How Long Have You Waited For Space Mountain??


New Member
Original Poster
Hey Everyone,

I am just doing a survey on ride wait times for a website project that I am working on. If you have time just take a second to type in a short number answer.

The question is, how long have you waited for Space Mountain (On Average)??

Thanks for the information =)


Active Member
Gosh, in the height of the summer I have spent over an hour waiting for Space Mountain. I am talking mid July, though. Every other time, no more than 15 minutes...


Account Suspended
alot of people on this board really dislike fp but i think its a godsend. i remember as a child about 5-10 years ago, we would always go in the summer and my dad would always say "if you want to ride space mountain, you have to find the end of the line" because the line would be about 1000 feet out the entrance. since then on average i wait about 5-10 minues with fp.


Well-Known Member
It is a tough question to answer. If you are talking all time, the average goes up because back in the day it was a much longer line. I remember waiting for over 2 hours back when it opened. Also, the answer depends on when you go - off season or on. Off season the most we have waited is 20 minutes.


Well-Known Member varies, on my recent trip i was able to walk right on but that was during parade time. however the next time i rode it that week, it was 20min (this was also in mid-may)


Active Member
Several hours the week of 5/15-22:eek: Of course it was broken down OFTEN:( that week. I didn't stand in line as I only ride SM with fast pass so actual wait has never been more than 15 minutes:D

It was nice to see SM with the lights on while riding Wedway. :cool:

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
During my October visit I waited a half hour but in July 2002 I waited an hour. But it's worth it! (I love this coaster as much as the Hulk!)


New Member
I think you need to distinguish between FastPass return lines and Standby lines. Both are shorter now, with the advent of FP, but when people say "5-10 minutes," they are probably talking about FP return lines (though not necessarily).



New Member
On average probably 20 minutes. The longest I ever waited for Space was about an hour. I don't mind waiting in that line, it's nice and cool..


Probably 5-15 mins is the average for me. I've ridden it so many times that now if there's a long line I just skip it and go on it later when the line is short. I've never used FP with it.


I remember once going with my grandparents before FastPass having to wait 1 1/2 hours (It's because of that trip that I've never gone back to WDW during Summer Vacation) Now we always use FastPass and never wait longer than 15 minutes or so. I love walking by all of those people in the standby line silently laughing to myself and wondering why they choose to wait for an hour rather than getting FastPass.

The last time we went in September the line was so short they didn't even offer FastPass. Didn't need it though. We only waited in line for 10 minutes, once we got off we went on it again and just walked right in. There were maybe 5 people waiting in front of us. I've never had a line that short even WITH FastPass! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Yesterday we had about 45 - 60 minute waits.

But I have seen it get up into the 120+ range.

But monday it got as low as 3minutes.

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