler" who lives in the room next to the apartment. An alarm is sounded if anyone tries to leave to notify the butler and he quickly runs out to see if you need anything.


New Member

Either way Disney is giving away a night in the castle and it will become a once in a lifetime thing for the family. I liked your post, people take things too far... this was a hypothetical situation some cant handle that:animwink:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks magicmyway.... i just wanted to see "what" people would be "willing" to pay, and others take it another direction....


As for the replys, i believe i saw $10,000

i to would rather "win" than pay.....but given the oppurtunity to pay, i would....

let the negativity :D :D :cool:


New Member
It will end up being sed for free by people who have more than enough money to pay for it. You can bet that it will be a perk for the rich and famous that visit the Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with Brer. Personally, I wouldn't pay all that much to be locked in a room, even if it has a great view of an empty MK. I wouldn't pay more than maybe $500 especially if it was a one night only reservation option..too much hassle to be in and out. I for one like to just check in, unpack and be done with it. But I know that there are others who love to hop from different resorts to get more for their stay exp. "4 nights at mod, 3 nights at delux". But thats just me...I don't like to 'work' on my vacation!
But its fun to dream!


To put it in perspective in the travel industry....

Think about it this way...

The Arch Suite at Atlantis-Paradise Island (the room located in the arch between the two hotel towers) rumored to go for around $25,000 a night.

Now staying in the Castle...hmmm...wonder how that measures up? Quite well. Still one room, so the laws of supply and demand require that price to be pretty damn high...

Makes ya think...


New Member
Add me to the list of people who wouldn't pay to stay at the Castle.

I agree with lpet11984, that it would take some of the magic and mystique away from the castle.

I think that the suite should only be used for the Make-A-Wish Foundation after the promotion is over.

Most Definately agreed, strictly for make a wish.

The only issue with the overnight is of course, all the unmagical upkeep that goes on at night to keep the park spiffy may take away from the experience.


New Member
That would be so wrong. It would mean only really rich people could afford it, and although everything Disney costs money, I don't think that would be in the Disney spirit at all.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of Jurassic Park, when the sleazy lawyer says, "We can charge ANYTHING and people will pay it!". Then the creator says that it should be for all people to enjoy and the lawyer says, " Okay, we'll have a coupon day". I doubt Disney would want to price their average guest out of Cinderalla Castle, but if I had money to burn, boy, I'd pay!

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