How Late is too late for a Trip Report?

I recently discovered this site and really love it! I'm enjoying reading the trip reports and wanted to share my trip from Feb 2012. We took our kids on their first trip to Orlando. I hope it's not bad form to include a trip that's almost a year old. I'm suffering major Disney withdrawal right now! Having kids majorly cut into my vacation budget;).


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Disney World Day 6 - Epcot Future World

Today was our least eventfully day. The kids were worn out! Luckily it was our second day at Epcot we only had a few planned things to hit. The Seas with Nemo, Soarin' for my in laws, Journey into Imagination with Figment and lunch at Le Cellier.
Slow start this morning. I guess I was feeling it too. My in laws played with the kids while we got ready for the day. They spent sometime outside exploring the area around our cabin.​
We got to Epcot around 10:30 and were at the Seas by 11:00. The ride was closed temporary so we went inside to see all the fish.

Going through security and Honey Bunny is already ready for a nap.
Checking out the fish.
We went in to Turtle Talk and stood in the back. Honey Bunny wasn't interested in sitting in the front with the other kids. It turned out to be a good thing as she had zero interesting in seeing the show. Within 5 minutes we left. As we walked out we saw the cars for the Finding Nemo ride were moving so we started walking towards the entrance. A cast member saw us and asked if we had come out of the Turtle Talk show. We said "yes and he then opened up the line and let us in. we got to go right up to the front and get on. There was no one else in line so I guess they had just reopened the ride.
Honey Bunny wanted to ride a second time so everyone else took her on while I took Little Guy outside to feed him. I found a nice bench in the shade right outside the exit.
After the second round of Nemo we stopped at Soarin' and got Fast Passes for my in laws to ride later. Then headed over to the Imagination Pavilion Little Guy was napping so I waited out side with Little Guy and everyone else went into the ride. Honey Bunny said she liked the "upside down room".

After that it was time for our lunch at Le Cellier in the Canada Pavilion. We checked in and had a short wait in the lobby. As I was getting everything squared away folding up the stroller, getting the diaper bag etc. Honey Bunny disappeared. 4 adults and all of us were preoccupied at the same time and Honey Bunny took full advantage. My father in law found her very quickly she had run down the ramp to the dining room. He said he could see her bow bobbing up and down between the tables.

Yummy Pretzel Bread!​
Honey Bunny likes to order for herself.

Some how we all managed to order the wrong things. We had been to Le Cellier before and loved it but some how every thing we ordered was just okay or slightly off. I've noticed everything we ordered is no longer on the updated menu so maybe it wasn't just us.
Le Cellier Steak and Potato Skillet

Korean Barbecue Beef Skewer​

For dessert we got the chocolate "moose" and seasonal sorbet. The moose is actually mousse on the inside with a chocolate powered coating on the outside.

One neat thing about eating at Le Cellier was seeing a young couple on their honeymoon seated near us. It was neat to see what my husband and I must have looked like almost 10 years ago when we went to Disney World on our honeymoon.


After Le Cellier it was 3:00 so we took the kids back to the cabin for a nap​
The had started putting in the plants for the Flower and Garden Festival so we got a preview of some of the plants.​

My in laws stayed behind to ride Soarin' and then they headed over to Disney Studios to watch Fantasmic thus completing the night time spectacular trifecta.
While they were watching Fantasmic. We headed over to Animal Kingdom Lodge to explore a little and have dinner.​

We had dinner in the quick service and I got to share my favorite Disney treat with Honey Bunny. Mickey Rice Crispy Treas with chocolate dipped ears.

Up Next - Out Final Day in the Park Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom


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Day 7 - Part one - Animal Kingdom

This was our final day in the parks. My in-laws left early in the morning before we woke up, so it was just the four of us. Honey Bunny started the day with a note from Minnie.

Today we were off to Animal Kingdom. We headed straight back to the safari. Honey Bunny enjoyed seeing all the animals. Little Guy LOVED it! He loved every bump in the road and was giggling like crazy at the end when they do the the fast chase through the jungle.

After the safari we went through the walking trail nearby in Africa to check out some more animals. We got to see the baby gorilla. At some point we noticed Honey Bunny had lost one of her earrings. So after the trail we headed over to the the near by shops in search of replacement earrings.

We checked in for our brunch at Tusker House and were seated around 10:30 (right on time). Honey Bunny didn't want the picture with Donald she just wanted to see Daisy, so we skipped meeting with him.

We enjoyed our meal here. Our first trip up to the buffet was all breakfast items but as the meal went on they brought out more and more lunch items. It was nice to get to try both. The character interaction was good and Mickey, Goofy and Daisy each came to out table twice. Little Guys was okay with the characters and even let Daisy touch his hand.

As you can see in these pictures Honey Bunny was tired. No naps all week and the excitement of Disney World had caught up with her. We put her down for naps each day but she couldn't seem to get to sleep.

After brunch we did a full loop of Animal Kingdom trying to interest Honey Bunny in the rides, shows, characters, animals but she was done.
We did go through the Asia trail and see the tigers​
And we had to stop at the tree for a picture​
After this we went back to the room for naps before our big dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table​


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We headed back to the room for naps and rest before our before our big dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table.Honey Bunny did not sleep. We finally gave up and my husband took her to the smaller pool near our cabin so Little Guy could sleep in peace.​
Cinderella had left Honey Bunny some gifts for her big dinner at the castle.​
We drove to The Ticket and Transportation Center and took the monorail over to the Magic Kingdom for our 6 pm dinner. It had started drizzling so I got to use the rain cover for the stroller I bought a few years ago for the first time.​
I thought the kids would love the monorail but Honey Bunny decided the monorail was the perfect time for a nap. She slept from the time the doors closed until they opened again. I had hoped she would stay down longer but that little cat nap seemed to help.​
We got the the castle a little early (about 30 minutes) but they were nice enough to let us check in early. After about 10 minutes they called us to go into the throne room to meet Cinderella. We waited about 15/20 minutes in the line to meet Cinderella. The girl playing Cinderella was lovely she made each group that came up to meat her feel special.​
We were called up to the dining room shortly after Honey Bunny's meeting with Cinderella. The dinner lasted about and hour but some how seemed rushed There is so much activity squished into that hour. When we were first seated we had about 5 minutes to see the menu and then they took our complete order all at once, drinks, apps, mains and dessert. The kids were both under 3 years so they were offered a free meal buttered noodles with a decorate your own cupcake for dessert.​
Shortly after we ordered. It was time for the wishing ceremony - it was cute. Our apps came out right after the ceremony and the princesses started being announced shortly after that. About every 5/10 minutes they would announce another princess and she would start making the rounds. We were in the middle of the room so we saw each princess about half way through her tour. of the room.​
The Belle we had was the same Belle we saw in Epcot days earlier. She was really nice and she remembered Honey Bunny. Which made it extra special.​
Very shortly after we met with the last princess the check came out. They have everything very strictly timed. It was a new experience for us as we had never done character dining before this trip. My husband and I had eaten in the castle for lunch (when it was non character) many times and enjoyed the food and atmosphere much better. It was more laid back.​
After dinner Honey Bunny took a spin on the carousel with my husband. We tried to interest her in some of the other rides but she was too tired. So we said good bye to the Magic Kingdom. On our way out we took a photo in front of the castle.​
We took the ferry back across the lake I love seeing the castle lit up at night.
Honey Bunny got a ride back to our car.​
Up next - DTD Shopping and my husband loses the car keys.​


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Check out day. We always spend the last day shopping in Downtown Disney. We made stops at Once Upon a Toy for Mr. Potato Head pieces, followed by Pin Traders for some first visit pins for the kids and then Earl of Sandwich and Goofy's Candy Co. To use up those pesky left over Disney Dining Plan Credits. My husband refused to use snack credits when he picked up treats for the kids and in laws want to save the quick service credits for us. They were so helpful on the last day we had. 15 quick service credits and 6 snack credits. Luckily Earl of Sandwich was very accommodating. We got 8 meals and 21 bags of chips for the car ride home. Not quite using or meal credits wisely. I also picked up 6 various chocolate dipped goodies and Goofy's - yum!

Next we walked over alllllll the way over to World of Disney. It's sad to see the Pleasure Island just sitting there. Do something with it already! At World of Disney we picked up a Castle shaped collage frame for Honey Bunny and a plastic domed snow globe caught her eye so we got that too.
The kids were fading fast so we headed back to the van to hit the road and surprise surprise my husband LOST THE KEYS! I sat on a bench with the kids eating our Earl Sandwich and yummy treats as mt husband ran from store to store looking for the keys. They gave us two keys to the mini van and we kept them linked together. From now on we each get one.

Sugar Cookie with chocolate Mickey Ears​
Mickey shaped Marshmallows covered with chocolate​
It seemed like we sat on the bench for hours. Wondering if we would ever find the car keys. Time stamp on the photos said it was about 30 minutes. The keys were turned in at Ghirardelli (which we never went in) and shuttled over to Guest Services.​
We finally hit the road and drove strait through. The kids were exhausted and slept the whole way pretty much.

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